
Defines functions parse_period check_date_format isdatetime check_period_format

Documented in check_date_format check_period_format isdatetime parse_period

#' Check period string format
#' Check if the format of the period is conform the specifications of VMM
#' @param period_string input string according to format required by waterinfo:
#' The period string is provided as P#Y#M#DT#H#M#S, with P defines `Period`,
#' each # is an integer value and the codes define the number of...
#' Y - years
#' M - months
#' D - days
#' T required if information about sub-day resolution is present
#' H - hours
#' D - days
#' M - minutes
#' S - seconds
#' Instead of D (days), the usage of W - weeks is possible as well
#' Examples of valid period strings: P3D, P1Y, P1DT12H, PT6H, P1Y6M3DT4H20M30S.
#' @return str period string itself if valid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' check_period_format("P2DT6H") # period of 2 days and 6 hours
#' check_period_format("P3D") # period of 3 days
check_period_format <- function(period_string) {
  regex <- paste("^P(?=[0-9]+|T)[0-9]*Y?(?!M)[0-9]*M?(?![DW])[0-9]*[D,W]?",
    sep = ""
  valid <- grepl(regex, period_string, perl = TRUE)
  if (valid == FALSE) {
    stop("The period string is not a valid expression.
             Examples of valid expressions are:
             P3D, P1Y, P1DT12H, PT6H, P1Y6M3DT4H20M30S")

#' Check if the string input can be converted to a date, provides FALSE or date
#' (acknowledgements to micstr/isdate.R)
#' @param datetime string representation of a date
#' @return FALSE | "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
#' @keywords internal
isdatetime <- function(datetime) {
  parsed <- tryCatch(parse_date_time(datetime,
    orders = c("ymd_HMS", "ymd", "ym", "y")
  warning = function(err) {
  # date can be parsed, but none-existing date
  if (is.na(parsed)) {
    parsed <- FALSE

#' Check if the date can be parsed to a datetime object in R
#' if the date is already a datetime object ("POSIXct" "POSIXt"), the object
#' itself is returned
#' @param datetime string representation of the date
#' @return POSIXct date-time object is date is valid representation
#' @keywords internal
check_date_format <- function(datetime) {
  date_parsed <- isdatetime(datetime)
  if (date_parsed == FALSE) {
    stop("The date string can not be properly parsed in any of the
             following formats: ymd_hms, ymd, ym, y)")

#' Check the from/to/period arguments
#' Handle the information of provided date information on the period and provide
#' feedback to the user. Valid combinations of the arguments are:
#' from/to, from/period, to/period, period, from
#' @param from string representing date of datetime object
#' @param to string representing date of datetime object
#' @param period input string according to format required by waterinfo
#' @return list with the relevant period/date information
#' @seealso check_period_format
#' @keywords internal
parse_period <- function(from = NULL, to = NULL, period = NULL) {

  # if none of 3 provided, error
  if (is.null(from) & is.null(to) & is.null(period)) {
    stop("Date information should be provided by a combination of 2
             parameters out of from/to/period")

  # if all 3 provided, error
  if (!is.null(from) & !is.null(to) & !is.null(period)) {
    stop("Date information should be provided by a combination of maximum 2
             parameters out of from/to/period")

  # if only 'to' provided, error
  if (is.null(from) & !is.null(to) & is.null(period)) {
    stop("Date information should be provided by providing a from or period

  period_info <- list()
  # convert the data-formats
  if (!is.null(from)) {
    from <- check_date_format(from)
    # Remark that VMM accepts just year as input for from, but we just
    # standardize it here, lubridate will translate to same moment
    period_info["from"] <- strftime(from, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

  if (!is.null(to)) {
    to <- check_date_format(to)
    period_info["to"] <- strftime(to, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

  if (!is.null(period)) {
    period <- check_period_format(period)
    period_info["period"] <- period

stijnvanhoey/wateRinfo documentation built on July 12, 2022, 2:20 p.m.