
.infer_mtc_version <- function(parsed_xml){
  xml_data_list = XML::xmlToList(parsed_xml)


#' Parse XML file for given device name
#' Get all the info on a particular device present in the XML
#' Returns a list of parsed_xml,device_details and mtconnect_version
#' @export
#' @param file_path_xml File path of the XML file
#' @param device_name Name of the device to be searched in the XML
#' @param mtconnect_version Version number of mtconnect standard
#' @examples
#' file_path_xml   = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_devices.xml"
#' device_name = "test_device"
#' parsed_device_xml = parse_devicexml_for_a_device(system.file(file_path_xml,
#'                                                 package = "mtconnectR"),device_name)

parse_devicexml_for_a_device <- function(file_path_xml, device_name, mtconnect_version = NULL) {
  parsed_xml <- XML::xmlParse(file = file_path_xml)
  xpath_query_string <- paste0("//ns:Device[@name='", device_name, "']")
  if(is.null(mtconnect_version)) mtconnect_version = .infer_mtc_version(parsed_xml)
  parsed_xml = XML::getNodeSet(doc = XML::xmlRoot(parsed_xml), path = xpath_query_string,
                               namespaces = c(ns = paste0("urn:mtconnect.org:MTConnectDevices:", mtconnect_version)))[[1]]

  list(parsed_xml = parsed_xml,
       device_details = XML::xmlToList(parsed_xml)[['.attrs']],
       mtconnect_version = mtconnect_version)

data_items_in_devicexml <- function(xml_details, mtconnect_version) {
    xml_details$parsed_xml, ".//ns:DataItem",
    namespaces = c(ns = paste0("urn:mtconnect.org:MTConnectDevices:", xml_details$mtconnect_version)),
    fun = function(x) {
      temp <- XML::xmlAttrs(x)
    }) %>% data.table::rbindlist(use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame

expand_pathpos_xpath <- function(xpaths_map){
  path_position_row = xpaths_map[xpaths_map$type == "PATH_POSITION",]
  if(nrow(path_position_row) == 0) return(xpaths_map)

  expansion = c("x", "y", "z")
  path_position_row_expanded = rbind(path_position_row, path_position_row, path_position_row)
  path_position_row_expanded$name = paste0(path_position_row_expanded$name, "_", expansion)
  path_position_row_expanded$xpath = str_replace(path_position_row_expanded$xpath, path_position_row$name, path_position_row_expanded$name)

  rbind(xpaths_map, path_position_row_expanded)

#' Get XML xpath info
#' Get info on all the xpaths for a single device from the xml file. Data is
#'  organized into a data.frame
#' @export
#' @inheritParams create_mtc_device_from_dmtcd
#' @examples
#' file_path_xml = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_devices.xml"
#' device_name = "test_device"
#' xpath_info = get_xpaths_from_xml(system.file(file_path_xml, package = "mtconnectR"), device_name)
#' print(xpath_info)
get_xpaths_from_xml <- function(file_path_xml, device_name, mtconnect_version = NULL) {
  name = type = subType = NULL # Just to satisfy CMD CHECK

  xml_details = parse_devicexml_for_a_device(file_path_xml, device_name, mtconnect_version)
  xpaths_map = data_items_in_devicexml(xml_details) %>%
    mutate(xpath = paste0(device_name, '<Device>:',
                          name, '<', ifelse(is.na(subType), type, paste0(type,'-',subType)), '>'))
  attr(xpaths_map, "details") = xml_details$device_details

  xpaths_map <- expand_pathpos_xpath(xpaths_map)


#' Get info on all the devices in the xml file
#' Device XML usually consists of the configuration details of multiple devices. This
#' function can detail all the device info in the XML into a data.frame for easy reference
#' @inheritParams get_xpaths_from_xml
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_xpaths_from_xml}}
#' @examples
#' file_path_xml = "testdata/dataExtraction/test_devices.xml"
#' devices_info = get_device_info_from_xml(system.file(file_path_xml, package = "mtconnectR"))
#' print(devices_info)
get_device_info_from_xml <- function(file_path_xml, mtconnect_version = NULL){
  xml_data_list = XML::xmlToList(XML::xmlParse(file = file_path_xml))
  ldply(xml_data_list$Devices, function(x) x[['.attrs']]) %>% mutate(.id = NULL)
systeminsights/mtconnectR documentation built on July 3, 2019, 1:37 p.m.