
Defines functions .arCorrection taskFMRI

Documented in taskFMRI

#' Simple taskFMRI function.
#' Input 4D time series matrix. (Perform slice timing correction externally).
#' Estimate hemodynamicRF from block design. Compute brain mask on average bold
#' image.  Get nuisance variables : motion , compcor , globalsignal.
#' High-frequency filter the time series ( externally ). Correct for
#' autocorrelation using bullmore 1996 MRM and AR(2) model with parameters
#' derived from global residual signal. Estimate final glm.
#' @param mat input matrix
#' @param hrf input hrf
#' @param myvars output of getfMRInuisanceVariables
#' @param correctautocorr correction auto correlation boolean
#' @param residualizedesignmatrix boolean
#' @param myformula statistical equation to be assessed at each voxel
#' @return list of betas and other names entries is output
#' @author Avants BB
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # read the fmri image in and maybe do slice timing correction
#' fmri <- getANTsRData("pcasl")
#' fmri <- antsImageRead(fmri)
#' #  fmri<-iMath(fmri,"SliceTimingCorrection","bspline") # optional
#' myvars <- getfMRInuisanceVariables(fmri, moreaccurate = 0, maskThresh = 100)
#' mat <- myvars$matrixTimeSeries
#' mat <- frequencyFilterfMRI(mat, 2.5, freqLo = 0.01, freqHi = 0.1, opt = "butt")
#' blockfing <- c(0, 36, 72)
#' hrf <- hemodynamicRF(
#'   scans = dim(fmri)[4], onsets = blockfing,
#'   durations = rep(12, length(blockfing)), rt = 2.5
#' )
#' activationBeta <- taskFMRI(mat, hrf, myvars)
#' }
#' @export taskFMRI
taskFMRI <- function(
    mat, hrf, myvars,
    correctautocorr = FALSE, residualizedesignmatrix = FALSE,
    myformula = NA) {
  if (nargs() == 0) {
    print("Usage:  betas<-taskFMRI( x , hrf ) ")
  if (all(is.na(myformula))) {
    myformula <- "globalsignal + motion1 +
      motion2 + motion3 + compcorr1 + compcorr2 + compcorr3"
  havemagic <- usePkg("magic")
  if (!havemagic) {
    print("Must have magic package to use this function")
  avg <- myvars$avgImage
  mask <- myvars$mask
  nuis <- (myvars$nuisancevariables)
  betas <- rep(NA, ncol(mat))
  desmat <- as.matrix(cbind(myvars$globalsignal, nuis))
  if (residualizedesignmatrix) {
    desmat <- residuals(lm(desmat ~ hrf))
  desmat <- cbind(hrf, desmat)
  colnames(desmat) <- c(colnames(hrf), colnames(desmat))
  ####################################################### Statistical methods of estimation and inference for # functional MR image
  ####################################################### analysis Bullmore 1996 #
  amat <- mat
  adesmat <- desmat
  myformhrf <- as.formula(paste("amat ~  hrf + ", myformula))
  myformNOhrf <- as.formula(paste("amat ~ 1 + ", myformula))
  if (correctautocorr) {
    for (i in 1:11) {
      residmat <- residuals(lm(myformhrf, data = data.frame(adesmat)))
      residsig <- apply(residmat, FUN = mean, MARGIN = 1)
      arcoefs <- ar(residsig, FALSE, 2, method = "burg")$ar # use something similar to  SPM's  autoregression estimate
      if (i == 1) {
        initialarcoefs <- arcoefs
      if (abs(arcoefs[1]) > 0.05) {
        mat1 <- magic::ashift(amat, c(1, 0))
        mat1[1, ] <- amat[1, ]
        mat2 <- magic::ashift(amat, c(2, 0))
        mat2[1, ] <- amat[1, ]
        mat2[2, ] <- amat[2, ]
        if (length(arcoefs) == 2) {
          amat <- amat - mat1 * arcoefs[1] - mat2 * arcoefs[2]
        if (length(arcoefs) == 1) {
          amat <- amat - mat1 * arcoefs[1]
        mat1 <- magic::ashift(adesmat, c(1, 0))
        mat1[1, ] <- adesmat[1, ]
        mat2 <- magic::ashift(adesmat, c(2, 0))
        mat2[1, ] <- adesmat[1, ]
        mat2[2, ] <- adesmat[2, ]
        if (length(arcoefs) == 2) {
          adesmat <- adesmat - mat1 * arcoefs[1] - mat2 * arcoefs[2]
        if (length(arcoefs) == 1) {
          adesmat <- adesmat - mat1 * arcoefs[1]
      } # if gt 0.05
    # new regression
    amat <- residuals(lm(myformNOhrf, data = data.frame(adesmat)))
    residsig <- apply(amat, FUN = mean, MARGIN = 1)
    arcoefs <- ar(residsig, FALSE, length(arcoefs), method = "burg")$ar # use something similar to  SPM's  autoregression estimate
    print(paste("final arcoefs", arcoefs))
    print(paste("initi arcoefs", initialarcoefs))
  progress <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(mat), style = 3)
  for (i in 1:ncol(amat)) {
    vox <- amat[, i]
    # mdl<-lmrob( vox ~ hrf, data = data.frame( adesmat ) )
    mdl <- lm(vox ~ hrf, data = data.frame(desmat))
    betas[i] <- coefficients(summary(mdl))[2, 3] # probably better way
    # betas[i]<-cor.test( vox , hrf )$est
    setTxtProgressBar(progress, i)
  betas[is.na(betas)] <- 0
  return(list(beta = betas, fmrimat = amat, adesmat = adesmat))

.arCorrection <- function(boldmatin, loops = 3, armethod = "burg") {
  boldmat <- boldmatin
  for (i in 1:loops) {
    arcoefs <- ar(boldmat, FALSE, 2, method = armethod)$ar # use something similar to  SPM's  autoregression estimate
    if (i == 1) {
      initialarcoefs <- arcoefs
    if (abs(arcoefs[1]) > 0.05) {
      mat1 <- magic::ashift(boldmat, c(1, 0))
      mat1[1, ] <- boldmat[1, ]
      mat2 <- magic::ashift(boldmat, c(2, 0))
      mat2[1, ] <- boldmat[1, ]
      mat2[2, ] <- boldmat[2, ]
      if (length(arcoefs) == 2) {
        boldmat <- boldmat - mat1 * arcoefs[1] - mat2 * arcoefs[2]
      if (length(arcoefs) == 1) {
        boldmat <- boldmat - mat1 * arcoefs[1]
  # new regression
  arcoefs <- ar(boldmat, FALSE, length(arcoefs), method = armethod)$ar # use something similar to  SPM's  autoregression estimate
  if (mean(abs(sum(arcoefs))) > mean(abs(sum(initialarcoefs)))) {
    print(paste("final arcoefs", arcoefs))
    print(paste("initi arcoefs", initialarcoefs))
  return(list(outmat = boldmat, initcoefs = initialarcoefs, arcoefs = arcoefs))
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.