#' Simulate MUPP Parameters
#' Generate parameters/thetas that conform to the MUPP model.
#' @param n_persons integer indicating the number of persons
#' @param n_items integer indicating the number of items
#' @param n_dims integer > 2 indicating the total number of dimensions
#' @param max_item_dims integer indicating the maximum dimensions on any item
#' @param unidim_items boolian indicating whether an item can load on only a
#' single dimension or must load on multiple dimensions
#' @return a list with items/persons that conform to the MUPP model, as expected
#' in package functions
#' @details For the purposes of parameter generation, each item will be assumed
#' to have between 2 and n_dims dimensions, where the number of dimensions
#' for an item is randomly generated from a discrete uniform distribution.
#' @author Steven Nydick, \email{steven.nydick@@kornferry.com}
#' @importFrom magrittr
#' "%>%" set_rownames inset2
#' @importFrom stats
#' setNames
#' reshape
#' @export
simulate_mupp_params <- function(n_persons = 1,
n_items = 1,
n_dims = 2,
max_item_dims = NULL,
unidim_items = FALSE){
# argument checks #
n_persons <- check_numeric(n_persons)
n_items <- check_numeric(n_items)
n_dims <- check_numeric(n_dims,
min_number = 2)
# determining the maximum items on a dimension
max_item_dims <- n_dims
# indicating whether an item can load on only a single dimension
if(max_item_dims == 1){
unidim_items <- TRUE
} else{
unidim_items <- as.logical(unidim_items)[1]
} # END ifelse STATEMENT
## persons ##
# construct persons df
persons <- matrix(r_thetas_prior(n_persons * n_dims),
nrow = n_persons,
ncol = n_dims) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
setNames(paste0("theta_", seq_len(n_dims)))
persons <- cbind(person = seq_len(n_persons), persons)
# reshaping wide to long
persons <- reshape(persons,
sep = "_",
direction = "long",
varying = -1,
timevar = "dim",
idvar = names(persons)[1]) %>%
arrange_by_vars(vars = names(.)[1:2]) %>%
## items ##
# (uses ggum)
# the dims across all items
dims <- seq_len(min(max_item_dims, n_dims))
# number of dims each item loads on
# (sample.int used in case dims is length 1 to prevent switching methods)
items_n_dims <- dims[-1] %>%
size = n_items,
replace = TRUE))
# which dim each item loads on
items <- lapply(
X = seq_along(items_n_dims),
FUN = function(i){
item_dims <- items_n_dims[i]
data.frame(item = i,
statement = NA,
dim = sort(sample(x = seq_len(n_dims),
size = item_dims,
replace = unidim_items)))
items %<>% do.call(what = rbind) %>%
value = seq_along(.$statement))
# the total number of parameters
n_params <- nrow(items)
# simulating alpha/delta/eta
items <- transform(items,
alpha = r_alpha_prior(n_params),
delta = r_delta_prior(n_params),
tau = r_tau_prior(n_params))
## return ##
return(list(persons = persons,
items = items))
} # END simulate_mupp_params FUNCTION
#' Simulate MUPP Responses
#' Generate responses that can be used for the MUPP model.
#' @param persons persons data.frame with column names
#' `[person, dim, theta]`
#' @param items items data.frame with column names
#' `[item, statement, dim, alpha, delta, tau]`
#' @return a data.frame of `[person x item x response pattern]`
#' @details The persons and items df needs to look identical to that coming from
#' \code{\link{simulate_mupp_params}} or else this function will not work.
#' @author Steven Nydick, \email{steven.nydick@@kornferry.com}
#' @importFrom roperators
#' "%ni%"
#' @importFrom magrittr
#' "%>%" "%<>%" set_rownames
#' @importFrom data.table
#' dcast as.data.table
#' @importFrom stats
#' setNames
#' as.formula
#' @importFrom utils
#' head tail
#' type.convert
#' @export
simulate_mupp_resp <- function(persons,
# argument checks #
# converting to lowercase
persons %<>% setNames(tolower(names(.)))
items %<>% setNames(tolower(names(.)))
# adding "statement" if it is missing
if("statement" %ni% names(items)){
items$statement <- seq_len(nrow(items))
# pulling out template person/item
template <- lapply(simulate_mupp_params(),
FUN = names)
# ordering the columns
persons <- check_names(persons,
items <- check_names(items,
# fix persons / items #
# pull out useful names
item_names <- names(items)
item_name <- item_names[1]
statement_name <- item_names[2]
dim_name <- item_names[3]
param_names <- setdiff(item_names, c(item_name, statement_name, dim_name))
# reshape so that [persons, theta across columns]
f_vars <- head(names(persons), 2)
v_var <- tail(names(persons), 1)
persons <- dcast(data = as.data.table(persons),
formula = as.formula(paste(f_vars, collapse = "~")),
value.var = v_var) %>%
# determining probabilities
probs <- determine_mupp_probs_(items = items,
persons = persons,
item_name = item_name,
dimension_name = dim_name,
param_names = param_names)
# simulating responses
resp <- simulate_mupp_resp_(probs)
# converting to item order
resp <- Map(resp = resp,
name = names(resp),
f = function(item, resp, name){
item = type.convert(x = name,
as.is = TRUE),
resp = resp,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>%
do.call(what = rbind) %>%
arrange_by_vars(vars = names(.)[1:2]) %>%
# fixing items
items %<>% "["(names(.) %ni% param_names)
return(list(items = items,
resp = resp))
} # END simulate_mupp_responses FUNCTION
# determine MUPP probability matrix/list based on number of items
determine_mupp_probs_ <- function(items,
item_name = "item",
# split items so that different items are different list elements
items %<>% split(.[[item_name]])
# determining probabilities
probs <- lapply(items,
FUN = determine_mupp_probs1,
persons = persons,
} # END determine_mupp_probs_ FUNCTION
determine_mupp_probs1 <- function(item,
dimension_name = "dim",
param_names = c("alpha", "delta", "tau"),
picked_order_name = NULL){
# pull out dimension/params/theta
dims <- item[[dimension_name]]
params <- data.matrix(item[param_names])
thetas <- data.matrix(persons[-1])
# pull out picked order
picked_order <- NA
} else{
# check to make sure picked order name is in data
if(picked_order_name %ni% names(item)){
stop("picked_order_name is not in item data.frame",
call. = FALSE)
picked_order <- item[[picked_order_name]]
# calculate probability
probs <- p_mupp_rank_impl(thetas = thetas,
params = params,
dims = dims,
picked_order_id = picked_order)
} # END determine_mupp_probs1 FUNCTION
# simulate MUPP responses (to one/multiple items)
simulate_mupp_resp_ <- function(probs){
# simulating responses
FUN = simulate_mupp_resp1)
} # END simulate_mupp_resp_ FUNCTION
#' @importFrom stats
#' runif
simulate_mupp_resp1 <- function(probs){
# make sure mat is a data.matrix
probs <- data.matrix(probs)
# converting to cumulative sum
probs <- t(apply(probs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = cumsum))
# simulating response for everybody
u <- runif(n = nrow(probs))
rowSums(u >= probs) + 1
} # END simulate_mupp_resp FUNCTION
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