
Defines functions bmeEst

Documented in bmeEst

bmeEst <-
function(resp,                         # The vector of responses
         params,                       # The item parameters
         range = c(-6, 6),             # The integer to maximize over
         mod = c("brm", "grm"),        # The model
         ddist = dnorm, ...){         # The prior distribution stuff:

# First turn params into a matrix:
  params <- rbind(params)
# And turn response into a matrix:
  resp <- {if(dim(params)[1] > 1) rbind(resp)  # ... --> turn it into a multi-column matrix,
           else                   cbind(resp)} # ... --> or a 1-column matrix

# Argument Checks #

# Make sure that the arguments are OK:

## 1 ## (Make sure that params and resp are ALL numeric)
  if(mode(params) != "numeric")
    stop("params need to be numeric")
  if(!is.null(resp) & mode(resp) != "numeric")
    stop( "resp needs to be numeric")

## 2 ## (Make sure that the dimensions of params and response are equal)
  if(!is.null(resp) & (dim(resp)[2] != dim(params)[1]))
    stop("number of params does not match the length of resp")

# Bayesian Modal Est #

# Indicate the lower/upper boundary of the search:
    range <- c(-6, 6)

  l <- range[1]; u <- range[2]
  est <- NULL # a vector for estimates
  hes <- NULL # a vector for the hessian of the prior
# Then, maximize the loglikelihood function over that interval for each person:
  likFun <- get(paste0("logLik.", mod))
  for(i in 1:dim(resp)[1]){
    est[i] <- optimize(likFun, lower = l, upper = u, maximum = TRUE,
                       u = resp[i, ], params = params, type = "BME",
                       ddist = ddist, ...)$max                    
    hes[i] <- hessian(func = function(x, ...) log(ddist(x, ...)),
                      x = est[i], method = "Richardson", ...)
  } # END for i LOOP

# And pull out the information as well as find the SEM:
  info <- get(paste0("FI.", mod))(params = params,
                                  theta  = est,
                                  type   = "observed",
                                  resp   = resp)$test

# Note: See Keller (p. 10) for the BME SEM.
  return(list(theta = est, info = info, sem = (info - hes)^(-1/2)))
swnydick/catIrt documentation built on June 13, 2022, 9:30 p.m.