
.is_ts_data <- function (lineRead){
  str_detect(lineRead, "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}")

.is_asset_data <- function (lineRead){
  str_detect(lineRead, "@ASSET@")

.is_command <- function (lineRead){
  str_detect(lineRead, "^\\*")

find_line_type = function (lineRead){

  if (.is_asset_data(lineRead)) return("ASSET")
  if (.is_ts_data(lineRead)) return("TS")
  if (.is_command(lineRead)) return("COMMAND")

#' Extract different parts of a xpath
#' Returns a single parameter extracted from the xpath vector. It could be Data Item Name or
#' Data Item type or name of the Device. If the character vector is not in xpath format, the original
#' name is returned and a warning is given
#' @param strName is the xpath string
#' @param param is the parameter to be extracted. Can be "DIName", "DIType" or "Device"
#' @param removeExtended if True, then the x: prefix is removed from extended JSON class Types
#' @param show_warnings if false, silences the warnings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xpaths = c("timestamp",
#'  "nist_testbed_Mazak_QT_1<Device>:avail<AVAILABILITY>",
#'  "nist_testbed_Mazak_QT_1<Device>:execution<EXECUTION>",
#'  "nist_testbed_Mazak_QT_1<Device>:Fovr<x:PATH_FEEDRATE-OVERRIDE>")
#' extract_param_from_xpath(xpaths, "DIName")
#' extract_param_from_xpath(xpaths, "DIType")
#' extract_param_from_xpath(xpaths, "DIType", TRUE)
#' extract_param_from_xpath(xpaths, "Device")
extract_param_from_xpath <- function(strName, param = "DIName", removeExtended = F, show_warnings = T)
  if (param == "DIType" | param == "DIName") extract1 = sapply(strsplit(strName, ">:"), tail, 1)
  if (param == "Device") extract1 = sapply(strsplit(strName, ":"), function(x) x[1])
  if (param == "DIType") extract2 = str_extract(extract1, "<.*>") else
    extract2 = str_extract(extract1, ".*<")
  if (removeExtended) extract3 = str_extract(extract2, "[\\s[:upper:]_-]+") else
    extract3 = str_extract(extract2, "[:\\.\\s[:alnum:]_-]+")
  if (length(extract3[is.na(extract3)])){
    if(show_warnings) warning("Parameters couldn't be extracted from some Paths and have been ignored")
    extract3[is.na(extract3)] = strName[is.na(extract3)]


#' Function to load Log data into R as a data.frame
#' @param file_path_dmtcd Path to the file containing log data
#' @param path_position_names A character string with the names of the data items that
#'  represent the path_position data items
#' @param condition_names A character string with the names of the data items that
#'  represent the conditions in the log data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' device_name = "test_device"
#' file_path_xml = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_devices.xml"
#' xpath_info = get_xpaths_from_xml(system.file(file_path_xml, package = "mtconnectR"), device_name)
read_dmtcd_file <- function (file_path_dmtcd, condition_names = c(), path_position_names = c()) {
  linesRead <- scan(file = file_path_dmtcd, what = "character", sep = '\n', quiet = T, skipNul = T)
  line_types <- vapply(linesRead,find_line_type, "", USE.NAMES = F)

  message("Reading Delimted MTC data...")
  plyr::llply(.progress = "text", linesRead[line_types == "TS"],read_dmtcd_line_ts,
              condition_names, path_position_names) %>%
    rbindlist(use.names = T, fill = F) %>%
    arrange(timestamp) %>%

.read_data_point_conditions <- function(line_split, current_position){
  condition_status = paste0(line_split[(current_position + 1L) : (current_position + 5L)], collapse= "|")
  data.frame(data_type = "condition", data_item_name = line_split[current_position], value = condition_status)

.read_data_point_path_position <- function(line_split, current_position){
  if(line_split[current_position + 1] != "UNAVAILABLE"){
    path_positions = str_split(line_split[current_position + 1L], " ")[[1]]
    path_positions = rep(NA_real_, 3)

  data.frame(data_type = "data_point", data_item_name = paste(line_split[current_position], c("x", "y", "z"), sep =  "_"),
             value = path_positions)

