
Defines functions xindex index_plan

Documented in index_plan xindex

## xapr, R bindings to the Xapian search engine.
## Copyright (C) 2014 Stefan Widgren
##  xapr is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  xapr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
##  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
##  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

##' Index plan
##' Extract the index plan from a formula specification.
##' @param formula The index plan formula.
##' @param colnames The column names of the \code{data.frame} to
##' index.
##' @return list with column names for data, text, prefixes and
##' identifiers.
##' @keywords internal
##' @include prefixes.r
index_plan <- function(formula, colnames) {
    ## Help function to extract the data column
    data_column <- function(data, colnames) {
        if (!is.null(data)) {
            ## Handle "col1 + col2" etc
            data <- unlist(strsplit(data, "+", fixed=TRUE))
            data <- sub("^\\s", "", sub("\\s$", "", data))

            ## Handle "col1 - col2" etc
            include <- NULL
            remove <- NULL
            lapply(strsplit(data, "-"), function(x) {
                x <- sub("^\\s", "", sub("\\s$", "", x))
                include <<- c(include, x[1])
                remove <<- c(remove, x[-1])

            ## Replace dot with all colnames
            include <- unlist(lapply(include, function(col) {
                if (identical(col, "."))
                    col <- colnames
            include <- unique(include)

            ## Replace dot with all colnames
            remove <- unlist(lapply(remove, function(col) {
                if (identical(col, "."))
                    col <- colnames
            remove <- unique(remove)

            ## remove columns from include
            data <- include[!(include %in% remove)]

            ## Map the column names to column index
            data <- match(data, colnames)

            ## Check that all column names are mapped
            if (any(sapply(data, is.null)))
                stop("Invalid index formula")
            if (any(sapply(data, is.na)))
                stop("Invalid index formula")

            ## Sort them in the same order as colnames
            data <- sort(data)

            if (!length(data))
                data <- NULL

    ## Help function to extract identifier column
    id_column <- function(id, colnames) {
        ## Find Q (unique id)
        id <- grep("^Q:", id, value = TRUE)

        if (length(id)) {
            id <- match(sapply(strsplit(id, ":"), "[", 2),
            if (!identical(length(id), 1L))
                stop("Invalid index formula")
        } else {
            id <- NULL


    ## Help function to extract prefix columns
    prefix_columns <- function(prefix, colnames) {
        ## Drop Q (unique identifier)
        prefix <- grep("^Q:", prefix, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

        if (length(prefix)) {
            ## Replace '.' with colnames
            prefix <- sapply(prefix, function(x) {
                x <- unlist(strsplit(x, ":"))
                if (identical(x[2], "."))
                    return(paste0(x[1], ":", colnames))
                return(paste0(x[1], ":", x[2]))

            ## Make sure we have no duplicates
            prefix <- unique(unlist(prefix, use.names = FALSE))

            ## Extract prefix label and column index
            prefix_lbl <- sapply(strsplit(prefix, ":"), "[", 1)
            prefix_col <- match(sapply(strsplit(prefix, ":"), "[", 2),

            ## Check that all column names are mapped
            if (any(sapply(prefix_col, is.null)))
                stop("Invalid index formula")
            if (any(sapply(prefix_col, is.na)))
                stop("Invalid index formula")

            ## If 'X' append uppercase column name
            i <- prefix_lbl ==  "X"
            if (any(i)) {
                prefix_lbl[i] <- paste0(prefix_lbl[i],

            if (any(table(prefix_lbl) > 1))
                stop("Invalid index formula")
        } else {
            prefix_lbl <- character(0)
            prefix_col <- integer(0)
            prefix_wdf <- integer(0)

        list(lbl = prefix_lbl,
             col = prefix_col,
             wdf = rep(1L, length(prefix_lbl)))

    ## Help function to extract text columns
    text_columns <- function(text, colnames) {
        text <- unlist(lapply(text, function(col) {
            if (identical(col, "."))
                col <- colnames

        text <- match(unique(text), colnames)
        if (any(sapply(text, is.null)))
            stop("Invalid index formula")
        if (any(sapply(text, is.na)))
            stop("Invalid index formula")

    ## Extract response variable
    response <- attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "response")
    if (response) {
        vars <- attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "variables")[-1]
        data <- as.character(vars[response])
    } else {
        data <- NULL

    ## Extract columns for free text indexing. Drop columns with a
    ## name equal to a term_prefix.
    text <- attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "term.labels")
    text <- text[attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "order") == 1]
    text <- text[!(text %in% term_prefixes())]

    ## Extract columns to prefix
    prefix <- attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "term.labels")
    prefix <- prefix[attr(terms(formula, allowDotAsName = TRUE), "order") == 2]
    prefix <- sapply(prefix,
                       function(prefix) {
                           ## Make sure the first term is the prefix
                           prefix <- unlist(strsplit(prefix, ":"))
                           if (prefix[1] %in% term_prefixes())
                               return(paste0(prefix, collapse=":"))
                           if (prefix[2] %in% term_prefixes())
                               return(paste0(rev(prefix), collapse=":"))
                           stop("Invalid index formula")
    names(prefix) <- NULL

    list(data   = data_column(data, colnames),
         text   = text_columns(text, colnames),
         prefix = prefix_columns(prefix, colnames),
         id     = id_column(prefix, colnames))

