
Defines functions thermopic_report

Documented in thermopic_report

#' Thermopic Report
#' @param path Character string containing the path to the root of a thermopic project
#' @param STM_Parameters A \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C5 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide_v3b.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{4_STM_Parameters.csv} sub-heading. This data set can be found in the \code{STM} element of the output of \code{\link{thermopic_model}}.
#' @param ThermalSpace4D The name of an output \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C5 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide_v3b.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{5_ThermoSpace4D} sub-heading.
#' @param Options An optional \code{\link{data.frame}} or \code{csv} file with schema defined in section C4 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide_v3b.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide} under the \code{0_User_Options.csv} sub-heading. It is typically easier to specify these options via the following arguments: \code{TP_plots}, \code{TP_interval}, \code{TP_format}, \code{TP_folder}, \code{Nlakes_test}.
#' @param TP_plots (Yes or No) indicates whether ThermoPic plots will be produced when running P2_Report. Production of plots for individual lakes can also be controlled by editing the ‘4_STM_Parameters’file in DataOut (after running P2_Model). By default, “Do_ThermoPic = TRUE” for all records in ‘4_STM_Parameters’. Setting “Do_ThermoPic” = FALSE will prevent plot production for that case.
#' @param TP_interval Specifies the temperature interval used when calculating thermal space. The Default value is 4 C, which reports results for the following temperature ranges: 8-12, 12-16, 16-20, 20-24, 24-30. Acceptable values of TP_Interval are 1, 2, 3 and 4. ThermoPic plotting works best when TP_Interval = 3 or 4, because the plot routine has been designed to show the first 6 temperature bands, starting from 8 C When TP_Interval = 1 or 2, the maximum temperatures shown are 14 and 20, respectively. These plots are not very useful and can be suppressed by setting TP_plots = “No”. The setting of “TP_plots” has no effect on the production of the report file (e.g. 5_ThermalSpace_xD.csv). The program will always produce a report with thermal habitat statistics. The default TP_Interval (4 C) produces a file whose name ends with the suffix “4D”. If other intervals are chosen, this suffix changes accordingly (e.g., “3D” implies a 3 degree temperature interval).
#' @param TP_format Specifies the file type for ThermoPic graphs. Acceptable values are ‘JPEG’ or ‘TIFF’.
#' @param TP_folder Specifies the sub-folder where ThermPic graphs will be stored.
#' @param Nlakes_test Allows users to test the P2_Report code by processing a small number of lakes, before running the program on all lakes. If Nlakes_test = 0, all lakes in the ‘1_Lake.csv’ will be processed. Otherwise, the value of Nlakes_test specifies how many lakes will be processed.
#' @param show_progress_bar Should progress bar be displayed to show 
#' percentage of lakes analyzed?  Note that this should be FALSE unless
#' running in interactive mode at a console.
#' @return Data frame containing the \code{ThermalSpace4D} table described in section C5 of the \href{../doc/ThermoPic_Guide.pdf}{ThermoPic Guide}. This table contains estimates of thermal space (volume and area) for various temperature ranges.
