
##  Get a set of cross-validated predictions
##  Most of the setup is identical to the causalTree routine
## revised version of xpred.R 08.29.2015
xpred.causalTree <- function(fit, xval = 10L, cp, return.all = FALSE)
    if (!inherits(fit, "causalTree")) stop("Invalid fit object")

    method <- fit$method
    method.int <- pmatch(method, c("anova", "poisson", "class", "user", "exp"))
    if (method.int == 5L) method.int <- 2L
    Terms <- fit$terms
    Y <- fit$y
    X <- fit$x
    wt <- fit$wt
    numresp <- fit$numresp

    if (is.null(Y) || is.null(X)) {
      m <- fit$model
	    if (is.null(m)) {
        m <- fit$call[match(c("", "formula", "data", "weights", "subset",
                                  "na.action"), names(fit$call), 0L)]
        if (is.null(m$na.action)) m$na.action <- na.causalTree
	      m[[1]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
	      m <- eval.parent(m)
	    if (is.null(X)) X <- causalTree.matrix(m)
	    if (is.null(wt)) wt <- model.extract(m, "weights")
	    if (is.null(Y)) {
        yflag <- TRUE
	      Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
            offset <- attr(Terms, "offset")
	      if (method != "user") {
          init <- get(paste("causalTree", method, sep = "."))(Y, offset, NULL)
		      Y <- init$y
		      numy <- if (is.matrix(Y)) ncol(Y) else 1L
      } else {
	      yflag <- FALSE
        numy <- if (is.matrix(Y)) ncol(Y) else 1L
    } else {
      yflag <- FALSE
      numy <- if (is.matrix(Y)) ncol(Y) else 1L
	    offset <- 0L

    nobs <- nrow(X)
    nvar <- ncol(X)
    if (length(wt) == 0) wt <- rep(1, nobs)

    cats <- rep(0, nvar)
    xlevels <- attr(fit, "xlevels")
    if (!is.null(xlevels))
        cats[match(names(xlevels), colnames(X))] <-
            unlist(lapply(xlevels, length))

    controls <- fit$control
    if (missing(cp)) {
      cp <- fit$cptable[, 1L]
	    cp <- sqrt(cp * c(10, cp[-length(cp)]))
	    cp[1L] <- (1 + fit$cptable[1L, 1L])/2

    if (length(xval) == 1L) {
      ## make random groups
      control_idx <- which(wt == 0)
      treat_idx <- which(wt == 1)
      xgroups <- rep(0, nobs)
      xgroups[control_idx] <- sample(rep(1L:xval, length = length(control_idx)), length(control_idx), replace = F)
      xgroups[treat_idx] <- sample(rep(1L:xval, length = length(treat_idx)), length(treat_idx), replace = F)  
      # for debug:
	    #xgroups <- sample(rep(1L:xval, length = nobs), nobs, replace = FALSE)
      #xgroups <- c(8, 3, 5, 2, 6, 6, 7, 4, 9, 1, 9, 2, 7, 4, 10, 1, 8, 3, 5, 
       #            10, 8, 1, 7, 6, 9, 8, 2, 4, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5,9, 3, 10, 10, 1) 
      #print("xgroups = ")
    } else if (length(xval) == nrow(X)) {
      xgroups <- xval
	    xval <- length(unique(xgroups))
    } else {
	    ## Check to see if observations were removed due to missing
	    if (!is.null(fit$na.action)) {
	      ## if na.causalTree was used, then na.action will be a vector
	      temp <- as.integer(fit$na.action)
	      xval <- xval[-temp]
	      if (length(xval) == nobs) {
		      xgroups <- xval
		      xval <- length(unique(xgroups))
        } else stop("Wrong length for 'xval'")
      } else stop("Wrong length for 'xval'")

    costs <- fit$call$costs
    if (is.null(costs)) costs <- rep(1, nvar)

    parms <- fit$parms
    # debug:
    #print("parms =")
    if (method == "user") {
	    mlist <- fit$functions
      ## If yflag == TRUE, then y was retrieved from the original data and we
      ##   need to call init to check and possibly transform it.
      ## If FALSE, then we have one of the few differences with the
      ##  causalTree setup
      if (yflag) {
        init <- if (length(parms) == 0L) mlist$init(Y, offset, , wt)
                else mlist$init(Y, offset, parms, wt)
        Y <- init$Y
        numy <- init$numy
        parms <- init$parms
      } else {
        numy <- if (is.matrix(Y)) ncol(Y) else 1L
        init <- list(numresp = numresp, numy = numy, parms = parms)
      keep <- causalTreecallback(mlist, nobs, init) # assign to a variable to
                                                 # stop garbage collection
	    method.int <- 4L # the fourth entry in func_table.h

    ## Finally do the work
    if (is.matrix(Y))  Y <- as.double(t(Y)) else storage.mode(Y) <- "double"
    storage.mode(X) <- "double"
    storage.mode(wt) <- "double"
    #temp <- as.double(unlist(parms))
    temp <- as.integer(unlist(parms))

    if (length(temp) == 0L) temp <- 1    # if NULL, pass a dummy
    pred <- .Call(C_xpred,
                  ncat = as.integer(cats * !fit$ordered),
                  method = as.integer(method.int),
                  temp, # parms = min_node_size
                  as.double(fit$frame[1L, "dev"]),
    ## do I need to pass the p: propensity score?

    if (return.all && numresp > 1L) {
        temp <- array(pred, dim = c(numresp, length(cp), nrow(X)),
                      dimnames = list(NULL, format(cp), rownames(X)))
        aperm(temp)                     # flip the dimensions
    } else
        matrix(pred, nrow = nrow(X), byrow = TRUE,
               dimnames = list(rownames(X), format(cp)))
swager/causalForest documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:32 p.m.