
Defines functions .get_perfusion_predictors

.get_perfusion_predictors <- function(mat,
                                      motionparams, xideal = NULL, labelfirst = 1,
                                      ncompcorparameters = 3, useDenoiser = NULL) {
  myusage <- "usage: .get_perfusion_predictors(  mat , motionparams , xideal = NULL , labelfirst = 1 , ncompcorparameters = 3 ) "
  if (nargs() == 0) {
  if (missing(mat) | missing(motionparams)) {
    print("Missing one or more input parameter(s).")
  if (is.null(xideal)) {
    if (!labelfirst) {
      xideal <- (rep(c(1, 0), dim(mat)[1])[1:dim(mat)[1]] - 0.5) # control minus tag
    } else {
      xideal <- (rep(c(0, 1), dim(mat)[1])[1:dim(mat)[1]] - 0.5) # tag minus control
  } else if (length(xideal) != dim(mat)[1]) {
    print("'xideal' must have length equal to dim(mat)[1]")
  # get nuisance variables : motion, compcor, etc motionparams <- as.data.frame(
  # moco_params )
  motionnuis <- t(motionparams)[2:ncol(motionparams), ] # matrix elements
  metricnuis <- motionnuis[1, ]
  globalsignal <- rowMeans(mat)
  globalsignalASL <- residuals(lm(globalsignal ~ xideal))

  # here is a 2nd (new) way to deal with motion nuisance vars - svd - just keep top
  # 3 components
  msvd <- svd(t(motionnuis[2:nrow(motionnuis), ]))
  nsvdcomp <- 3
  motionnuis <- (msvd$u[, 1:nsvdcomp])
  motionnuis <- residuals(lm(motionnuis ~ xideal))
  print(paste(" % var of motion ", (sum(msvd$d[1:nsvdcomp]) / sum(msvd$d))))
  motionnuis <- t(motionnuis)
  motnames <- paste("motion", c(1:nrow(motionnuis)), sep = "")
  nuis <- t(rbind(metricnuis, (motionnuis)))
  colnames(nuis) <- c("metricnuis", motnames)
  nuis <- t(motionnuis)
  colnames(nuis) <- motnames
  dnz <- NA
  if (ncompcorparameters > 0 | !is.null(useDenoiser)) {
    if (ncompcorparameters > 0) {
      rmat <- residuals(lm(mat ~ xideal + nuis))
      denoisingParams <- compcor(mat, ncompcorparameters)
    if (!is.null(useDenoiser)) {
      # include t(motionnuis) if you want to model motion
      DVARS <- computeDVARS(mat)
      #      dnz <- aslDenoiseR(mat, xideal, motionparams = NA,
      #        selectionthresh = 0.2,
      #        maxnoisepreds = useDenoiser, polydegree = 8,
      #        crossvalidationgroups = 6,
      #        scalemat = F, noisepoolfun = max)
      #      clustasl<-(clusterTimeSeries( mat,  8 )$clusters)
      clustasl <- 8
      dnz <- aslDenoiseR(mat, xideal,
        covariates = DVARS,
        selectionthresh = 0.05, crossvalidationgroups = clustasl,
        maxnoisepreds = useDenoiser, polydegree = "loess"
      denoisingParams <- data.matrix(data.frame(dnz$noiseu))
      dnz <- dnz$R2final
    if (exists("denoisingParams")) {
      compcorrnames <- paste("denoisingParams",
        sep = ""
      colnames(denoisingParams) <- c(compcorrnames)
  } else {
    denoisingParams <- NA
    xideal = xideal, nuis = denoisingParams,
    motion = t(motionnuis),
    globalsignal = globalsignal,
    globalsignalASL = globalsignalASL, dnz = dnz
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 7:10 a.m.