
Defines functions plot.regres plotRMSE.regres plotResiduals.regres plotPredictions.regres regres.slope regres.rmse regres.bias regres.r2 regres.err regress.addattrs regres.getPerformanceStats print.regres summary.regres as.matrix.regres regres

Documented in as.matrix.regres plotPredictions.regres plot.regres plotResiduals.regres plotRMSE.regres print.regres regres regres.bias regres.err regres.r2 regres.rmse regress.addattrs regres.slope summary.regres

#' Regression results
#' @description
#' Class for storing and visualisation of regression predictions
#' @param y.pred
#' vector or matrix with y predicted values
#' @param y.ref
#' vector with reference (measured) y values
#' @param ncomp.selected
#' if y.pred calculated for different components, which to use as default
#' @return
#' a list (object of \code{regres} class) with fields, including:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'    \code{y.pred} \tab a matrix with predicted values \cr
#'    \code{y.ref} \tab a vector with reference (measured) values \cr
#'    \code{ncomp.selected} \tab selected column/number of components for predictions \cr
#'    \code{rmse} \tab root mean squared error for predicted vs measured values \cr
#'    \code{slope} \tab slope for predicted vs measured values \cr
#'    \code{r2} \tab coefficient of determination for predicted vs measured values \cr
#'    \code{bias} \tab bias for predicted vs measured values \cr
#'    \code{rpd} \tab RPD values \cr
#' }
#' @export
regres <- function(y.pred, y.ref = NULL, ncomp.selected = 1) {

   if (is.null(y.pred) || length(dim(y.pred)) != 3) {
      stop("Parameter 'y.pred' should be a 3-way array.")

   if (ncomp.selected > dim(y.pred)[2]) {
      stop("Wrong value for 'ncomp.selected' parameter.")

   if (!is.null(y.ref)) y.ref <- as.matrix(y.ref)

   obj <- list()
   obj$y.pred <- y.pred
   obj$y.ref <- y.ref
   obj$ncomp <- dim(y.pred)[2]
   obj$ncomp.selected <- ncomp.selected
   obj$nresp <- dim(y.pred)[3]
   obj$respnames <- dimnames(y.pred)[[3]]
   if (is.null(obj$respnames)) obj$respnames <- paste0("y", seq_len(obj$nresp))

   obj <- c(obj, regres.getPerformanceStats(y.pred, y.ref))
   obj$call <- match.call()
   class(obj) <- "regres"


#' as.matrix method for regression results
#' @description
#' Returns a matrix with model performance statistics for regression results
#' @param x
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ncomp
#' model complexity (number of components) to calculate the statistics for (can be a vector)
#' @param ny
#' for which response variable calculate the statistics for
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
as.matrix.regres <- function(x, ncomp = NULL, ny = 1, ...) {
   if (is.null(x$y.ref)) return()

   out <- cbind(x$r2[ny, ], x$rmse[ny, ], x$slope[ny, ],
      x$bias[ny, ], x$rpd[ny, ])

   colnames(out) <- c("R2", "RMSE", "Slope", "Bias", "RPD")
   rownames(out) <- dimnames(x$y.pred)[[2]]

   if (!is.null(ncomp)) {
      out <- out[ncomp, , drop = FALSE]


#' summary method for regression results object
#' @description
#' Shows performance statistics for the regression results.
#' @param object
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ncomp
#' model complexity to show the summary for (if NULL - shows for all available values)
#' @param ny
#' for which response variable show the summary for (one value or a vector)
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
summary.regres <- function(object, ncomp = object$ncomp.selected, ny = seq_len(object$nresp), ...) {

   cat("\nRegression results (class regres) summary\n")
   if (is.null(object$y.ref)) {
      cat("No reference data provided to calculate prediction performance.")

   if (!is.null(ncomp)) {
      fprintf("\nNumber of selected components: %d\n\n", ncomp)

   for (i in ny) {
      fprintf("\nResponse variable %s:\n", object$respnames[i])
      print(as.matrix.regres(object, ny = i, ncomp = ncomp))

#' print method for regression results object
#' @description
#' Prints information about the object structure
#' @param x
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
print.regres <- function(x, ...) {
   cat("\nRegression results (class regres)\n")

   cat("\nMajor fields:\n")
   cat("$y.pred - matrix or vector with predicted y values\n")
   if (!is.null(x$y.ref)) {
      cat("$y.ref - vector with reference y values\n")
      cat("$rmse - root mean squared error\n")
      cat("$r2 - coefficient of determination\n")
      cat("$slope - slope for predicted vs. measured values\n")
      cat("$bias - bias for prediction vs. measured values\n")

   if (ncol(x$y.pred) > 1) {
      cat("$ncomp.selected - number of selected components\n")

#  Static methods              #

regres.getPerformanceStats <- function(y.pred, y.ref) {
   if (is.null(y.ref)) return(NULL)

   attrs <- mda.getattr(y.pred)

