
calf_internal <- function(data,
                          randomize  = FALSE,
                          proportion = NULL,
                          targetVector = "binary",
                          margin = NULL,
                          optimize = "pval",
                        #  reverse = FALSE,
                          verbose = FALSE){
  # getting rid of global variable warning -------------------------- #
  x = NULL
  y = NULL
  refx = NULL
  refy = NULL

  if (targetVector == "real") optimize <- NULL

  # setting up some initial values -----------------------------------#
  if (any(apply(data, 2, is.numeric) == FALSE)) {
    stop("CALF ERROR: Data are not numeric. Please check that data were read in correctly.")

  nVars <- ncol(data) - 1
  dNeg  <- data[ ,2:ncol(data)]
  dNeg  <- dNeg * - 1
  data  <- data.frame(data, dNeg, check.names = FALSE)

  if (nMarkers > nVars){
    stop(paste0("CALF ERROR: Requested number of markers is larger than the number of markers in data set. ",
                "Please revise this value or make sure your data were read in properly."))

  if (randomize == TRUE) data[ ,1] <- sample(data[ ,1])

  if (!is.null(proportion)){
    if (targetVector == "binary"){
      ctrlRows  <- which(data[ ,1] == 0)
      caseRows  <- which(data[ ,1] == 1)
      # calculate number of case and control to keep
      nCtrlKeep <- round(length(ctrlRows)*proportion, digits = 0)
      nCaseKeep <- round(length(caseRows)*proportion, digits = 0)
      # sample randomly rows of case and control to keep, record rows to keep
      keepRows  <- c(sample(ctrlRows)[1:nCtrlKeep], sample(caseRows)[1:nCaseKeep])
      # subset original data to keep these rows
      data      <- data[keepRows, ]
    } else {
      nDataKeep <- round(nrow(data)*proportion, digits = 0)
      keepRows  <- sample(1:nrow(data))[1:nDataKeep]
      data      <- data[keepRows, ]

  real  <- data[ ,1]
  realMarkers <- data[ , 2:ncol(data)]
  ctrl  <- data[data[ ,1] == 0, 2:ncol(data)]
  case  <- data[data[ ,1] == 1, 2:ncol(data)]
  indexNegPos <- rep(0, (nVars*2))
  # end of setting up some initial values ----------------------------#

  # initial loop to establish first optimal marker -------------------#
  allCrit <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:(nVars*2)){
    if (targetVector == "binary"){
      caseVar    <- case[ ,i]
      ctrlVar    <- ctrl[ ,i]
      if (optimize == "pval"){
        crit       <- t.test(caseVar, ctrlVar, var.equal = FALSE)$p.value
      } else if (optimize == "auc"){
        crit <- compute.auc(caseVar, ctrlVar)
        crit <- 1/crit
    } else {
      realVar <- realMarkers[ ,i]
      crit    <- suppressWarnings(cor(real, realVar, use = "complete.obs"))
      crit    <- 1/crit
    allCrit[i] <- crit
  allCrit[allCrit < 0] <- NA

  # end of initial loop ----------------------------------------------#

  keepMarkers  <- names(realMarkers)[which.min(allCrit)]
  bestCrit     <- min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE)
  keepIndex    <- which.min(allCrit)

 if (verbose == TRUE) {
   if (optimize == "pval"){
   cat("Selected:", keepMarkers,
       paste0("p value = ", round(bestCrit, digits = 15), "\n"))
   } else if (optimize == "auc"){
     cat("Selected:", keepMarkers,
         paste0("AUC = ", round((1/bestCrit), digits = 15), "\n"))
   } else if (targetVector == "real")
     cat("Selected:", keepMarkers,
         paste0("Correlation = ", round((1/bestCrit), digits = 15), "\n"))

  # second loop to add another marker --------------------------------#
  if (nMarkers != 1){
    allCrit  <- numeric()
    realPrev <- realMarkers[ ,keepIndex]
    casePrev <- case[ ,keepIndex]
    ctrlPrev <- ctrl[ ,keepIndex]
    for (i in 1:(nVars*2)){
      if (i != keepIndex){
        caseVar <- casePrev + case[ ,i]
        ctrlVar <- ctrlPrev + ctrl[ ,i]
        realVar <- realPrev + realMarkers[ ,i]
        if (targetVector == "binary"){
          if (optimize == "pval"){
            crit       <- t.test(caseVar, ctrlVar, var.equal = FALSE)$p.value
          } else if (optimize == "auc"){
            crit <- compute.auc(caseVar, ctrlVar)
            crit <- 1/crit
        } else {
          crit <- suppressWarnings(cor(real, realVar, use = "complete.obs"))
          crit <- 1/crit
      } else {
        crit <- NA
      allCrit[i] <- crit
    # end of second loop ----------------------------------------------#

    allCrit[allCrit < 0] <- NA

    # check if the latest p is lower than the previous p               #
    continue <- ifelse(bestCrit[length(bestCrit)] > min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE), TRUE, FALSE)

    if (!is.null(margin)){
      diffCrit <- 1/min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE) - 1/bestCrit
      continue <- ifelse(diffCrit >= margin, TRUE, FALSE)

    if (continue == TRUE){
      keepMarkers  <- append(keepMarkers, names(realMarkers)[which.min(allCrit)])
      bestCrit     <- append(bestCrit, min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE))
      keepIndex    <- append(keepIndex, which.min(allCrit))

      if (length(keepMarkers) == nMarkers) continue <- FALSE

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      if (optimize == "pval"){
        cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
            paste0("p value = ", round(bestCrit[length(bestCrit)], digits = 15), "\n"))
      } else if (optimize == "auc"){
        cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
            paste0("AUC = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))
      } else if (targetVector == "real")
        cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
            paste0("Correlation = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))

