
########################D-efficiency calc function######################################
#Calculates determinant of supplied model matrix and scales to d-efficiency

#Output: vector(d_eff,vcov) where:
#d_eff - d-efficiency of model matrix assuming linear model
#vcov - the variance-covariance matrix of the model

#CurrentMatrix - model matrix with appropriate factor numerical coding as created by the model.matrix function. Data.frame formats not accepted

d_efficiencysimple <- function(CurrentMatrix, returncov = FALSE){

  #Calculate information matrix
  infomat <- t(CurrentMatrix)%*%CurrentMatrix
  #Calculate determinant of information matrix
  det_calc <- det(infomat)

  #Set determinants equal to zero if less than zero due to R not being able to precisely calculate determinant
  if(det_calc < 0){det_calc <- 0}

  #Calculate d-efficiency
  d_eff <- ((det_calc)^(1/(ncol(CurrentMatrix))))/nrow(CurrentMatrix)

  if(returncov == TRUE){

    #Calculate variance-covariance matrix
    vocvmat <- tryCatch(solve(infomat), error = function(x) diag(x = Inf, nrow = 2, ncol = 2))
    output <- list(d_eff = d_eff, vcov = vocvmat)

  }else{output <- d_eff}

  #Return objective function and determinants for both current models


########################D-efficiency calc function######################################
#Calculates determinant of supplied model matrix and scales to d-efficiency

#Output: d-efficiency of model matrix assuming linear model

#CurrentMatrix - model matrix with appropriate factor numerical coding as created by the model.matrix function. Data.frame formats not accepted

d_efflinearupdate <- function(CurrentMatrix){

  #Calculate information matrix
  infomat <- t(CurrentMatrix)%*%CurrentMatrix

  #Calculate determinant of information matrix
  det_calc <- det(infomat)

  #Set determinants equal to zero if less than zero due to R not being able to precisely calculate determinant
  if(det_calc < 0){det_calc <- 0}

  #Return d-efficiency


########################Optimization Calc Function, D-Optimal######################################
#Calculates determinant ratio based on supplied det_ref. Will convert a base data.frame/matrix to a model matrix and standardize based on supplied input_formula and Input_range.

#Output: vector(d_eff,det_calc) where:
#d_eff - d-efficiency of
#det_calc - determinanat of info matrix created using CurrentMatrix and input_formula

#CurrentMatrix - either a matrix or data.frame of base variables only (ex: Col for A, B, C) that will be converted to a model matrix using input_formula
#det_ref - reference determinant for calculation of d_efficiency. Should be max attainable determinant of info matrix
#input_formula - one-sided formula (inputs only) for model to calculate d efficiency from. Format = ~ A + B + A:B + I(A/B^2), etc
####required if CurrentMatrix is a data frame of base variables that needs to be converted to a model matrix
#Input_range - matrix or data frame listing the range of columns used for standardization. Column names must match input_formula term names
####format is matrix or data frame with column in Input_range matching each column name in CurrentMatrix and minimum value in first row and maximum value in second row.

d_efficiency <- function(CurrentMatrix, det_ref, input_formula, Input_range){

  #Convert input data to data.frame in case it was passed as matrix or array
  CurrentMatrix <- data.frame(CurrentMatrix)

  #Get model matrix
  modelmat <- model.matrix(input_formula,data = CurrentMatrix)

  #Standardize model matrix
  modelmat <- standardize_cols(modelmat, colnames(modelmat[,2:ncol(modelmat)]), Input_range = Input_range)

  #Calculate determinant of information matrix
  det_calc <- det(t(modelmat)%*%modelmat)

  #Set determinants equal to zero if less than zero due to R not being able to precisely calculate determinant
  if(det_calc < 0){det_calc <- 0}

  #Calculate ratio of current determinant to optimal determinanat for additive and mechanistic model
  d_eff <- ((det_calc/det_ref)^(1/(ncol(modelmat))))

  #Construct return vector with named elements
  returnvect <- c(d_eff, det_calc)
  names(returnvect) <- c("D efficiency", "Info Matrix Determinant")

  #Return objective function and determinants for both current models


########################D-efficiency calc function for discrete choice experiments######################################
#Calculates d-error of supplied model matrix. Will also calculate probability centered d-error if vector of parameter estimates is supplied

