
Defines functions print.sj_has_na print.sj_merge.imp print.sjmisc_grpdescr print_descr_helper print.sjmisc_descr print_html.sjmisc_frq print_md.sjmisc_frq print.sjmisc_frq format.sjmisc_frq print.sjmisc_frq2

# Reexports ------------------------

#' @importFrom insight print_md
#' @export

#' @importFrom insight print_html
#' @export

#' @export
print.sjmisc_frq2 <- function(x, ...) {
  purrr::walk(x, function(dat) {

    # get variable label
    lab <- attr(dat, "label", exact = TRUE)
    vt <- attr(dat, "vartype", exact = TRUE)

    # fix variable type string
    if (!sjmisc::is_empty(vt))
      vt <- sprintf(" <%s>", vt)
      vt <- ""


    # print label
    if (!is.null(lab)) {
      insight::print_color(sprintf("%s", lab), "red")
      insight::print_color(sprintf("%s\n", vt), "blue")

    # get grouping title label
    grp <- attr(dat, "group", exact = TRUE)

    # print title for grouping
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
      insight::print_color("# grouped by: ", "blue")
      insight::print_color(sprintf("%s\n", grp), "cyan")

    # add Total N
      "# total N=%i  valid N=%i  mean=%.2f  sd=%.2f\n\n",
      sum(dat$frq, na.rm = TRUE),
      sum(dat$frq[0:(nrow(dat) - 1)], na.rm = TRUE),
      attr(dat, "mean", exact = TRUE),
      attr(dat, "sd", exact = TRUE)
    ), "blue")

    # don't print labels, if all except for the NA value are "none"
    if ((dplyr::n_distinct(dat$label[!is.na(dat$val)]) == 1 && unique(dat$label[!is.na(dat$val)]) == "<none>") || (length(dat$val) == 1 && is.na(dat$val)))
      dat <- dplyr::select(dat, -.data$label)

    # fix colnames
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "val"] <- "Value"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "label"] <- "Label"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "frq"] <- "N"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "raw.prc"] <- "Raw %"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "valid.prc"] <- "Valid %"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "cum.prc"] <- "Cum. %"

    # print frq-table
    cat(insight::export_table(dat, missing = "<NA>"))


#' @export
format.sjmisc_frq <- function(x, format = NULL, ...) {
  lapply(x, function(dat) {

    # get variable label
    lab <- attr(dat, "label", exact = TRUE)
    vt <- attr(dat, "vartype", exact = TRUE)

    # fix variable type string
    if (!sjmisc::is_empty(vt) && !identical(format, "html"))
      vt <- sprintf(" <%s>", vt)
      vt <- ""

    title <- NULL
    subtitle <- NULL
    footer <- NULL

    # print label
    if (!is.null(lab)) {
      if (is.null(format) || identical(format, "text")) {
        title <- paste0(insight::color_text(lab, "red"),
                        insight::color_text(vt, "blue"))
      } else {
        title <- paste0(lab, vt)

    # get grouping title label
    grp <- attr(dat, "group", exact = TRUE)

    # print title for grouping
    if (!is.null(grp)) {
      if (is.null(format) || identical(format, "text")) {
        subtitle <- paste0(insight::color_text("# grouped by: ", "blue"),
                           insight::color_text(grp, "cyan"))
      } else if (identical(format, "markdown")) {
        subtitle <- paste0("grouped by: ", grp)
      } else {
        title <- paste0(title, ", grouped by: ", grp)

    # add Total N
    if (is.null(format) || identical(format, "text")) {
      footer <- insight::color_text(sprintf(
        "# total N=%i  valid N=%i  mean=%.2f  sd=%.2f",
        sum(dat$frq, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum(dat$frq[0:(nrow(dat) - 1)], na.rm = TRUE),
        attr(dat, "mean", exact = TRUE),
        attr(dat, "sd", exact = TRUE)
      ), "blue")
    } else {
      footer <- sprintf(
        "total N=%i  valid N=%i  mean=%.2f  sd=%.2f",
        sum(dat$frq, na.rm = TRUE),
        sum(dat$frq[0:(nrow(dat) - 1)], na.rm = TRUE),
        attr(dat, "mean", exact = TRUE),
        attr(dat, "sd", exact = TRUE)

