
Defines functions model.tables.ate

Documented in model.tables.ate

### model.tables.ate.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: Oct 16 2024 (11:48) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: Oct 17 2024 (12:16) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 18
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * model.tables.ate (documentation)
##' @title Statistical Inference for the Average Treatment Effect
##' @description Export estimated average treatment effects with their uncertainty (standard errors, confidence intervals and p-values).
##' @param x A \code{ate} object, i.e. output of the \code{ate} function.
##' @param contrasts [character vector] levels of the treatment variable for which the estimates should be assessed or compared. Default is to consider all levels.
##' @param times [numeric vector] The timepoints at which the estimates should be displayed. Default is to consider all timepoints.
##' @param estimator [character] The type of estimator relative to which the estimates should be displayed. 
##' @param type [character] should the average risk per treatment be displayed (\code{"meanRisk"}),
##' or the difference in average risk between any two pairs of treatments (\code{"diffRisk"}),
##' or the ratio in average risk between any two pairs of treatments (\code{"ratioRisk"}).
##' @param ... Additional arguments (meanRisk.transform, ..., method.band, ...) passed to \code{\link{confint.ate}}.
##' @return a data.frame.
##' @author Brice Ozenne \email{broz@@sund.ku.dk}

## * model.tables.ate (code)
##' @export
model.tables.ate <- function(x, contrasts = NULL, times = NULL, estimator = NULL, type = NULL, ...){

    ## *** check arguments
        estimator <- x$estimator[1]
        estimator <- match.arg(estimator, x$estimator)
        contrasts <- x$contrasts
        contrasts.original <- contrasts
        contrasts <- match.arg(contrasts, x$contrasts, several.ok = TRUE)
            stop("Unknown value ",paste(setdiff(contrasts.original,x$contrasts), collapse = ", ")," in argument \'contrasts\'. \n",
                 "Valid values: ",paste(x$contrasts, collapse = ", "),". \n")
        times <- x$eval.times
        if(any(times %in% x$eval.times == FALSE)){
            stop("Unknown timepoint ",paste(setdiff(times,x$eval.times), collapse = ", ")," in argument \'times\'. \n",
                 "Valid timepoints: ",paste(x$eval.times, collapse = ", "),". \n")
        type <- "meanRisk"
        type <- match.arg(type, c("meanRisk","diffRisk","ratioRisk"))

    if(x$inference$se == FALSE){
        stop("Cannot evaluate the uncertainty about the estimates when the standard error has not been stored. \n",
             "Set argument \'se\' to TRUE when calling the ate function \n")
    ## *** reduce object
    object.reduce <- x
    subset.meanRisk <- which(x$meanRisk$estimator %in% estimator & x$meanRisk$time %in% times & x$meanRisk$treatment %in% contrasts)
    object.reduce$meanRisk <- x$meanRisk[subset.meanRisk] ## does not work directly due to confusion from data.table between values and column names (e.g. estimator is both)
        object.reduce$meanRisk$treatment <- droplevels(object.reduce$meanRisk$treatment)

    subset.diffRisk <- which(x$diffRisk$estimator %in% estimator & x$diffRisk$time %in% times & x$diffRisk$B %in% contrasts & x$diffRisk$A %in% contrasts)
    object.reduce$diffRisk <- x$diffRisk[subset.diffRisk] ## does not work directly due to confusion from data.table between values and column names (e.g. estimator is both)
        object.reduce$diffRisk$A <- droplevels(object.reduce$diffRisk$A)
        object.reduce$diffRisk$B <- droplevels(object.reduce$diffRisk$B)

    subset.ratioRisk <- which(x$ratioRisk$estimator %in% estimator & x$ratioRisk$time %in% times & x$ratioRisk$B %in% contrasts & x$ratioRisk$A %in% contrasts)
    object.reduce$ratioRisk <- x$ratioRisk[subset.ratioRisk] ## does not work directly due to confusion from data.table between values and column names (e.g. estimator is both)
        object.reduce$ratioRisk$A <- droplevels(object.reduce$ratioRisk$A)
        object.reduce$ratioRisk$B <- droplevels(object.reduce$ratioRisk$B)
        object.reduce$iid <- list(lapply(object.reduce$iid[[estimator]][contrasts], function(iIID){iIID[,x$eval.times %in% times, drop = FALSE]}))
        names(object.reduce$iid) <- estimator
    }else if(x$inference$bootstrap){
        object.reduce$boot$t0 <- x$boot$t0[c(subset.meanRisk,NROW(x$meanRisk)+subset.diffRisk,NROW(x$meanRisk)+NROW(x$diffRisk)+subset.ratioRisk)]
        object.reduce$boot$t <- x$boot$t[,c(subset.meanRisk,NROW(x$meanRisk)+subset.diffRisk,NROW(x$meanRisk)+NROW(x$diffRisk)+subset.ratioRisk),drop=FALSE]
    object.reduce$estimator <- estimator ## side effect: drop attributes but they are not used by confintIID.ate
    attr(object.reduce$estimator,"TD") <- attr(x$estimator,"TD")
    object.reduce$eval.times <- times
    object.reduce$contrasts <- contrasts
    object.reduce$allContrasts <- utils::combn(contrasts, m = 2)
    object.reduce$inference.contrasts <- contrasts
    object.reduce$inference.allContrasts <- utils::combn(contrasts, m = 2)

    ## *** call confint
    out <- stats::confint(object.reduce, ...)[[type]]

    ## *** export


### model.tables.ate.R ends here
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.