
Defines functions mrvnrfs.predict mrvnrfs

Documented in mrvnrfs mrvnrfs.predict

#' multi-res voxelwise neighborhood random forest segmentation learning
#' Represents multiscale feature images as a neighborhood and uses the features
#' to build a random forest segmentation model from an image population
#' @param y list of training labels. either an image or numeric value
#' @param x a list of lists where each list contains feature images
#' @param labelmasks a mask (or list of masks) used to define where the
#' samples will come from. Note, two labels (e.g., GM and WM) will double
#' the number of samples from each feature images. If the mask is binary,
#' samples are selected randomly within 1 values.
#' @param rad vector of dimensionality d define nhood radius
#' @param nsamples (per subject to enter training)
#' @param ntrees (for the random forest model)
#' @param multiResSchedule an integer vector defining multi-res levels
#' @param asFactors boolean - treat the y entries as factors
#' @param voxchunk value of maximal voxels to predict at once. This value
#' is used to split the prediction into smaller chunks such that memory
#' requirements do not become too big
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{\link{vwnrfs}}
#' @return list a 4-list with the rf model, training vector, feature matrix
#' and the random mask
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Pustina D
#' @examples
#' mask <- makeImage(c(10, 10), 0)
#' mask[3:6, 3:6] <- 1
#' mask[5, 5:6] <- 2
#' ilist <- list()
#' lablist <- list()
#' inds <- 1:5
#' scl <- 0.33 # a noise parameter
#' for (predtype in c("label", "scalar"))
#' {
#'   for (i in inds) {
#'     img <- antsImageClone(mask)
#'     imgb <- antsImageClone(mask)
#'     limg <- antsImageClone(mask)
#'     if (predtype == "label") { # 4 class prediction
#'       img[3:6, 3:6] <- rnorm(16) * scl + (i %% 4) + scl * mean(rnorm(1))
#'       imgb[3:6, 3:6] <- rnorm(16) * scl + (i %% 4) + scl * mean(rnorm(1))
#'       limg[3:6, 3:6] <- (i %% 4) + 1 # the label image is constant
#'     }
#'     if (predtype == "scalar") {
#'       img[3:6, 3:6] <- rnorm(16, 1) * scl * (i) + scl * mean(rnorm(1))
#'       imgb[3:6, 3:6] <- rnorm(16, 1) * scl * (i) + scl * mean(rnorm(1))
#'       limg <- i^2.0 # a real outcome
#'     }
#'     ilist[[i]] <- list(img, imgb) # two features
#'     lablist[[i]] <- limg
#'   }
#'   rad <- rep(1, 2)
#'   mr <- c(1.5, 1)
#'   rfm <- mrvnrfs(lablist, ilist, mask,
#'     rad = rad, multiResSchedule = mr,
#'     asFactors = (predtype == "label")
#'   )
#'   rfmresult <- mrvnrfs.predict(rfm$rflist,
#'     ilist, mask,
#'     rad = rad, asFactors = (predtype == "label"),
#'     multiResSchedule = mr
#'   )
#'   if (predtype == "scalar") {
#'     print(cor(unlist(lablist), unlist(rfmresult$seg)))
#'   }
#' } # end predtype loop
#' @export mrvnrfs
mrvnrfs <- function(y, x, labelmasks, rad = NA, nsamples = 1,
                    ntrees = 500, multiResSchedule = c(4, 2, 1), asFactors = TRUE,
                    voxchunk = 50000, ...) {
  # check if Y is antsImage or a number
  yisimg <- TRUE
  if (typeof(y[[1]]) == "integer" | typeof(y[[1]]) == "double") yisimg <- FALSE
  rflist <- list()
  rfct <- 1

  # for a single labelmask create a list with it
  useFirstMask <- FALSE
  if (typeof(labelmasks) != "list") {
    inmask <- antsImageClone(labelmasks)
    labelmasks <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(x)) labelmasks[[i]] <- inmask
    useFirstMask <- TRUE

  # loop of resolutions
  verbose <- FALSE # need to add this option to command line if you want messages
  mrcount <- 0
  for (mr in multiResSchedule) {
    mrcount <- mrcount + 1
    if (verbose) message(paste(mrcount, "of", length(multiResSchedule)))