.read_data_point_event_sample <- function(line_split, current_position){
  data.frame(data_type = "data_point", data_item_name = line_split[current_position],
             value = line_split[current_position + 1L])

# Function to read one line of Delimited MTC data
read_dmtcd_line_ts = function (lineRead, condition_names = c(), path_position_names = c()) {

  line_split <- str_split(lineRead, pattern = "\\|" )[[1]]
  full_length <- length(line_split)
  # empty_result = data.frame(timestamp = as.POSIXct(1, origin='1970-01-01', tz = 'UTC')[0], data_item_name = character(0), value = character(0))

  if (full_length < 3L) return(NULL)

  single_line_data = NULL ; current_position <- 2L

  while(current_position < full_length) {
    single_data_point = NULL
    if (line_split[current_position] %in% condition_names) {
      single_data_point = .read_data_point_conditions(line_split, current_position)
      current_position <- current_position + 4L

    } else if(line_split[current_position] %in% path_position_names){
      single_data_point = .read_data_point_path_position(line_split, current_position)
    } else {
      single_data_point = .read_data_point_event_sample(line_split, current_position)
    current_position <- current_position + 2L
    single_line_data = rbind(single_line_data, single_data_point)

  if(is.null(single_line_data)) return(NULL)
  # TODO Handle conditions. Returning NULL as of now

  data.frame(timestamp = lubridate::ymd_hms(line_split[1], tz = "UTC"),

`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

# TODO: What does this function do?
clean_conditions <- function(data_from_log_conditions){
  value = cond_type = sub_type = NULL # R CMD CHECK

  inter_condition_values = c("Normal", "Unavailable", "NORMAL")

  data_from_log_conditions$cond_type = vapply(str_split(data_from_log_conditions$value, "\\|"), function(x) x[[1]], "")
  data_from_log_conditions$sub_type = data_from_log_conditions$value %>% str_replace("^.+?\\|", "") %>% str_replace_all("\\|", "_")

  # if(all(data_from_log_conditions$cond_type %in% inter_condition_values)) return(NULL) # Only Normal or Unavilable periods

  plyr::ddply(data_from_log_conditions, "data_item_name", function(single_condition){

    # if(all(single_condition$sub_type == "___")) return(NULL) # Only Normal or Unavilable periods

    single_condition_normals = single_condition[single_condition$cond_type %in% inter_condition_values, ]
    single_condition_abnormals = single_condition[single_condition$cond_type %notin% inter_condition_values, ]

    all_subtypes = plyr::ddply(single_condition_abnormals, "sub_type", function(single_condition_sub_type){
      rbind(single_condition_sub_type, single_condition_normals) %>% arrange(timestamp) %>%
        mutate(sub_type = single_condition_sub_type$sub_type[1])

  }) %>% select(-value) %>% dplyr::rename(value = cond_type)

#' Create MTCDevice class from Delimited MTC Data and log file
#' @param file_path_dmtcd Path to Delimited MTC Data file
#' @param file_path_xml Path to the XML file
#' @param device_name Name of the device in the xml. List of all the devices and their
#'  names can be got using the \code{\link{get_device_info_from_xml}} function
#' @param mtconnect_version Specify MTConnect Version manually. If not specified, it is inferred automatically from the data.
#' @examples
#' file_path_dmtcd = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_dmtcd.log"
#' file_path_xml = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_devices.xml"
#' device_name = "test_device"
#' mtc_device = create_mtc_device_from_dmtcd(
#'   system.file(file_path_dmtcd, package = "mtconnectR"),
#'   system.file(file_path_xml, package = "mtconnectR"),
#'   device_name)
#' print(summary(mtc_device))
#' @export
create_mtc_device_from_dmtcd <- function(file_path_dmtcd, file_path_xml, device_name, mtconnect_version = NULL) {
  value = cond_type = sub_type = xpath = NULL # R CMD CHECK
  xpaths_map <- get_xpaths_from_xml(file_path_xml, device_name = device_name, mtconnect_version = mtconnect_version)
  PATH_POSITION_DATAITEM_NAMES = xpaths_map$name[xpaths_map$type == "PATH_POSITION"] %>% unique()

