
Defines functions patientProfile

Documented in patientProfile

#' Profile of common covariate combinations among patients
#' @param dt Data.table object where each row represents a patient and each row
#'   represents a covariates (or risk factor)
#' @param primary.cov An integer, character, or factor vector. The primary
#'   covariate to group by and calculate proportions for (usually age)
#' @param ... Additional covariates to group by - e.g. gender, status of
#'   previous exposures/events, etc. Accepts vectors of integers, characters or
#'   factors
#' @details The function is designed to show how many patients exists in the
#'   dataset that have each combination of risk factors.
#'   Covariate combinations will that conatin 0 patients will return a 0 value
#'   for that covariate combination. However, this assumes that all possible
#'   outcomes for each variable are found in at least one patient in the
#'   dataset. For example, using "age" as a covariate, if the dataset ranges
#'   from 20 to 50 years olds, it is assumed that at least one patient from
#'   every interger age is present i.e. 20, 21, 22....50. If there are no
#'   patients aged 22, for example, then no covariate combinations with patients
#'   aged 22 will be created.
#' @return Returns a data.table object where each row is a covariate
#'   combination. \code{N.in.primary.cov} records the number of patients in the
#'   data set with the specified primary covariate. E.g. using the "age" example
#'   from the "details" section, this column would record how many patients are
#'   20, 21, 22....50. \code{prop.by.primary.cov} records the proportion of patients with the
#'   same primary covariate (\code{primary.cov}) with that parameter
#'   combination.
#' @examples
#'   n <- 1e2
#'   set.seed(13)
#'   x <- data.table::data.table(
#'     age = sample(20:35, size = n, replace = TRUE),
#'     v2 = sample(c("yes", "no"), n, replace = TRUE),
#'     v3 = sample(c("yes", "no"), n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
#'   )
#'   out <- patientProfile(dt = x, primary.cov = "age", "v2", "v3")
#' @author Matthew Phelps \email{mphelps@@hjerteforeningen.dk}
#' @export
patientProfile <- function(dt, primary.cov, ...) {
    # Function returns the proportion of patients with each combination of
    # covaraites who have the same age. i.e. the proportion of 55 year olds with
    # each covariate combination.
    arguments <- c(primary.cov, list(...))
    if (!all(sapply(arguments, is.character)))
        stop("Column names need to be in character format - i.e. put them in quotation marks")
  if (length(arguments) != ncol(dt))
      "Mismatch in number of columns specified.
      You either entered too many or too few column arguments"
  if (any(sapply(arguments, is.numeric)))
      "Columns of class numeric are not allowed, please convert all columns to integer, character, or factor"
  # Allows us to generalize the primary covariate to group by
  setnames(dt, arguments[[1]], "primary.cov")
  # Move primary.cov to front of dt
  dt.col.names <- colnames(dt)
  setcolorder(dt, c("primary.cov", dt.col.names[!(dt.col.names %in% c("primary.cov"))]))
  setkeyv(dt, "primary.cov") # Order by primary covariate.
  n.by.primary.cov <-
    data.table(dt[, table(primary.cov)]) # frequency by primary cov.
  if (dt[, is.integer(primary.cov)])
    n.by.primary.cov[, primary.cov := as.integer(primary.cov)]
  setkey(n.by.primary.cov, "primary.cov")
  setnames(n.by.primary.cov, old = "N", new = "N.in.primary.cov.group")
  # Make sure arguments are supplied in correct order. Cannot do this earlier
  # becasue the fun() allows primary.cov to be anywhere in data table, but this
  # variable is always moved to front to standardize operations
  setnames(dt, "primary.cov", arguments[[1]])
  if (!all(sapply(seq_along(arguments), function(i)
    arguments[i] == dt.col.names[i])))
      "Please supply to arguments in the same order as they are listed in the data table input object"
  # Grid of all possible values. This allows us to record covariate combinations
  # with zero patients in them. Will merge this with count dt later:
  unique.values <- lapply(dt, unique)
  subsetCovars <- function(x, dat) {
    dat[[x]] # Helper function for subsetting in lapply step
  out.grid <- data.table(expand.grid(unique.values))
  list.allcombos <- lapply(arguments, subsetCovars, dat = out.grid)
  out.grid[, join.id := do.call(paste, c(list.allcombos, sep = ":"))]
  # Apply helper function to every covariate argument supplied by user. Output
  # is a list. Each list element is a vector where every element of vector
  # represents the covariate for one patient. i.e. vector of age of every
  # patients
  covar.list <- lapply(arguments, subsetCovars, dat = dt)
  patient.count <-
    data.table(table(do.call(paste, c(covar.list, sep = ":"))))
  # Join count dt with dt of all possible outcomes:
  setkey(out.grid, "join.id")
  setkey(patient.count, "V1")
  out.grid[, count := 0L]
  out.grid[patient.count, count := N]
  # Join age group count
  setkeyv(out.grid, arguments[[1]])
  out.grid[, N.in.primary.cov := 0L]
  out.grid[n.by.primary.cov, N.in.primary.cov := N.in.primary.cov.group]
  # Calculate proportion of patients in each covariate grouping by age.
  out.grid[, prop.by.primary.cov := count / N.in.primary.cov]
  # browser()
  out.col.names <- colnames(out.grid)
  setcolorder(out.grid, c("join.id", out.col.names[!(out.col.names %in% c("join.id"))]))
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.