#' @export
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom grDevices tiff
#' @importFrom grDevices jpeg
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics axis
#' @importFrom graphics lines
#' @importFrom graphics polygon
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom graphics box
thermopic_report = function(
  path, STM_Parameters,
  ThermalSpace4D = "5_ThermalSpace4D.csv",
  Options = "0_User_Options.csv",
  TP_plots, TP_interval, TP_format, TP_folder, Nlakes_test,
  show_progress_bar = FALSE
  ) {
  path = file.path(path)
  spaced = get_thermopic_data(STM_Parameters, path, 'DataOut')
  Options = get_thermopic_data(Options, path, 'DataIn')
  habitat_output_file = file.path(path, 'DataOut', ThermalSpace4D)
  # Process User Options
  if(missing(Nlakes_test)) Nlakes_test = as.character(Options$User[5])
  Nlakes_test = as.numeric(Nlakes_test)
  # Switch for turning off all plotting
  if(missing(TP_plots)) TP_plots = Options$User[1]=="Yes"
  ThermoPic_on <- ifelse(TP_plots, TRUE, FALSE)
  if (!ThermoPic_on) {spaced$Do_ThermoPic <- FALSE}
  if(missing(TP_interval)) TP_interval = Options$User[2]
  TP_interval  <- as.numeric(as.character(TP_interval))
  TP_text      <- as.character(TP_interval)
  TP_interval  <- ifelse(TP_interval>4,4,TP_interval)
  TP_interval  <- ifelse(TP_interval<1,4,TP_interval)
  # Choose format = TIFF or JPEG
  if(missing(TP_format)) TP_format = Options$User[3]
  # Change default folder for ThermoPics
  if(missing(TP_folder)) TP_folder = Options$User[4]
  # Set Paramaters and Labels for Space Calculations
  # Temperature Boundaries (Only Inner Temperature Ranges are Analyzed)
  # Default TP_interval is 4 degrees
  TmpBnds <- c(0,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,50)
  if (TP_interval<4)
    if (TP_interval == 1) {TmpBnds <- c(0,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,50)}
    if (TP_interval == 2) {TmpBnds <- c(0,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,50)}
    if (TP_interval == 3) {TmpBnds <- c(0,8,11,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,50)}
    file_outsheet4<- paste("5_ThermalSpace",TP_text,"D",sep="")
    TP_root  <- paste(TP_folder,"/TP",TP_interval,"_",sep="")
  NTmps <- length(TmpBnds)
  NTmpI <- NTmps-1
  NTInt <- NTmpI-2
  TmpCHARS <- as.character(TmpBnds)
  TmpCHARS <- ifelse(nchar(TmpCHARS) < 2,paste("0",TmpCHARS,sep=""),TmpCHARS)
  # The generation of these col names could be automated
  Ztype <- paste("Z",TmpCHARS,sep="")
  Ttype <- rep("Txxxx",NTmpI)
  Vtype <- rep("V:xx-xxC",NTmpI)
  Atype <- rep("V:xx-xxC",NTmpI)
  for (i in 1:NTmpI)
    Ttype[i] <- paste("T",TmpCHARS[i],TmpCHARS[i+1],sep="")
    Vtype[i] <- paste("V:",TmpCHARS[i],"-",TmpCHARS[i+1],"C",sep="")
    Atype[i] <- paste("A:",TmpCHARS[i],"-",TmpCHARS[i+1],"C",sep="")
  Vtype[1] <- paste("V:LT ",TmpCHARS[2],"C",sep="")
  Vtype[NTmpI] <- paste("V:GT ",TmpCHARS[NTmpI],"C",sep="")
  Atype[1] <- paste("A:LT ",TmpCHARS[2],"C",sep="")
  Atype[NTmpI] <- paste("A:GT ",TmpCHARS[NTmpI],"C",sep="")
  Speccols <- rev(brewer.pal(n = NTmpI-2, name = 'Spectral'))
  Tmpcol <-c("grey75",Speccols,"grey25")
  #Tmpcol <-c("grey75","blue2","green2","yellow2","orange2","red2","grey25")
  #Tmpcol <-c("grey75","blue2","xx","green2","xx","yellow2","xx","orange2","xx","red2","xx","grey25")
  # Computing Daily Thermal Habitat (Volume and Area)
  # Calculate Annual Summary Statistics
  ii <- 0;# Internal Counter For Tracking Accumulation of Summary Statistics
  HdSpSum.Accum <- NULL  #Initialize summary data collecting dataframe
  Nlakes <- length(spaced$Lake_Name)
  if (Nlakes_test > 0)
    Nlakes <- Nlakes_test
  if(show_progress_bar) lake_progress_bar = txtProgressBar(max = Nlakes, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:Nlakes)