    # loop for third through nMarker ----------------------------------#
    while (continue == TRUE){
      allCrit  <- numeric()
      casePrev <- rowSums(case[ ,keepIndex], na.rm = TRUE)
      ctrlPrev <- rowSums(ctrl[ ,keepIndex], na.rm = TRUE)
      realPrev <- rowSums(realMarkers[ ,keepIndex], na.rm = TRUE)
      for (i in 1:(nVars*2)){
        if (!(i %in% keepIndex)){
          caseVar <- casePrev + case[ ,i]
          ctrlVar <- ctrlPrev + ctrl[ ,i]
          realVar <- realPrev + realMarkers[ ,i]
          if (targetVector == "binary"){
            if (optimize == "pval"){
              crit       <- t.test(caseVar, ctrlVar, var.equal = FALSE)$p.value
            } else if (optimize == "auc"){
              crit <- compute.auc(caseVar, ctrlVar)
              crit <- 1/crit
          } else {
            crit <- suppressWarnings(cor(real, realVar, use = "complete.obs"))
            crit <- 1/crit
        } else {
          crit <- NA
        allCrit[i] <- crit
      allCrit[allCrit < 0] <- NA

      continue <- ifelse(bestCrit[length(bestCrit)] > min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE),
                         TRUE, FALSE)

      if (!is.null(margin)){
        diffCrit <- 1/min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE) - 1/bestCrit
        continue <- ifelse(diffCrit >= margin, TRUE, FALSE)

      if (continue == TRUE){
        keepMarkers  <- append(keepMarkers, names(realMarkers)[which.min(allCrit)])
        bestCrit     <- append(bestCrit, min(allCrit, na.rm = TRUE))
        keepIndex    <- append(keepIndex, which.min(allCrit))
        continue     <- bestCrit[length(bestCrit)] < bestCrit[length(bestCrit)-1]
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          if (optimize == "pval"){
            cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
                paste0("p value = ", round(bestCrit[length(bestCrit)], digits = 15), "\n"))
          } else if (optimize == "auc"){
            cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
                paste0("AUC = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))
          } else if (targetVector == "real")
            cat("Selected:", keepMarkers[length(keepMarkers)],
                paste0("Correlation = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))

      # NEW PRUNING PROCEDURE, tabled on 05 19 2017 ---------------------------------#
      # drop markers one at a time, making sure that dropping that marker
      # does not result in an improvement in the score metric
      # if (reverse == TRUE){
      #   storeCrits <- numeric()
      #   for (j in 1:length(keepIndex)){
      #     if (optimize == "pval"){
      #       crit <- t.test(rowSums(case[ ,keepIndex]) - case[ ,keepIndex[j]],
      #                      rowSums(ctrl[ ,keepIndex]) - ctrl[ ,keepIndex[j]],
      #                      var.equal = FALSE)$p.value
      #       storeCrits[j] <- crit
      #     }
      #     if (optimize == "auc"){
      #       crit <- compute.auc(rowSums(case[ ,keepIndex]) - case[ ,keepIndex[j]],
      #                           rowSums(ctrl[ ,keepIndex]) - ctrl[ ,keepIndex[j]])
      #       crit <- 1/crit
      #       storeCrits[j] <- crit
      #     }
      #     if (targetVector == "real"){
      #       crit <- suppressWarnings(cor(real,
      #                                    rowSums(realMarkers[ ,keepIndex], na.rm = TRUE) -
      #                                      realMarkers[ ,keepIndex[j]] ,
      #                                    use = "complete.obs"))
      #       crit <- 1/crit
      #       storeCrits[j] <- crit
      #     }
      #   }
      #   # drop the marker that improved the crit when it was dropped
      #   # drop the one that dropped it the most in the case of multiple markers
      #   drop <- keepIndex[which.min(storeCrits[which(storeCrits < bestCrit[length(bestCrit)])])]
      #   if (length(drop) != 0){
      #     bestCrit                   <- bestCrit[-length(bestCrit)]
      #     bestCrit[length(bestCrit)] <- min(storeCrits)
      #     keepIndex                  <- keepIndex[!keepIndex %in% drop]
      #     keepMarkers                <- keepMarkers[!keepMarkers %in% names(realMarkers)[drop]]
      #     if (verbose == TRUE) {
      #       if (optimize == "pval"){
      #         cat("Dropped:", names(realMarkers)[drop],
      #             paste0("new p value = ", round(bestCrit[length(bestCrit)], digits = 15), "\n"))
      #       } else if (optimize == "auc"){
      #         cat("Dropped:", names(realMarkers)[drop],
      #             paste0("new AUC = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))
      #       } else if (targetVector == "real")
      #         cat("Dropped:", names(realMarkers)[drop],
      #             paste0("Correlation = ", round((1/bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]), digits = 15), "\n"))
      #     }
      #   }
      #   # END PRUNING PROCEDURE ----------------------------------------------#
      #   # stop the search when it hits the max number of markers
      # }
      if (length(keepMarkers) == nMarkers) continue <- FALSE

