
Defines functions show_dams

Documented in show_dams

# functions for data preparation

#' show_dams
#' @param data_source one of "usbr", "usbrpn", "cdec", "usgs", "usace", "twdb"
#' @description shows all dams from a given source
#' @return list of dam names
#' @export
show_dams <- function(data_source, data_dir = NULL){

    data_dir <- system.file("extdata/", package = "horizon")

  list.files(paste0(data_dir, "/", data_source, "/processed/")) %>%
    substr(1, nchar(.) - 4)

#' read_dam
#' @param dam name of dam to be loaded into the environment
#' @description reads in observed dam data as tibble
#' @importFrom readr read_csv cols
#' @return tibble of observed dam data (storage, inflow, release)
#' @export
read_dam <- function(dam, data_dir = NULL){

    data_dir <- system.file("extdata/", package = "horizon")

  data_source <- strsplit(dam, "_")[[1]][1]
  data_fn <- strsplit(dam, "_")[[1]][2]
  read_csv(paste0(data_dir, "/", data_source, "/processed/", data_fn, ".csv"),
           col_types = cols(date = "D",
                            s_af = "d",
                            i_cfs = "d",
                            r_cfs = "d"))

#' convert_to_metric
#' @param x tibble to be converted
#' @description converts daily data (s in af; i, r in cfs) metric volumes (Mm^3)
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select
#' @return daily reservoir data in metric volumes (Mm^3)
#' @export
convert_to_metric <- function(x){

  x %>%
    mutate(s = s_af * af_to_Mm3,
           i = i_cfs * cfs_to_Mm3day,
           r = r_cfs * cfs_to_Mm3day) %>%
    select(date, s, i, r)

#' fill_NAs
#' @param x tibble to be gap-filled
#' @param max_fill_gap maximum gap (days) allowed for storage and inflow data
#' @description fills NA values using a smoothing spline
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select if_else
#' @importFrom zoo na.spline
#' @return daily, gap-filled reservoir data in metric volumes (Mm^3)
#' @export
fill_NAs <- function(x, max_fill_gap = 10){

  x %>%
    mutate(s = if_else(s <= 0, NA_real_, s),
           i = if_else(i <= 0, NA_real_, i),
           r = if_else(r < 0, NA_real_, r)) ->

  all(is.na(x_zero_fix$s)) -> s_all_NA
  all(is.na(x_zero_fix$i)) -> i_all_NA
  all(is.na(x_zero_fix$r)) -> r_all_NA

  if(s_all_NA) stop("no data for storage")

  if(i_all_NA & r_all_NA) stop("no data for inflows or releases")

    i_fill <- x_zero_fix$i
    i_fill <- round(na.spline(x_zero_fix$i, maxgap = max_fill_gap, na.rm = F), 3)

    r_fill <- x_zero_fix$r
    r_fill <- round(na.spline(x_zero_fix$r, maxgap = max_fill_gap, na.rm = F), 3)

  x_zero_fix %>%
    mutate(s = round(na.spline(s, maxgap = max_fill_gap, na.rm = F), 3),
           i = i_fill,
           r = r_fill)


# remove_incomplete_water_years
# mapped in filter_invalid_years to remove years with incomplete data
remove_incomplete_water_years <- function(x){
  if(nrow(x) < 365) return(x %>% filter(water_year == "return a blank tibble"))
  # return a blank if water contains invalid entries
  x %>%
    mutate(viable = if_else(
      is.na(i) & is.na(r), FALSE, TRUE
    )) %>%
    mutate(viable = if_else(is.na(s), FALSE, viable)) ->
  if(x_ %>% filter(viable == FALSE) %>% nrow() >= 1){
    return(x %>% filter(water_year == "return a blank tibble"))

#' convert_to_water_years
#' @param x tibble to be filtered
#' @description arranges data by water years
#' @import lubridate
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter select bind_rows case_when
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @return filtered data in water years
#' @export
convert_to_water_years <- function(x){
  x %>%
    mutate(month = month(date),
           year = year(date),
           water_year = case_when(
             month >= 10 ~ year + 1,
             month < 10 ~ year
           )) %>%
    select(water_year, date, s, i, r)

#' convert_to_complete_water_years
#' @param x tibble to be filtered
#' @description arranges data by water years and removes years with missing values
#' @import lubridate
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter select bind_rows case_when
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @return filtered data in water years
#' @export
convert_to_complete_water_years <- function(x){
  x %>%
    convert_to_water_years() %>%
    split(.$water_year) %>%
    map(remove_incomplete_water_years) %>%

# get_weekly_res_data
# aggregation to water weeks; mapped across all water years in aggregate_to_water_weeks
get_weekly_res_data <- function(x){
  x %>% arrange(date) %>%
    mutate(water_week = rep(1:53, each = 7, length.out = nrow(.))) %>%
    group_by(water_year, water_week) %>%
    summarise(i = sum(i),
              r = sum(r),
              s_start = first(s)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(s_end = lead(s_start, 1),
           s_change = s_end - s_start,
           r_ = i - s_change,
           r_ = if_else(r_ < 0, 0, r_),
           i_ = r + s_change) %>%
    filter(is.na(s_change) == F)