    # Begin: Lake loop
    if (spaced$Do_Space[i] == TRUE )
      # Begin: If Do_Space
      ii <- ii+1
      # Prepare DF for descriptive data
      Lake.info <- data.frame(FMZ=spaced$FMZ[i], Wby_Lid=spaced$Wby_Lid[i],Lake_Name=spaced$Lake_Name[i],Area_ha=spaced$Area_ha[i],Depth_Max=spaced$Depth_Max[i],Depth_Mn=spaced$Depth_Mn[i],Stratified=spaced$Stratified[i],Period=spaced$Period[i],TRange=NA)
      # Set column number of WinSt
      cstart <- 11
      # Extract Lake and STM Characteristics
      Area_ha <- spaced$Area_ha[i]
      Depth_Mn <- spaced$Depth_Mn[i]
      Depth_Max <- spaced$Depth_Max[i]
      TX <- spaced$TX[i]
      TN <- spaced$TN[i]
      JS <- spaced$JS[i]
      JM <- spaced$JM[i]
      JE <- spaced$JE[i]
      ZM <- spaced$ZM[i]
      ZJ <- spaced$ZJ[i]
      SP <- spaced$SP[i]
      # Compute 4C dates
      JS4 <- round(JS - (JM - JS)*(TN - 4)/(TX - TN),0)
      JE4 <- round(JE + (JE-JM)*(TN - 4)/(TX - TN),0)
      # Extract Predicted Ice Dates
      IBU <- spaced$IceBU[i]
      IFU <- spaced$IceFU[i]
      # Prepare variables and DF for computation
      duration <- JE4-JS4+1
      hs <- matrix(data=NA,nrow = duration,ncol = (1+NTmps+2*NTmpI), byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
      habsp <- as.data.frame(hs)
      colnames(habsp) <- c("Doy",Ztype,Vtype,Atype)
      habsp$Doy <- c(JS4:JE4)
      # Determine total lake volume
      LakeV <- FindVol(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,0,Depth_Max)
      if (spaced$Stratified[i] == TRUE)
        # Begin: Stratified lake
        for (j in 1:duration)
          # Begin: Day loop (Strat=Yes)
          # Loop to find habitat suitability from JE4 to JS4 for each Doy
          # Begin: Temperature loop
          for (k in 1:NTmpI)
            # Finds depths for temperatures
            DoyTz <- FindHabZ(TX,TN,JS,JM,JE,ZM,ZJ,SP,habsp$Doy[j],Depth_Max,Area_ha,Depth_Mn,TmpBnds[k],TmpBnds[k+1])
            habsp[j,(1+k)] <- DoyTz
          # Compute volumes and areas
          for (l in 1:NTmpI)
            DoyHVol <- NA
            DoyHArea <- NA
            if (is.na(habsp[j,(1+l)])|| habsp[j,(1+l)] <= 0)
              if (is.na(habsp[j,(2+l)]) || habsp[j,(2+l)] <= 0)
                DoyHVol <- NA
                DoyHArea <- NA
                DoyHVol <- FindVol(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+2)],Depth_Max)
                DoyHArea <- FindArea(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+2)])
              if (is.na(habsp[j,(2+l)]))
                DoyHVol <- FindVol(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,0,habsp[j,(l+1)])
                DoyHArea <- Area_ha-FindArea(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+1)])
                DoyHVol <- FindVol(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+2)],habsp[j,(l+1)])
                DoyHArea <- FindArea(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+2)])-FindArea(Area_ha,Depth_Mn,Depth_Max,habsp[j,(l+1)])
            habsp[j,NTmps+l+1] <- round(100.0*DoyHVol/LakeV,digits=2)
            habsp[j,NTmps+NTmpI+l+1] <- round(100.0*DoyHArea/Area_ha,digits=2)
          # End: Temperature loop
        # End: Stratified lake
        # Begin: Non-Stratified lake
        for (j in 1:duration)
          # Begin: Day loop (Non-Stratified)
          # Loop to find habitat suitability from JE4 to JS4 for each Doy
          DJ <- habsp$Doy[j]
          TJ <- ifelse( DJ <= JM, 4+(TX-4)*(DJ-JS4)/(JM-JS4),4+(TX-4)*(JE4-DJ)/(JE4-JM))
          for (l in 1:NTmpI)
            if ( TJ >= TmpBnds[l] && TJ < TmpBnds[l+1])
              # Assign volumes and areas if present
