
Defines functions mcSimulations

Documented in mcSimulations

#' @title Monte Carlo simulations
#' @description This function generates monte carlo simultaions of sparse VAR and
#' its estimation (at the moment only for VAR(1) processes).
#' @param N dimension of the multivariate time series.
#' @param nobs number of observations to be generated.
#' @param nMC number of Monte Carlo simulations.
#' @param rho base value for the covariance.
#' @param sparsity density of non zero entries of the VAR matrices.
#' @param penalty penalty function to use for LS estimation. Possible values are \code{"ENET"},
#' \code{"SCAD"} or \code{"MCP"}.
#' @param covariance type of covariance matrix to be used in the generation of the sparse VAR model.
#' @param method which type of distribution to use in the generation of the entries of the matrices.
#' @param modelSel select which model selection criteria to use (\code{"cv"} or \code{"timeslice"}).
#' @param ... (TODO: complete)
#' @return a \code{nMc}x5 matrix with the results of the Monte Carlo estimation

#' @export
mcSimulations <- function(N, nobs = 250, nMC = 100, rho = 0.5, sparsity = 0.05,
                          penalty = "ENET", covariance = "Toeplitz",
                          method = "normal", modelSel = "cv", ...) {
  results <- list()

  results$confusionMatrix <- matrix(0, nMC, 4)
  results$matrixNorms <- matrix(0, nMC, 6)
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nMC, style = 3)

  for (i in 1:nMC) {
    s <- simulateVAR(nobs = nobs, N = N, rho = rho, sparsity = sparsity, covariance = covariance, method = method, ...)
    rets <- s$series
    genA <- s$A[[1]]
    spRad <- max(Mod(eigen(genA)$values))

    res <- fitVAR(data = rets, penalty = penalty, method = modelSel, ...)

    A <- res$A[[1]]
    estSpRad <- max(Mod(eigen(A)$values))

    L <- A
    L[L != 0] <- 1
    L[L == 0] <- 0

    genL <- genA
    genL[genL != 0] <- 1
    genL[genL == 0] <- 0

    results$confusionMatrix[i, 1:4] <- prop.table(table(Predicted = L, Real = genL))
    results$accuracy[i] <- 1 - sum(abs(L - genL)) / N^2 # accuracy    -(1 - sum(genL)/N^2)
    results$matrixNorms[i, 1] <- abs(sum(L) / N^2 - sparsity) # sparsity
    results$matrixNorms[i, 2] <- l2norm(A - genA) / l2norm(genA)
    results$matrixNorms[i, 3] <- frobNorm(A - genA) / frobNorm(genA)
    results$matrixNorms[i, 4] <- res$mse
    results$matrixNorms[i, 5] <- spRad
    results$matrixNorms[i, 6] <- estSpRad
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


  results$confusionMatrix <- as.data.frame(results$confusionMatrix)
  colnames(results$confusionMatrix) <- c("TP", "FP", "FN", "TN")
  results$matrixNorms <- as.data.frame(results$matrixNorms)
  colnames(results$matrixNorms) <- c("sparDiff", "l2", "frob", "mse", "spRad", "estSpRad")

svazzole/sparseVAR documentation built on April 19, 2021, 2:11 p.m.