##' Index
##' Index the content of a \code{data.frame} with the Xapian search
##' engine.
##' @param formula A formula with a symbolic description of the index
##' plan for the columns in the data.frame. The details of the index
##' plan specification are given under 'Details'.
##' @param data The \code{data.frame} to index.
##' @param path A character vector specifying the path to a Xapian
##' databases. If there is already a database in the specified
##' directory, it will be opened. If there isn't an existing database
##' in the specified directory, Xapian will try to create a new empty
##' database there.
##' @param language Either the English name for the language or the
##' two letter ISO639 code. Default is 'none'
##' @return A \code{\linkS4class{xapian_database}} object.
##' @details The index plan for 'xindex' are specified
##' symbolically. An index plan has the form 'data ~ terms' where
##' 'data' is the blob of data returned from a request and the 'terms'
##' are the basis for a search in Xapian. A first order term index the
##' text in the column as free text. A specification of the form
##' 'first:second' indicates that the text in 'second' should be
##' indexed with prefix 'first'.
##' The prefix is a short string at the beginning of the term to
##' indicate which field the term indexes. Valid prefixes are: 'A'
##' ,'D', 'E', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R',
##' 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. See
##' \url{http://xapian.org/docs/omega/termprefixes} for a list of
##' conventional prefixes.
##' The specification 'first*second' is the same as 'second +
##' first:second'. The prefix 'X' will create a user defined prefix by
##' appending the uppercase 'second' to 'X'. The prefix 'Q' will use
##' data in the 'second' column as a unique identifier for the
##' document. NA values in columns to be indexed are skipped.
##' No response e.g. '~ second + first:second' writes the row number
##' as data to the document.
##' The specification '~X*.' creates prefix terms with all columns
##' plus free text.
##' If the response contains one or more columns, e.g. 'col_1 + col_2
##' ~ X*.' the response is first converted to 'JSON'. A compact form
##' to convert all fields to 'JSON' and to enable free text search on
##' all fields is to use '.~.'. It is also possible to drop response
##' fields e.g. '. - col_1 - col_2 ~ X*.' to include all fields in the
##' response except 'col_1' and 'col_2'.
##' @include S4_classes.r
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## This example is borrowed from "Getting Started with Xapian"
##' ## http://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
##' ## were the example is implemented in Python.
##' ##
##' ## We are going to build a simple search system based on museum catalogue
##' ## data released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
##' ## ShareAlike license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
##' ## by the Science Museum in London, UK.
##' ## (http://api.sciencemuseum.org.uk/documentation/collections/)
##' ## The first 100 rows of the museum catalogue data is distributed with
##' ## the 'xapr' package
##' filename <- system.file("extdata/NMSI_100.csv", package="xapr")
##' nmsi <- read.csv(filename, as.is = TRUE, na.strings="")
##' ## Create a temporary directory to hold the database
##' path <- tempfile(pattern="xapr-")
##' dir.create(path)
##' ## Index the 'TITLE' and 'DESCRIPTION' fields with both a suitable
##' ## prefix and without a prefix for general search. Use the 'id_NUMBER'
##' ## as unique identifier. Store all the fields as JSON for display
##' ## purposes.
##' db <- xindex(. ~ S*TITLE + X*DESCRIPTION + Q:id_NUMBER, nmsi, path)
##' ## Display a summary of the Xapian database
##' summary(db)
##' ## Run a search and display docid (rowname) and TITLE from each match
##' xsearch(db, "watch", TITLE ~ .)
##' ## Run a search with multiple words
##' xsearch(db, "Dent watch", TITLE ~ .)
##' ## Run a search with prefix
##' xsearch(db, "title:sunwatch", TITLE ~ title:S)
##' ## Run a search with multiple prefixes
##' xsearch(db,
##'         "description:\"leather case\" AND title:sundial",
##'         TITLE ~ title:S + description:XDESCRIPTION)
##' }
xindex <- function(formula,
                   language = c(
                       "english", "en",
                       "danish", "da",
                       "dutch", "nl",
                       "english_lovins", "lovins",
                       "english_porter", "porter",
                       "finnish", "fi",
                       "french", "fr",
                       "german", "de", "german2",
                       "hungarian", "hu",
                       "italian", "it",
                       "norwegian", "nb", "nn", "no",
                       "portuguese", "pt",
                       "romanian", "ro",
                       "russian", "ru",
                       "spanish", "es",
                       "swedish", "sv",
                       "turkish", "tr"))
    ## Check arguments
    if (missing(formula))
        stop("missing argument 'formula'")
    if (missing(data))
        stop("missing argument 'data'")
    if (missing(path))
        stop("missing argument 'path'")
    language <- match.arg(language)
    if (identical(language, "none"))
        language <- NULL

    ip <- index_plan(formula, colnames(data))

    if (length(ip$data)) {
        doc_data <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(data)), function(i) {
            toJSON(data[i, ip$data])
    } else {
        doc_data <- NULL

    ## Coerce columns to character vector
    for (i in unique(c(ip$text, ip$prefix$col, ip$id))) {
        data[, i] <- as.character(data[, i])

          package = "xapr")

    new("xapian_database", path = path)
stewid/xapr documentation built on April 19, 2021, 2:03 p.m.