   # remove excluded rows so they are not counted
   # when calculating statistics
   if (length(attrs$exclrows) > 0) {
      y.pred <- y.pred[-attrs$exclrows, , , drop = FALSE]
      y.ref <- y.ref[-attrs$exclrows, , drop = FALSE]

   # residuals (errors) based statistics
   err <- regres.err(y.pred, y.ref)
   ytot <- colSums(scale(y.ref, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)^2)

   stats <- list(
      "r2" = regres.r2(err, ytot),
      "bias" = regres.bias(err),
      "rmse" = regres.rmse(err)

   stats$slope <- regress.addattrs(regres.slope(y.pred, y.ref), attributes(err), "Slope")
   stats$sep <- regress.addattrs(sqrt(stats$rmse^2 - stats$bias^2), attributes(err), "SEP")
   stats$rpd <- regress.addattrs(apply(y.ref, 2, sd) / stats$sep, attributes(err), "RPD")


#' Add names and attributes to matrix with statistics
#' @param stat
#' matrix with statistics
#' @param attrs
#' attributes from error matrix
#' @param name
#' name of statistic
regress.addattrs <- function(stat, attrs, name) {

   attr(stat, "name") <- name
   dimnames(stat) <- attrs$dimnames[c(3, 2)]
   attr(stat, "xaxis.name") <- attrs$xaxis.name
   attr(stat, "yaxis.name") <- attrs$yaxis.name


#' Error of prediction
#' @description
#' Calculates array of differences between predicted and reference values.
#' @param y.ref
#' vector with reference values
#' @param y.pred
#' matrix with predicted values
regres.err <- function(y.pred, y.ref) {
   ncomp <- dim(y.pred)[2]
   err <- array(repmat(y.ref, ncomp, 1), dim = dim(y.pred)) - y.pred

   attr(err, "name") <- "Error of prediction"
   attr(err, "xaxis.name") <- "Components"
   attr(err, "yaxis.name") <- "Predictors"


#' Determination coefficient
#' @description
#' Calculates matrix with coeffient of determination for every response and components
#' @param err
#' vector with difference between reference and predicted y-values
#' @param ytot
#' total variance for y-values
#' @export
regres.r2 <- function(err, ytot) {
   r2 <- t(1 - scale(colSums(err^2), center = FALSE, scale = ytot))
   return(regress.addattrs(r2, attributes(err), "Coefficient of determination"))

#' Prediction bias
#' @description
#' Calculates matrix with bias (average prediction error) for every response and components
#' @param err
#' vector with difference between reference and predicted y-values
regres.bias <- function(err) {
   bias <- t(colSums(err) / nrow(err))
   return(regress.addattrs(bias, attributes(err), "Bias"))

#' @description
#' Calculates matrix with root mean squared error of prediction for every response and components.
#' @param err
#' vector with difference between reference and predicted y-values
regres.rmse <- function(err) {
   rmse <- t(sqrt(colSums(err^2) / nrow(err)))
   return(regress.addattrs(rmse, attributes(err), "RMSE"))

#' Slope
#' @description
#' Calculates matrix with slope of predicted and measured values for every response and components.
#' @param y.ref
#' vector with reference values
#' @param y.pred
#' matrix with predicted values
regres.slope <- function(y.pred, y.ref) {
   nresp <- ncol(y.ref)
   ncomp <- ncol(y.pred)
   slope <- matrix(0, nrow = nresp, ncol = ncomp)
   for (i in seq_len(nresp)) {
      slope[i, ] <- matrix(coefficients(lm(y.pred[, , i] ~ y.ref[, i])), nrow = 2)[2, ]


#  Plotting methods            #

#' Predictions plot for regression results
#' @description
#' Shows plot with predicted y values.
#' @param obj
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ny
#' number of predictor to show the plot for (if y is multivariate)
#' @param ncomp
#' complexity of model (e.g. number of components) to show the plot for
#' @param show.line
#' logical, show or not line fit for the plot points
#' @param show.stat
#' logical, show or not legend with statistics on the plot
#' @param stat.col
#' color of text in legend with statistics
#' @param stat.cex
#' size of text in legend with statistics
#' @param xlim
#' limits for x-axis (if NULL will be computed automatically)
#' @param ylim
#' limits for y-axis (if NULL will be computed automatically)
#' @param axes.equal
#' logical, make limits for x and y axes equal or not
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, show plot or just return plot data
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplot} for details)
#' @details
#' If reference values are available, the function shows a scatter plot with predicted vs.
#' reference values, otherwise predicted values are shown vs. object numbers.
#' @export
plotPredictions.regres <- function(obj, ny = 1, ncomp = obj$ncomp.selected, show.line = TRUE,
   show.stat = FALSE, stat.col = "#606060", stat.cex = 0.85, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
   axes.equal = TRUE, show.plot = TRUE, ...) {

   if (length(ny) != 1) {
      stop("You can show prediction plot only for one selected response variable.")