#Output: list containing:
#d_error - d-error of supplied design with respect to parameter estimates
#covmat - covariance matrix

#CurrentMatrix - model matrix as created by model.matrix function with all continuous parameters centered and standardized
#### and appropriate factor numerical coding (generated using contr.sum for factors) as created by the model.matrix function.
####Data.frame formats not accepted
####Opt out choices, if included, should be coded as a row of all zeroes for every parameter
#altvect - vector with integer corresponding to each row that indicates which choice set it is a member of
#paramestimates - estimates for each effect (column) of model matrix sized corresponding to standardized model matrix.
####If not supplied, parameter estimates will be assumed equal to zero for all parameters
#returninfomat - whether to return the covariance matrix as well. Default is FALSE

d_effchoice <- function(CurrentMatrix, altvect, paramestimates = NULL, returninfomat = FALSE){

  #get all unique alternate names
  altnames <- unique(altvect)

  #check supplied parameters and set = 0 if not supplied
    paramestimates <- rep(0, ncol(CurrentMatrix))

  #Get position of intercept column
  iceptcol <- grep("(Intercept)", colnames(CurrentMatrix), fixed = TRUE)

  #If intercept is included in model, make it so it is interacted with all alternatives except for the first alternative
  if(length(iceptcol) == 1){
    CurrentMatrix[,iceptcol] <- rep(c(0, rep(1, length(altvect)/length(unique(altvect)) - 1)), times = length(unique(altvect)))

  info_mat=matrix(rep(0,ncol(CurrentMatrix)*ncol(CurrentMatrix)), ncol(CurrentMatrix), ncol(CurrentMatrix))
  # compute exp(design matrix times initial parameter values)

  #Initialize vector that will be sum of product of each set probability (variance)
  p_var <- 0

  #Initialize vector that holds calculated probability of each alternative being selected
  probvect <- rep(0,nrow(CurrentMatrix))

  #Loop over each choice set
  for (k_set in 1:length(altnames)) {
    # select row numbers corresponding to current loop alternatives in the choice set
    alternatives= which(altvect == altnames[k_set])
    # obtain vector of choice shares within the choice set
    # also put these probabilities on the diagonal of a matrix that only contains zeros
    # compute middle term P-pp'
    # pre- and postmultiply with the Xs from the design matrix for the alternatives in this choice set
    # Add contribution of this choice set to the information matrix

    #Calculate product of all probabilities in set and add to p_var
    p_var <- p_var + prod(p_set)

    #Enter all calculated probabilities for this set into the probability vector
    probvect[alternatives] <- p_set

  #get the inverse of the information matrix (i.e., gets the variance-covariance matrix)
  #Use "try" wrapper to prevent unsolvable matrices from crashing. Return 2x2 diagonal infinite matrix on crash
  #sigma_beta<- tryCatch(solve(info_mat,diag(ncol(CurrentMatrix))), error = function(x) diag(x = Inf, nrow = ncol(CurrentMatrix), ncol = ncol(CurrentMatrix)))

  #Calculate determinant
  det_calc <- det(info_mat)
  #If determinant is negative (should not be possible but sometimes happens), return zero to prevent an error
  if(det_calc < 0){det_calc <- 0}

  if(returninfomat == TRUE){

    output <- list(d_eff = det_calc^(1/ncol(CurrentMatrix)), info_mat = info_mat, p_var = p_var, probvect = probvect)

  }else{output <- det_calc^(1/ncol(CurrentMatrix))}

  #Return objective function and determinants for both current models
  #return(list(d_eff = det(sigma_beta)^(-1/ncol(CurrentMatrix)), vcov = sigma_beta))}


########################D-efficiency update function for single question for multinomial logit model#######################################Updates d-efficiency of supplied sub-model matrix and information matrix.
#Fast d-efficiency update function for use during search algorithms to reduce search time. Requires supplied information matrix for all questions not included
#Output: numeric value for d-efficiency