    # add newprobs from previous run, already correct dimension
    if (rfct > 1) {
      for (kk in 1:length(x)) {
        p1 <- unlist(x[[kk]])
        p2 <- unlist(newprobs[[kk]])
        temp <- lappend(p1, p2)
        x[[kk]] <- temp


    # build model for this mr
    if (!useFirstMask) {
      sol <- vwnrfs(
        y = y,
        x = x,
        labelmasks = labelmasks,
        rad = rad,
        nsamples = nsamples,
        ntrees = ntrees,
        asFactors = asFactors,
        reduceFactor = mr,

    if (useFirstMask) {
      sol <- vwnrfs(
        y = y,
        x = x,
        labelmasks = labelmasks[[1]],
        rad = rad,
        nsamples = nsamples,
        ntrees = ntrees,
        asFactors = asFactors,
        reduceFactor = mr,

    sol$fm <- sol$tv <- sol$randmask <- NULL


    # if not last mr, predict new features for next round
    if (mrcount < length(multiResSchedule)) {
      predme <- vwnrfs.predict(
        rfm = sol$rfm, x = x, labelmasks = labelmasks,
        rad = rad, asFactors = asFactors, voxchunk = voxchunk,
        reduceFactor = mr

      newprobs <- predme$probs
      for (tt1 in 1:length(newprobs)) {
        for (tt2 in 1:length(newprobs[[tt1]])) {
          newprobs[[tt1]][[tt2]] <- resampleImage(newprobs[[tt1]][[tt2]], dim(labelmasks[[tt1]]), useVoxels = 1, 0)

    rflist[[rfct]] <- sol$rfm
    rfct <- rfct + 1
  } # mr loop

  return(list(rflist = rflist))

#' multi-res voxelwise neighborhood random forest segmentation
#' Represents multiscale feature images as a neighborhood and uses the features
#' to apply a random forest segmentation model to a new image
#' @param rflist a list of random forest models from mrvnrfs
#' @param x a list of lists where each list contains feature images
#' @param labelmasks a mask (or list of masks) used to define the area to predict.
#' This is used to save time by contstrain the prediction in within the brain.
#' @param rad vector of dimensionality d define nhood radius
#' @param multiResSchedule an integer vector defining multi-res levels
#' @param asFactors boolean - treat the y entries as factors
#' @param voxchunk value of maximal voxels to predict at once. This value
#' is used to split the prediction into smaller chunks such that memory
#' requirements do not become too big
#' @return list a 4-list with the rf model, training vector, feature matrix
#' and the random mask
#' @author Avants BB, Tustison NJ, Pustina D
#' @export mrvnrfs.predict
mrvnrfs.predict <- function(rflist, x, labelmasks, rad = NA,
                            multiResSchedule = c(4, 2, 1), asFactors = TRUE,
                            voxchunk = 60000) {
  if (!usePkg("randomForest")) {
    stop("Please install the randomForest package, example: install.packages('randomForest')")

  # for a single labelmask create a list the same
  useFirstMask <- FALSE
  if (typeof(labelmasks) != "list") {
    inmask <- antsImageClone(labelmasks)
    labelmasks <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(x)) labelmasks[[i]] <- inmask
    useFirstMask <- TRUE

  predtype <- "response"
  if (asFactors) predtype <- "prob"

  rfct <- 1
  for (mr in multiResSchedule) {
    if (rfct > 1) {
      for (kk in 1:length(x)) {
        p1 <- unlist(x[[kk]])
        p2 <- unlist(newprobs[[kk]])
        temp <- lappend(p1, p2)
        x[[kk]] <- temp

    predme <- vwnrfs.predict(rflist[[rfct]],
      x = x, labelmasks = labelmasks,
      rad = rad, asFactors = asFactors, voxchunk = voxchunk,
      reduceFactor = mr

    newprobs <- predme$probs
    newseg <- predme$seg
    if (rfct < length(multiResSchedule)) {
      for (tt1 in 1:length(newprobs)) {
        for (tt2 in 1:length(newprobs[[tt1]])) {
          newprobs[[tt1]][[tt2]] <- resampleImage(newprobs[[tt1]][[tt2]], dim(labelmasks[[1]]), useVoxels = 1, 0)

    rfct <- rfct + 1
  } # mr loop
  return(list(seg = newseg, probs = newprobs))
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.