   if (length(ncomp) != 1 || ncomp < 1 || ncomp > obj$ncomp) {
      stop("Wrong value for ncomp argument.")

   if (is.null(obj$y.ref)) {
      plot_data <- matrix(obj$y.pred[, ncomp, ny], ncol = 1)
      attr(plot_data, "xaxis.name") <- colnames(plot_data) <-
         paste0(obj$respnames[ny], ", predicted")
      attr(plot_data, "yaxis.name") <- attr(obj$y.pred, "yaxis.name")
      attr(plot_data, "yaxis.values") <- attr(obj$y.pred, "yaxis.values")
   } else {
      plot_data <- cbind(obj$y.ref[, ny], obj$y.pred[, ncomp, ny])
      colnames(plot_data) <- c(
         paste0(obj$respnames[ny], ", reference"),
         paste0(obj$respnames[ny], ", predicted")

   plot_data <- mda.setattr(plot_data, mda.getattr(obj$y.pred))
   rownames(plot_data) <- rownames(obj$y.pred)
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- paste0("Predictions (ncomp = ", ncomp, ")")

   if (!show.plot) {

   if (axes.equal && !is.null(obj$yref)) {
      xlim <- ylim <- range(plot_data)

   p <- mdaplot(plot_data, type = "p", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)

   if (is.null(obj$y.ref)) {

   if (show.stat) {
      stat.text <- sprintf("nLV = %d\nRMSE = %.3f\nR2 = %.3f\n",
         ncomp, obj$rmse[ny, ncomp], obj$r2[ny, ncomp])
      text(p$xlim[1], p$ylim[2], stat.text, adj = c(0, 1), col = stat.col, cex = stat.cex)

   if (show.line) {


#' Residuals plot for regression results
#' @description
#' Shows plot with Y residuals (difference between predicted and reference values) for selected
#' response variable and complexity (number of components).
#' @param obj
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ny
#' number of predictor to show the plot for (if y is multivariate)
#' @param ncomp
#' complexity of model (e.g. number of components) to show the plot for
#' @param show.lines
#' allows to show the horisontal line at y = 0
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, show plot or just return plot data
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplot} for details)
#' @export
plotResiduals.regres <- function(obj, ny = 1, ncomp = obj$ncomp.selected,
   show.lines = c(NA, 0), show.plot = TRUE, ...) {

   if (is.null(obj$y.ref)) {
      stop("Y-residuals can not be plotted without reference values.")

   if (length(ny) != 1) {
      stop("You can make residuals plot only for one selected response variable.")

   if (length(ncomp) != 1 || ncomp < 1 || ncomp > obj$ncomp) {
      stop("Wrong value for ncomp argument.")

   plot_data <- cbind(obj$y.ref[, ny], obj$y.ref[, ny] - obj$y.pred[, ncomp, ny])
   plot_data <- mda.setattr(plot_data, mda.getattr(obj$y.pred))
   colnames(plot_data) <- c(
      sprintf("%s, reference", obj$respnames[ny]),
      sprintf("%s, residuals", obj$respnames[ny])
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- sprintf("Y-residuals (ncomp = %d)", ncomp)

   if (!show.plot) {

   return(mdaplot(plot_data, type = "p", show.lines = show.lines, ...))

#' RMSE plot for regression results
#' @description
#' Shows plot with RMSE values vs. model complexity (e.g. number of components).
#' @param obj
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ny
#' number of predictor to show the plot for (if y is multivariate)
#' @param type
#' type of the plot
#' @param xticks
#' vector with ticks for x-axis
#' @param labels
#' what to use as labels ("names", "values" or "indices")
#' @param show.plot
#' logical, show plot or just return plot data
#' @param ylab
#' label for y-axis
#' @param ...
#' other plot parameters (see \code{mdaplot} for details)
#' @export
plotRMSE.regres <- function(obj, ny = 1, type = "b", xticks = seq_len(obj$ncomp),
   labels = "values", show.plot = TRUE, ylab = paste0("RMSE (", obj$respnames[ny], ")"), ...) {

   if (is.null(obj$rmse)) {
      stop("RMSE values are not available.")

   if (length(ny) != 1) {
      stop("You can make residuals plot only for one selected response variable.")

   plot_data <- mda.subset(obj$rmse, ny)
   attr(plot_data, "name") <- "RMSE"

   if (!show.plot) {

   return(mdaplot(plot_data, type = type, xticks = xticks, labels = labels, ylab = ylab, ...))

#' Plot method for regression results
#' @details
#' This is a shortcut for \code{\link{plotPredictions.regres}}
#' @param x
#' regression results (object of class \code{regres})
#' @param ...
#' other arguments
#' @export
plot.regres <- function(x, ...) {
   plotPredictions.regres(x, ...)
svkucheryavski/mdatools documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 2:24 p.m.