  if (verbose == TRUE) cat("\n")

  indexNegPos[keepIndex] <- ifelse(keepIndex >= nVars, -1, 1)
  finalIndex   <- ifelse(keepIndex <= nVars, keepIndex, keepIndex - nVars)
  finalMarkers <- data.frame(names(case)[finalIndex], indexNegPos[keepIndex], check.names = FALSE)
  names(finalMarkers) <- c("Marker","Weight")

  if (targetVector == "real" | optimize == "auc") {
    finalBestCrit <- 1 / bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]
  } else {
    finalBestCrit <- bestCrit[length(bestCrit)]
  ## AUC -------------------------------------------------------------#
  # create function value for each individual
  if (targetVector == "binary"){
    if (nMarkers != 1 & length(keepIndex) != 1){
      funcValue   <- c(rowSums(case[,c(keepIndex)]), rowSums(ctrl[,c(keepIndex)]))
    } else {
      funcValue   <- c(case[,c(keepIndex)], ctrl[,c(keepIndex)])
    funcValue <- round(funcValue, digits = 8)
    # rank individual function values
    ranks       <- rank(funcValue, ties.method = "average")
    seqCaseCtrl <- c(rep(1, nrow(case)), rep(0, nrow(ctrl)))

    # set up plot -----------------------------------------------------#
    all <- data.frame(funcValue,
    all <- all[order(all$ranks),]
    all$refx <- seq(0,1,1/(nrow(all)-1))
    all$refy <- seq(0,1,1/(nrow(all)-1))
    initVal  <- all$seqCaseCtrl[1]
    moveRight <- ifelse(initVal == 0, nrow(case), nrow(ctrl))
    moveUp    <- ifelse(initVal == 0, nrow(ctrl), nrow(case))
    # moveLeft
    for (i in 2:nrow(all)){
      all$x[1] <- 0
      all$y[1] <- 0
      if (all$seqCaseCtrl[i] == initVal){
        all$x[i] = all$x[i-1]
        all$y[i] = all$y[i-1] + 1/(moveUp-1)
      } else {
        all$x[i] = all$x[i-1] + 1/(moveRight)
        all$y[i] = all$y[i-1]

    # if the plot prints upside-down, switch values for
    # x and y
    n <- round(length(all$refy)/2, digits = 0)
    if (all$refy[n] > all$y[n]){
      all$a <- all$x
      all$b <- all$y
      all$x <- all$b
      all$y <- all$a

    rocPlot <- ggplot(all, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
      geom_line(size = 1) +
      geom_line(aes(x = refx, y = refy, colour = "red"), size = 1.5) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(legend.position = "none") +
      ylab("True Positive Rate (Sensitivity)") +
      xlab("False Positive Rate (1 - Specificity)")
    # set up plot -----------------------------------------------------#

    # compute arguments for AUC
    caseFunc  <- sum(ranks[1:nrow(case)]) - nrow(case)*(nrow(case)+1)/2
    ctrlFunc  <- sum(ranks[(nrow(case)+1):length(ranks)]) - nrow(ctrl)*(nrow(ctrl)+1)/2
    # compute AUC
    auc       <- round(max(ctrlFunc, caseFunc)/(caseFunc + ctrlFunc), digits = 4)
  } else {
    auc     <- NULL
    rocPlot <- NULL
  est       <- list(selection  = finalMarkers,
                    auc        = auc,
                    randomize  = randomize,
                    proportion = proportion,
                    targetVec  = targetVector,
                    rocPlot    = rocPlot,
                    finalBest  = finalBestCrit,
                    optimize   = optimize)
  class(est) <- "calf"

compute.auc <- function(caseVar, ctrlVar){
  funcValue <- c(caseVar, ctrlVar)
  funcValue <- round(funcValue, digits = 8)
  ranks     <- rank(funcValue, ties.method = "average")
  caseFunc  <- sum(ranks[1:length(caseVar)]) - length(caseVar)*(length(caseVar)+1)/2
  ctrlFunc  <- sum(ranks[(length(caseVar)+1):length(ranks)]) - length(ctrlVar)*(length(ctrlVar)+1)/2
  auc       <- round(max(ctrlFunc, caseFunc)/(caseFunc + ctrlFunc), digits = 4)
stlane/calf documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:48 p.m.