ExtrapolationFuncs: Extrapolate objects from ClusterAnalysis

ExtrapolationFuncsR Documentation

Extrapolate objects from ClusterAnalysis


Extrapolate objects from ClusterAnalysis output list (see ClusterAnalysis).


IndexesPlot.Extrapolation(stability.list, q = NULL)

ConsMatrix.Extrapolation(stability.list, q = NULL)

MostProbableClustering.Extrapolation(stability.list, G, q = NULL)



The list obtained from the ClusterAnalysis function. (see ClusterAnalysis)


The quantiles used to calculate the time grid interval on which the distances are calculated. If NULL then the time grid outliers will be ignored through the distance calculation. If double (0<q<1) then the cutting is symmetrical w.r.t. the quantile setled (e.g., q = 0.25). If a vector, then the minimum value is used for the lower cutting and the maximum value for the upper cutting.


The number of clusters.


  • IndexesPlot.Extrapolationextrapolates from ClusterAnalysis output list the box plot fixing the h value.

  • ConsMatrix.Extrapolationextrapolates from ClusterAnalysis output list the Stability Matrix for G fixed.

  • MostProbableClustering.Extrapolationextrapolates from ClusterAnalysis output list the most frequent clustering among the several runs obtained for G fixed.


Cordero Francesca, Pernice Simone, Sirovich Roberta

sysbioTurin/connector documentation built on April 9, 2024, 12:10 p.m.