              habsp[j,NTmps+l+1] <- round(100.0,digits=2)
              habsp[j,NTmps+NTmpI+l+1] <- round(100.0,digits=2)
          # End: Non-Stratified lake
        # End: If/Else for Stratified (back 73 lines)
      # Compute Lake Summary Space Statistics
      # Temperature range loop begins
      for (k in 2:(NTmps-2))
        # Select Temp Range Results
        Lake.info$TRange <- as.character(Ttype[k])
        hssub <- na.omit(habsp[ ,c(1,(1+NTmps+k),(1+NTmps+NTmpI+k))])
        if (length(hssub$Doy)> 0)
          colnames(hssub) <- c("Doy","V","A")
          # Compute Statistics
          SpSum <- SpStats(hssub,JM)
          SpSum <- as.data.frame(SpSum)
          colnames(SpSum) <- c("WinV","WinSt","WinEn","Vmean","Vsd","Vmax","Vmin","VJM","Amean","Asd","Amax","Amin","AJM","Seas","PSpr","SprEn","AutSt")
          SpSum <- data.frame(WinV=c(0),WinSt=NA,WinEn=NA,Vmean=c(0),Vsd=NA,Vmax=NA,Vmin=NA,VJM=c(0),Amean=c(0),Asd=NA,Amax=NA,Amin=NA,AJM=c(0),Seas=c(0),
        # Add Header
        HdSpSum <- data.frame(Lake.info,SpSum)
        # Accumulate Results
        if (ii == 1 && k == 2)
        {HdSpSum.Accum <- HdSpSum}
        else {HdSpSum.Accum <- rbind(HdSpSum.Accum,HdSpSum)}
      # Plotting Occupancy Polygons
      # Only do ThermoPics for cases with Do_ThermoPic = TRUE
      if (spaced$Do_ThermoPic[i] == TRUE )
        # Begin: if Do_Thermopic
        # Create Label for a lake
        FMZ<- spaced$FMZ[i]
        Wby_Lid <- spaced$Wby_Lid[i]
        Lake_Name <- spaced$Lake_Name[i]
        Period <- spaced$Period[i]
        figure_label <- paste(FMZ," ",Lake_Name," (",Wby_Lid,"): ",Period,sep="")
        TP_root <- file.path(path, TP_folder) # path # "Data/TP4_"
        # Write TIFF or JPEG File for a Lake (Or plot on screen)
        if(TP_format == "TIFF")
        {TIFFName <- file.path(TP_root, paste(FMZ,"_",Lake_Name,"_",Wby_Lid,"_P",Period,".tiff",sep=""))
        #tiff(filename = TIFFName, width = 5, height = 8, units = "in", compression= "lzw",,bg = "white",res=400)
        tiff(filename = TIFFName, width = 5, height = 7, units = "in", pointsize=18, compression= "lzw",bg = "white",res=400)
        if(TP_format == "JPEG")
        {JPEGName <- file.path(TP_root, paste(FMZ,"_",Lake_Name,"_",Wby_Lid,"_P",Period,".jpeg",sep=""))
        jpeg(filename = JPEGName, width = 400, height = 600, units = "px", pointsize=20, bg="white", res=NA, family="")
        # Plot Instructions Begin
        opar <- par
        par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(2.5,3.0,0.5,0.5),mgp=c(2,0.5,0),cex=0.8)
        for (ifish in 2:(NTmpI-1))
          fhcol <- Tmpcol[ifish]
          #Doy.St <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,11]
          #Doy.En <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,12]
          # cstart is 11 to access column with WinSt
          Doy.St <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,cstart]
          Doy.En <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,cstart+1]
          if (is.na(Doy.St) == "FALSE" )
            x <- c(Doy.St:Doy.En)
            Doy.min <- min(habsp$Doy)
            x.rows <- c((Doy.St-Doy.min+1):(Doy.En-Doy.min+1))
            y.low <- rep((0+(ifish-2)*100),(Doy.En-Doy.St+1))
            # base is y.low or NA
            y.high <- ifelse(is.na(habsp[x.rows ,NTmps+1+ifish]),y.low,y.low+habsp[x.rows ,NTmps+1+ifish])
            pldt <- na.omit(data.frame(Doy=x,Vlo=y.low,Vhi=y.high))
            if (ifish == 2)
              plot(Vhi~Doy,pldt,type = 'n', ylim = c(-25,650),xlim=c(1,365),las=1,
                   ylab = "Percentage of lake volume", xlab = NA,axes=FALSE)
              xticks = c(0, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182,213,244,274,305,335,366)