    # don't print labels, if all except for the NA value are "none"
    if ((dplyr::n_distinct(dat$label[!is.na(dat$val)]) == 1 && unique(dat$label[!is.na(dat$val)]) == "<none>") || (length(dat$val) == 1 && is.na(dat$val)))
      dat <- dplyr::select(dat, -.data$label)

    # fix colnames
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "val"] <- "Value"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "label"] <- "Label"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "frq"] <- "N"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "raw.prc"] <- "Raw %"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "valid.prc"] <- "Valid %"
    colnames(dat)[names(dat) == "cum.prc"] <- "Cum. %"

    if (is.null(format) || identical(format, "text")) {
      if (!is.null(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste0("\n", subtitle)
      if (!is.null(footer)) {
        subtitle <- paste0(subtitle, "\n", footer)
        footer <- NULL

    if (identical(format, "html")) {
      footer <- NULL

    attr(dat, "table_title") <- title
    attr(dat, "table_subtitle") <- subtitle
    attr(dat, "table_footer") <- footer


#' @export
print.sjmisc_frq <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- format(x, format = "text", ...)
  cat(insight::export_table(out, missing = "<NA>"))

#' @export
print_md.sjmisc_frq <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- format(x, format = "markdown", ...)
  insight::export_table(out, format = "markdown", missing = "<NA>")

#' @export
print_html.sjmisc_frq <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- format(x, format = "html", ...)
  insight::export_table(out, format = "html", missing = "<NA>", title = attr(x[[1]], "label", exact = TRUE))

#' @export
print.sjmisc_descr <- function(x, ...) {
  insight::print_color("## Basic descriptive statistics\n\n", "blue")
  print_descr_helper(x, ...)

print_descr_helper <- function(x, ...) {
  digits <- 2

  # do we have digits argument?
  add.args <- lapply(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`, function(x) x)
  if ("digits" %in% names(add.args)) digits <- eval(add.args[["digits"]])

  # round values
  to.round <- c("NA.prc", "mean", "sd", "se", "md", "trimmed")
  if (is.null(attr(x, "weights", exact = TRUE))) to.round <- c(to.round, "skew")
  to.round <- intersect(to.round, colnames(x))
  x[, to.round] <- round(x[, to.round], digits = digits)

  # print frq-table
  print.data.frame(x, ..., row.names = FALSE)

#' @export
print.sjmisc_grpdescr <- function(x, ...) {
  insight::print_color("## Basic descriptive statistics\n", "blue")

  purrr::walk(x, function(.x) {
    # print title for grouping
    insight::print_color("\n\nGrouped by: ", "red")
    insight::print_color(sprintf("%s\n\n", attr(.x, "group", exact = TRUE)), "cyan")

    print_descr_helper(.x, ...)

#' @export
print.sj_merge.imp <- function(x, ...) {
  graphics::plot(x$plot, ...)

#' @export
print.sj_has_na <- function(x, ...) {
  insight::print_color("## Variables with missing or infinite values (in red)\n\n", "blue")

  s1 <- max(c(nchar(x$name), nchar("Name")))
  s2 <- max(c(nchar(x$label), nchar("Variable Label")))

  cat(sprintf("   Column   %*s   %*s\n\n", s1, "Name", s2, "Variable Label"))

  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    row <- sprintf("   %*i   %*s   %*s\n", 6, x[i, "col"], s1, x[i, "name"], s2, x[i, "label"])
    if (.is_true(x[i, "has.na"]))
      insight::print_color(row, "red")
      insight::print_color(row, "green")

strengejacke/sjmisc documentation built on May 16, 2024, 4:07 a.m.