#' aggregate_to_water_weeks
#' @param x tibble to be aggregated
#' @description aggregates daily data to water weeks
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows group_by arrange mutate ungroup filter summarise lead first
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @return data in water weeks
#' @export
aggregate_to_water_weeks <- function(x){

  x %>%
    mutate(month = month(date), day = day(date)) %>%
              by = c("month", "day")) -> x_

  # snip off end and start weeks if incomplete (i.e., < 7 days' duration)

  #nrow(x_) - which(x_$water_week %>% diff() == 1) %>% last() -> end_snip
  which(x_$water_week %>% diff() == 1) %>% first() -> start_snip
  #if(end_snip < 7) x_ <- x[(nrow(x_) - 1):nrow(x_), ]

  if(!(start_snip %in% 1:8)) stop("first water week duration > 8 days!")

  if(start_snip < 7) {
    x_snipped <- x_[-(1:start_snip), ]
    x_snipped <- x_

  x_snipped %>%
    group_by(water_year, water_week) %>%
    summarise(i = sum(i),
              r = sum(r),
              s_start = first(s)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(s_end = lead(s_start, 1),
           s_change = s_end - s_start,
           r_ = i - s_change,
           r_ = if_else(r_ < 0, 0, r_),
           i_ = r + s_change)

  # x %>%
  #   split(.$water_year) %>%
  #   map(get_weekly_res_data) %>%
  #   bind_rows() -> x_agg

  # if(nrow(x_agg) == 0) stop("No good data!")
  # x_agg

#' back_calc_missing_flows
#' @param x tibble of s, i, r in water weeks
#' @param compute_from variable (i, r) from which to back calculate
#' @description completes dataset by
#' @details assumes no losses (evap., seepage, etc.)
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate if_else select rename filter
#' @return data ready for horizon search
#' @export
back_calc_missing_flows <- function(x, compute_from = "i"){

  # catch incorrect compute_from entry
  if(!(compute_from %in% c("i", "r"))) stop("compute_from must be \"r\" or \"i\"")

  # if inflow (i) AND release (r) observations are available, then ...
  # ... we can use either to back-calculate.
  # Using both sets of observations is viable, but mass balance would not be preserved

  if(compute_from == "i"){
    x %>%
      mutate(i = if_else(is.na(i) & !is.na(r), i_, i),
             r = if_else(is.na(r_), r, r_)) %>%
      select(water_year, water_week, i, r, s_start) -> res_data_weekly

  if(compute_from == "r"){
    x %>%
      mutate(r = if_else(is.na(r) & !is.na(i), r_, r),
             i = if_else(is.na(i_), i, i_)) %>%
      select(water_year, water_week, i, r, s_start) ->
      # ... and filter for desired number of training years
      # filter(water_year %in% tail(unique(.$water_year),
      #                             training_yrs_desired)) ->

  # if(sum(is.na(res_data_weekly$r)) >= 1){
  #   stop("NA release values in training data")
  # }
  # if(sum(is.na(res_data_weekly$i)) >= 1){
  #   stop("NA inflow values in training data")
  # }
  # if(sum(is.na(res_data_weekly$s_start)) >= 1){
  #   stop("NA s_start values in training data")
  # }

#' set_cutoff_year
#' @param x tibble of storage, release, inflow data with water_year specified
#' @param cutoff_year a year
#' @details filters data post cutoff year only
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @return filtered data
#' @export
set_cutoff_year <- function(x, cutoff_year = NULL){

  # return same data if no cutoff year is specified
  if(is.null(cutoff_year)) return(x)

  # display warning if cutoff_year is later than all data available
  if(cutoff_year > max(x$water_year)) warning("cutoff year is later than latest data year")

  x %>%
    filter(water_year >= cutoff_year)

#' gen_water_weeks
#' generate water weeks by month and day
gen_water_weeks <- function(){
  # generate date sequence for arbitrary non-leap year
  tibble(date = as_date(1:364, origin = "2018-9-30"),
         water_week = rep(1:52, each = 7)) %>%
    mutate(month = month(date), day = day(date)) %>%
    select(-date) %>%
    bind_rows(tibble(water_week = 52, month = 9, day = 30)) %>%
    # ^^ add 8th day to week 52
    bind_rows(tibble(water_week = 22, month = 2, day = 29)) %>%
    # ^^ add 8th day to week 22 for leap years
    arrange(water_week, day)

#' read_dam_USRDATS
#' @param dam GRanD ID of dam
#' @description reads in observed dam data as tibble
#' @importFrom vroom vroom cols
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @return tibble of observed dam data (storage, inflow, release)
#' @export
read_dam_USRDATS <- function(grand_id, data_dir){

  vroom(paste0(data_dir, "/", grand_id, ".csv"),
           col_types = cols(date = "D",
                            storage = "d",
                            inflow = "d",
                            outflow = "d",
                            elevation = "d",
                            evaporation = "d")) %>%
    select(date, s_MCM = storage,
           i_cumecs = inflow,
           r_cumecs = outflow)
swd-turner/horizon documentation built on Oct. 29, 2020, 11:23 a.m.