
#' @title Check whether has a date-like class
#' @description Check whether a vector has a date-like class.
#' @param x vector or factor
#' @return A logical value, indicating whether \code{x} has a date-like class.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{possibly_date}}, \code{\link{guessDateFormat}}
#' @examples x <- Sys.Date()
#' is_date(x)
#' x <- strftime(c("2016-06-21", "2016-11-22"), usetz=TRUE, tz="UTC")
#' is_date(x)
#' x <- as.POSIXct(x, tz="UTC")
#' is_date(x)
is_date <- function(x){
  any(c("Date", "POSIXt") %in% class(x))

#' @title Check whether conversion to a date is possible
#' @description Check whether a vector can be converted to a date.
#' @param x vector or factor
#' @return A logical value, indicating whether \code{\link[base]{as.Date}} can be faithfully applied to \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{is_date}}, \code{\link{guessDateFormat}}
#' @examples
#' possibly_date("2017-03-04")
#' possibly_date("2017-13-04")
possibly_date <- function(x){
  }else if(is.character(x) || is.factor(x)){
    attempt <- tryCatch({
      all(as.Date(x)==strftime(x, usetz=FALSE))
    }, error = function(e) return(FALSE))

#' @title Guess date format
#' @description Guess the date format.
#' @param x a vector (not a factor)
#' @param returnDates logical, whether to return the dates
#' @param tzone time zone
#' @param EN logical; if \code{TRUE}, looks for the format "month-day-year", othewise "day-month-year"
#' @param messages logical, whether to print some messages
#' @return \itemize{
#'      \item If \code{returnDates=FALSE}, the date format if guessed, \code{FALSE} if no date format is guessed.
#'      \item If \code{returnDates=TRUE}, the date if the date format if guessed, \code{FALSE} if no date format is guessed.
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @author Cole Beck.
#' @examples
#' guessDateFormat("2017-03-04")
#' guessDateFormat("2017-03-04", returnDates = TRUE)
#' guessDateFormat(c("2017-03-04", "2017-04-04"))
#' guessDateFormat("04-03-2017")
#' guessDateFormat(c("04-03-2017", "2017-04-04"))
#' guessDateFormat("13-03-2017")
#' guessDateFormat("13-03-2017", EN=FALSE)
guessDateFormat <- function(x, returnDates = FALSE, tzone = "", EN=TRUE, messages=FALSE) {
    x1 <- x
    # replace blanks with NA and remove
    x1[x1 == ""] <- NA
    x1 <- x1[!is.na(x1)]
    if (length(x1) == 0L)
    # if it's already a time variable, set it to character
    if ("POSIXt" %in% class(x1[1L])) {
      x1 <- as.character(x1)
    dateTimes <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(x1, " "))
    for (i in ncol(dateTimes)) {
      dateTimes[dateTimes[, i] == "NA"] <- NA
    # assume the time part can be found with a colon
    timePart <- which(apply(dateTimes, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(i) {
      any(grepl(":", i))
    # everything not in the timePart should be in the datePart
    datePart <- setdiff(seq(ncol(dateTimes)), timePart)
    # should have 0 or 1 timeParts and exactly one dateParts
    if (length(timePart) > 1L || length(datePart) != 1L)
      stop("cannot parse your time variable")
    timeFormat <- NA
    if (length(timePart)) {
      # find maximum number of colons in the timePart column
      ncolons <- max(nchar(gsub("[^:]", "", na.omit(dateTimes[, timePart]))))
      if (ncolons == 1) {
        timeFormat <- "%H:%M"
      } else if (ncolons == 2) {
        timeFormat <- "%H:%M:%S"
      } else stop("timePart should have 1 or 2 colons")
    # remove all non-numeric values
    dates <- gsub("[^0-9]", "", na.omit(dateTimes[, datePart]))
    # sep is any non-numeric value found, hopefully / or -
    sep <- unique(na.omit(substr(gsub("[0-9]", "", dateTimes[, datePart]), 1, 1)))
    if (length(sep) > 1)
      stop("too many seperators in datePart")
    # maximum number of characters found in the date part
    dlen <- max(nchar(dates))
    dateFormat <- NA
    # when six, expect the century to be omitted
    fmt1 <- ifelse(EN, "%m%d%y", "%d%m%y")
    fmt2 <- ifelse(EN, "%m%d%Y", "%d%m%Y")
    if (dlen == 6) {
      if (sum(is.na(as.Date(dates, format = "%y%m%d"))) == 0) {
        dateFormat <- paste("%y", "%m", "%d", sep = sep)
      } else if (sum(is.na(as.Date(dates, format = fmt1))) == 0) {
        dateFormat <- ifelse(EN, paste("%m", "%d", "%y", sep = sep), paste("%d", "%m", "%y", sep = sep))
      } else stop("datePart format [six characters] is inconsistent")
    } else if (dlen == 8) {
      if (sum(is.na(as.Date(dates, format = "%Y%m%d"))) == 0) {
        dateFormat <- paste("%Y", "%m", "%d", sep = sep)
      } else if (sum(is.na(as.Date(dates, format = fmt2))) == 0) {
        dateFormat <- ifelse(EN, paste("%m", "%d", "%Y", sep = sep), paste("%d", "%m", "%Y", sep = sep))
      } else stop("datePart format [eight characters] is inconsistent")
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("datePart has unusual length: %s", dlen))
    if (is.na(timeFormat)) {
      format <- dateFormat
    } else if (timePart == 1) {
      format <- paste(timeFormat, dateFormat)
    } else if (timePart == 2) {
      format <- paste(dateFormat, timeFormat)
    } else stop("cannot parse your time variable")
    if (returnDates)
      return(as.POSIXlt(x, format = format, tz = tzone))
  }, error=function(e){
    if(messages) message(e$message)
stla/hwriteXLSX documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:40 a.m.