
#' @title Simulate migration
#' @description Simulate migration between populations.
#' Equal migration between populations is assumed
#' The size of the first population is used to determine the number of migrants
#' @param pops A list of populations with each containing a vector of individuals as 0, 2 or 2
#' @param rate The upper bound on the migration rate
#' @param migrationProbs A data.frame with columns of probabilities for migration
#' @return A list of populations with the same length as supplied in pops.
#' The rate of shuffling between populations will have been performed according
#' to the migration rate specified in the function call.
#' Population sizes may vary slightly post migration
#' @details To model migration, the first population is taken as the centre of a circle.
#' All populations are in contact with this population, but only have two neighbours.
#' Migration can thus occur between the central population and all others, but only between neighbours in the outer ring.
#' This is done by assigning probabilites of population membership to each individual based on it's original population.
#' @examples
#' pops <- lapply(c(10, 12, 14, 10, 10), function(x){sample(0:2, x, replace = TRUE)})
#' n <- length(pops)
#' mig <- 0.1
#' migDf <- data.frame(Pop1 = c(1 - mig, rep(mig/(n-1), n - 1)))
#' for (i in 2:n){
#'   migDf[[i]] <- rep(0, n)
#'   migDf[[i]][1] <- mig/3
#'   migDf[[i]][i] <- 1- mig
#'   migDf[[i]][ifelse(i + 1 > n, 2, i + 1)] <- mig/3
#'   migDf[[i]][ifelse(i - 1 < 2, n, i - 1)] <- mig/3
#' }
#' names(migDf) <- paste0("Pop", 1:n)
#' # Now perform simulated migration
#' migrate(pops, mig, migDf)
#' @import dplyr
#' @import magrittr
#' @export
migrate <- function(pops, rate, migrationProbs){

  nPops <- length(pops)
  stopifnot(nPops > 1)
  stopifnot(length(migrationProbs) == nPops)
  stopifnot(vapply(pops, is.vector, logical(1)))
  stopifnot(rate >= 0, rate <= 1)

  # Check each population only has 0, 1, 2 values
  stopifnot(unlist(pops) %in% 0:2)

  # Collect the initial population info for each individual into a data.frame
  popDf <- lapply(seq_along(pops), function(x){
    dplyr::data_frame(AlleleCount = pops[[x]],
               SourcePop = paste0("Pop", x))
  }) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(PostPop = vapply(SourcePop,
                                   function(x){ # Sample the final population given the migrationProbs
                                     sample.int(nPops, 1, prob = migrationProbs[[x]])

  popDf %>%
    split(f = .$PostPop) %>%
    lapply(magrittr::extract2, "AlleleCount") %>%

steveped/driftSim documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:38 p.m.