
Defines functions word_wrap

Documented in word_wrap

#' @title Insert line breaks in long labels
#' @name word_wrap
#' @description Insert line breaks in long character strings. Useful if you want to wordwrap
#'                labels / titles for plots or tables.
#' @param labels Label(s) as character string, where a line break should be
#'   inserted. Several strings may be passed as vector  (see 'Examples').
#' @param wrap Maximum amount of chars per line (i.e. line length). If
#'   \code{wrap = Inf} or \code{wrap = 0}, no word wrap will be performed
#'   (i.e. \code{labels} will be returned as is).
#' @param linesep By default, this argument is \code{NULL} and a regular new line
#'   string (\code{"\\n"}) is used. For HTML-purposes, for instance, \code{linesep}
#'   could be \code{"<br>"}.
#' @return New label(s) with line breaks inserted at every \code{wrap}'s position.
#' @examples
#' word_wrap(c("A very long string", "And another even longer string!"), 10)
#' message(word_wrap("Much too long string for just one line!", 15))
#' @export
word_wrap <- function(labels, wrap, linesep = NULL) {
  # infinite wrap? then return labels
  if (is.infinite(wrap) | wrap == 0) return(labels)
  # expressions can't be wrapped
  if (is.expression(labels)) {
    warning("Word wrap is not available for expressions.")
  # check if labels have NA values and remove them
  if (anyNA(labels)) labels <- as.character(stats::na.omit(labels))
  # check for valid value
  if (is.null(labels) || length(labels) == 0) return(NULL)
  # coerce to character, if factor
  if (!is.character(labels)) labels <- as.character(labels)
  # default line separator is \n
  if (is.null(linesep)) {
    linesep <- '\\1\n'
    lsub <- 0
    ori.linesep <- '\n'
  } else {
    # however, for html-function we can use "<br>"
    # as argument
    lsub <- nchar(linesep) - 1
    ori.linesep <- linesep
    linesep <- sprintf("\\1%s", linesep)
  # create regex pattern for line break
  pattern <- paste('(.{1,', wrap, '})(\\s|$)', sep = "")
  # iterate all labels
  for (n in seq_len(length(labels))) {
    # check if wrap exceeds lengths of labels
    if (wrap > 0 && nchar(labels[n]) > wrap) {
      # insert line breaks
      labels[n] <- gsub(pattern, linesep, labels[n])

      # in case label was short enough, we still have a line break
      # at the end of the label. here we remove any trailing line breaks
      l <- nchar(labels[n])
      # get last char
      lc <- substr(labels[n], l - lsub, l)
      # check if line break
      if (lc == ori.linesep) {
        # if yes, remove it
        labels[n] <- substr(labels[n], 0, l - (lsub + 1))

strengejacke/sjmisc documentation built on May 16, 2024, 4:07 a.m.