  CONDITION_DATAITEM_NAMES = xpaths_map$name[xpaths_map$category == "CONDITION"] %>% unique()
  SAMPLE_DATAITEM_REGEXP =  paste0(":", paste0(xpaths_map$name[xpaths_map$category == "SAMPLE"] %>% unique(), collapse = "<|:"), "<")

  # Get log data into R data frames
  data_from_log <- read_dmtcd_file(file_path_dmtcd = file_path_dmtcd, condition_names = CONDITION_DATAITEM_NAMES,
                                   path_position_names = PATH_POSITION_DATAITEM_NAMES)
  data_from_log_conditions = data_from_log[data_from_log$data_type == "condition",]
  data_from_log_conditions_clean = clean_conditions(data_from_log_conditions)

  data_from_log_datapoints = data_from_log[data_from_log$data_type == "data_point",]

  # check_xml_configuration(data_from_log, xpaths_map) # TODO

  mergedData_data_points <- merge(data_from_log_datapoints, xpaths_map, by.x = "data_item_name", by.y = "name", all = F) %>%
    select(timestamp, xpath, value) %>% arrange(xpath, timestamp)

  message(round(nrow(mergedData_data_points) * 100 / nrow(data_from_log_datapoints), 2), "% data contextualized successfuly!")

  mergedData_conditions <- merge(data_from_log_conditions_clean, xpaths_map, by.x = "data_item_name", by.y = "name", all = F) %>%
    mutate(xpath = paste0(xpath, ":", sub_type, "<CONDITION>")) %>%
    select(timestamp, xpath, value) %>% arrange(xpath, timestamp)

  data_item_list <- plyr::dlply(.data = rbind(mergedData_data_points, mergedData_conditions),
                                .variables = 'xpath', .fun = function(x){
    new('MTCDataItem', x %>% data.frame %>% select(timestamp, value),
        list(category = ifelse(test = str_detect(x$xpath[1], SAMPLE_DATAITEM_REGEXP), yes = 'SAMPLE', no = 'EVENT'),
        xpath = x$xpath[1]))
  data_item_list = data_item_list[order(toupper(names(data_item_list)))]

  attr(data_item_list, 'split_type') = attr(data_item_list, 'split_labels') = NULL
  new('MTCDevice', rawdata = list(data_from_log %>% mutate(data_type = NULL)),
                data_item_list = data_item_list, device_uuid = attr(xpaths_map, "details")[['uuid']])

#' Add a new data item to an existing MTC Device Class
#' @param mtc_device An existing object of MTCDevice Class
#' @param data_item_data Data for the new data item to add
#' @param data_item_name Name of the new data item
#' @param category Category of the new data item. Can be EVENT or SAMPLE
#' @examples
#' data_item_data = data.frame(timestamp = as.POSIXct(c(0.5, 1, 1.008, 1.011) +
#'                                         1445579573,  tz = 'CST6CDT', origin = "1970-01-01"),
#'                             value = c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
#' data("example_mtc_device")
#' mtc_device_updated =
#'    add_data_item_to_mtc_device(example_mtc_device, data_item_data,
#'     data_item_name = "test", category = "EVENT")
#' print(mtc_device_updated)
#' @export
add_data_item_to_mtc_device <- function(mtc_device, data_item_data, data_item_name, category = "EVENT"){

  if(any(names(data_item_data) != c("timestamp", "value"))) stop("Data Item data has to have timestamp, value structre")
  if(!(category %in% c("EVENT", "SAMPLE"))) stop("Data item category has to be EVENT or SAMPLE")

  attr(data_item_data$timestamp, "tzone") <-  attr(mtc_device@data_item_list[[1]]@data$timestamp[1], "tzone")

  new_data_item = new("MTCDataItem", data_item_data, list(category = category, path = data_item_name))
  mtc_device@data_item_list = append(mtc_device@data_item_list, new_data_item)
  names(mtc_device@data_item_list)[length(names(mtc_device@data_item_list))] = data_item_name

systeminsights/mtconnectR documentation built on July 3, 2019, 1:37 p.m.