              xtlabs = c("  Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan")
              axis(side = 1, at = xticks,labels=xtlabs,cex.axis=0.8)
              yticks = c(0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600)
              ytlabs = c("  0","50","100","50","100","50","100","50","100","50","100", "50", "100")
              axis(side = 2,at = yticks,labels=ytlabs,cex.axis=0.8,las=1)
            if(HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,cstart+12]== 1)
              #One Season
              lines(pldt$Doy,pldt$Vlo, col = fhcol)
              lines(pldt$Doy,pldt$Vhi, col = fhcol)
              polygon(c(pldt$Doy, rev(pldt$Doy)), c(pldt$Vhi, rev(pldt$Vlo)),
                      col = fhcol, border = NA)
              #Two Seasons
              #Doy.SprEn <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,25]
              Doy.SprEn <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,cstart+14]
              x.rows <- c(1:(Doy.SprEn-Doy.St+1))
              lines(pldt$Doy[x.rows],pldt$Vlo[x.rows], col = fhcol)
              lines(pldt$Doy[x.rows],pldt$Vhi[x.rows], col = fhcol)
              polygon(c(pldt$Doy[x.rows], rev(pldt$Doy[x.rows])), c(pldt$Vhi[x.rows], rev(pldt$Vlo[x.rows])),
                      col = fhcol, border = NA)
              Doy.AutSt <- HdSpSum.Accum[(ii-1)*NTInt+ifish-1,cstart+15]
              x.rows <- c((Doy.AutSt-Doy.St+1):(Doy.En-Doy.St+1))
              lines(pldt$Doy[x.rows],pldt$Vlo[x.rows], col = fhcol)
              lines(pldt$Doy[x.rows],pldt$Vhi[x.rows], col = fhcol)
              polygon(c(pldt$Doy[x.rows], rev(pldt$Doy[x.rows])), c(pldt$Vhi[x.rows], rev(pldt$Vlo[x.rows])),
                      col = fhcol, border = NA)
          if (ifish > 1 && ifish < NTmpI)
          xx <- c(0,365)
          yy <- rep((ifish-2)*100,2)
        par <- opar
      # End: If Do_ThermoPic
    # End: If Do_Space
    if(show_progress_bar) setTxtProgressBar(lake_progress_bar, i)
  # End: Lake loop
  # Prepare for creating CSV outputs
  rownames(HdSpSum.Accum) <- c(1:(nrow(HdSpSum.Accum)))
  # ADD Annual Yield Index Values as %Year*%Spacemean
  HdSpSum.Accum$YVol <- round(HdSpSum.Accum$WinV*HdSpSum.Accum$Vmean,digits=2)
  HdSpSum.Accum$YArea <- round(HdSpSum.Accum$WinV*HdSpSum.Accum$Amean,digits=2)
  # Rename Thermal Habitat Variables
  habnew <- data.frame(PD_year=c(0),TSeasons=c(0),PD_season1=NA,Jstart_Spr=NA,Jend_Spr=NA,Jstart_Aut=NA,Jend_Aut=NA,PV_JM=c(0),PV_mean=c(0),PV_sd=NA,PV_min=NA,PV_max=NA,PV_year=c(0),PA_JM=c(0),PA_mean=c(0),PA_sd=NA,PA_min=NA,PA_max=NA,PA_year=c(0))
  habitat <- data.frame(HdSpSum.Accum[,c(1:9)],habnew)
  habitat$PD_year <- HdSpSum.Accum$WinV
  habitat$TSeasons <- HdSpSum.Accum$Seas
  # Rename PD_icefree to PD_season1 (PD_icefree was wrong interpretation)
  habitat$PD_season1 <- HdSpSum.Accum$PSpr
  habitat$Jstart_Spr <- HdSpSum.Accum$WinSt
  habitat$Jend_Spr <- HdSpSum.Accum$SprEn
  habitat$Jstart_Aut <- HdSpSum.Accum$AutSt
  habitat$Jend_Aut <- HdSpSum.Accum$WinEn
  habitat$PV_JM <- HdSpSum.Accum$VJM
  habitat$PV_mean <- HdSpSum.Accum$Vmean
  habitat$PV_sd <- HdSpSum.Accum$Vsd
  habitat$PV_min <- HdSpSum.Accum$Vmin
  habitat$PV_max <- HdSpSum.Accum$Vmax
  habitat$PV_year<- HdSpSum.Accum$YVol
  habitat$PA_JM <- HdSpSum.Accum$AJM
  habitat$PA_mean <- HdSpSum.Accum$Amean
  habitat$PA_sd <- HdSpSum.Accum$Asd
  habitat$PA_min <- HdSpSum.Accum$Amin
  habitat$PA_max <- HdSpSum.Accum$Amax
  habitat$PA_year<- HdSpSum.Accum$YArea
  # head(habitat)
  # Clean up output
  #spaced$DOC <- round(spaced$DOC,digits=1)
  write.csv(habitat, file = habitat_output_file, row.names = FALSE)
stevencarlislewalker/thermopic documentation built on March 10, 2020, 8:31 p.m.