#CurrentMatrix - subsection of model matrix for one question only. Should include all alternatives for that questionas created by the model.matrix function with all continuous parameters centered and standardized
#### and appropriate factor numerical coding (generated using contr.sum for factors) as created by the model.matrix function.
####Data.frame formats not accepted
####Opt out choices, if included, should be coded as a row of all zeroes for every parameter
#paramestimates - standardized effect estimates for each effect (column) of model matrix corresponding to standardized model matrix.
#info_mat - the information matrix for all other questions in the model matrix

d_effchoiceupdate <- function(CurrentMatrix, paramestimates, info_mat = 0){

  #Get position of intercept column
  iceptcol <- grep("(Intercept)", colnames(CurrentMatrix), fixed = TRUE)

  #If intercept is included in model, make it so it is interacted with all alternatives except for the first alternative
  if(length(iceptcol) == 1){
    CurrentMatrix[,iceptcol] <- c(0, rep(1, nrow(CurrentMatrix) - 1))

  # compute exp(design matrix times initial parameter values)
  exputilities <- c(exp(CurrentMatrix%*%paramestimates))

  # obtain vector of choice shares within the choice set
  p_set <- exputilities/sum(exputilities)

  #Calculate product of all probabilities in set for utility balance use
  p_var <- prod(p_set)

  # calculate information matrix of this choice set and add it to the info_matrix
  info_mat<-info_mat + t(CurrentMatrix)%*%(diag(p_set)-p_set%o%p_set)%*%CurrentMatrix

  #Calculate determinant
  det_calc <- det(info_mat)

  #If determinant is negative (should not be possible but sometimes happens due to numerical processing), return zero to prevent an error
  if(det_calc < 0){det_calc <- 0}

  #Return Determinant
  return(list(d_eff = det_calc^(1/ncol(CurrentMatrix)), p_var = p_var, info_mat = info_mat, p_set = p_set))}


########################Occurrence probability calculation function for tournament matchup frames#######################################
#Output: vector of probability of each matchup occurring

#matchupframe - data frame with the following columns:
###matrixrowid - unique number corresponding to the alternative ("team") as it progresses through the tournament.
###questionid - number of the matchup ("game").
###uniquesetid - unique number assigned to each potential matchup. There will be multiple potential matchups for each possible questionid
###sourcequestion - the previous questionid ("game") that the alternative ("team") must have won to arrive in this questionid ("game"). Should be 0 for the first questionid ("game") for each alternative ("team")

#winprobs - vector of win probabilities for each alternative in matchupframe. Must have length equal to number of rows in matchupframe
#occurprobs - (optional) vector of pre-existing chance of each matchup occurring. Should be 1 for any questionid that does not have a sourcequestion in matchupframe. If not passed, the entire occurrence probability vector will be generated from scratch.
#updatevect - (optional) vector of questionids in matchupframe that should be updated based on the supplied winprobs vector and previous occurprobs vector. If not passed, all occurrence probabilities will be updated.

matchupprobs <- function(matchupframe, winprobs, occurprobs = NA, updatevect = NA){

    #Initialize occurrence probability vector and update vector if occurrence probability vector was not provided
      occurprobs <- rep(1, times = nrow(matchupframe))
      updatevect <- unique(matchupframe$questionid[matchupframe$sourcequestion > 0])
    #Initialize update vector if it was not provided
      updatevect <- unique(matchupframe$questionid[matchupframe$sourcequestion > 0])

      #Loop through all tournament questions
      for(i in updatevect){
        #Loop through all rows for this tournament set in matchup frame to calculate the probability of each alternative making it to this round of the tournament
        for(j in which(matchupframe$questionid == i)){

          temprows <- which((matchupframe$matrixrowid == matchupframe$matrixrowid[j]) &
                              (matchupframe$questionid == matchupframe$sourcequestion[j]))

          occurprobs[j] <- sum(occurprobs[temprows]*winprobs[temprows])

        #Multiply chance of each alternative making it to this question to get probability of specific matchup occuring
        for(j in unique(matchupframe$uniquesetid[matchupframe$questionid == i])){

          occurprobs[matchupframe$uniquesetid == j] <- prod(occurprobs[matchupframe$uniquesetid == j])

  return(list(occurprobs = occurprobs))}

taalbrecht/MultiEqOptimizer documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:51 a.m.