
Defines functions predictCoxWeights

predictCoxWeights <- function(object,
                              diag = FALSE,
                              isBeforeTau = FALSE,
                              tau = -1){
  call <- match.call()
  ## centering
  centered <- TRUE
    df.reference <- centered
    centered2 <- TRUE ## for the linear predictor of the hazard
    df.reference <- NULL
    centered2 <- centered ## for the linear predictor of the hazard
  centered <- TRUE ## for the linear predictor of the baseline hazard
  ## ** Extract elements from object
  if (missing(times)) {
    nTimes <- 0
    times <- numeric(0)
    nTimes <- length(times)
  times.sorted <- times
  order.times <- 1:nTimes
  oorder.times <- 1:nTimes
  object.n <- coxN(object)  
  object.modelFrame <- coxModelFrame(object)
  infoVar <- coxVariableName(object, model.frame = object.modelFrame)
  object.baseEstimator <- coxBaseEstimator(object)
  ## ease access
  is.strata <- infoVar$is.strata
  object.levelStrata <- levels(object.modelFrame$strata) ## levels of the strata variable
  nStrata <- length(object.levelStrata) ## number of strata
  nVar.lp <- length(infoVar$lpvars) ## number of variables in the linear predictor
  ## ** normalize model frame
  ## convert strata to numeric
  object.modelFrame[,c("strata.num") := as.numeric(.SD$strata) - 1]
  ## linear predictor
  ## if we predict the hazard for newdata then there is no need to center the covariates
  object.modelFrame[,c("eXb") := exp(coxLP(object, data = NULL, center = if(is.null(newdata)){centered}else{FALSE}))]
  ## add linear predictor and remove useless columns
  rm.name <- setdiff(names(object.modelFrame),c("start","stop","status","eXb","strata","strata.num"))
    object.modelFrame[,c(rm.name) := NULL]
  ## sort the data
  object.modelFrame[, c("statusM1") := 1-.SD$status] ## sort by statusM1 such that deaths appear first and then censored events
  object.modelFrame[, c("XXXindexXXX") := 1:.N] ## keep track of the initial positions (useful when calling calcSeCox)
  data.table::setkeyv(object.modelFrame, c("strata.num","stop","start","statusM1"))
  ## last event time in each strata
  if(!is.null(attr(times,"etimes.max"))){ ## specified by the user
    etimes.max <- attr(times,"etimes.max")
    attr(times,"etimes.max") <- NULL
    attr(times.sorted,"etimes.max") <- etimes.max
  }else if(is.strata){ ## based on the data
      iDTtempo <- object.modelFrame[, .SD[which.max(.SD$stop)], by = "strata.num"]
      etimes.max <- iDTtempo[,if(.SD$status==1){1e12}else{.SD$stop}, by = "strata.num"][[2]]
      etimes.max <- object.modelFrame[, max(.SD$stop), by = "strata.num"][[2]]
    if(nVar.lp==0 && (utils::tail(object.modelFrame$status,1)==1)){ ## no covariates and ends by a death
      etimes.max <- 1e12
      etimes.max <- max(object.modelFrame[["stop"]])
  ## ** checks
  ## check user inputs 
  if(nTimes[1]>0 && any(is.na(times))){
    stop("Missing (NA) values in argument \'times\' are not allowed.\n")
  ## predictCox is not compatible with all coxph/cph object (i.e. only handle only simple cox models)
  if(!is.null(object$weights) && !all(object$weights==1)){
    stop("predictCox does not know how to handle Cox models fitted with weights \n")
    stop("predictCox does not know how to handle frailty.") 
    warning("The current version of predictCox was not designed to handle left censoring \n",
            "The function may be used on own risks \n") 
  if(object.baseEstimator == "exact"){
    stop("Prediction with exact handling of ties is not implemented.\n")
    stop("predictCox does not know how to handle time varying effects.\n") 
  ## convergence issue
  if(!is.null(coef(object)) && any(is.na(coef(object)))){
    stop("One or several parameters of the regression model have no value, i.e., a value 'NA'.\n")
  ## prediction 
  if (missing(newdata)){
    stop("Argument 'newdata' is missing. Cannot compute standard errors in this case.")
    if(nTimes[1]==0 && !identical(as.character("cumhazard"),"lp")){
      stop("Time points at which to evaluate the predictions are missing \n")
      stop("Argument \'times\' must be a vector \n")
    name.regressor <- c(infoVar$lpvars.original, infoVar$stratavars.original)
    if(length(name.regressor) > 0 && any(name.regressor %in% names(newdata) == FALSE)){
      stop("Missing variables in argument \'newdata\': \"",
           paste0(setdiff(name.regressor,names(newdata)), collapse = "\" \""),
  ## diag argument
    stop("Argument \'diag\' must be of type logical \n")
      stop("When argument \'diag\' is TRUE, the number of rows in \'newdata\' must equal the length of \'times\' \n")
  ## ** baseline hazard
  ## compute the baseline hazard
  Lambda0 <- baseHaz_cpp(starttimes = object.modelFrame$start,
                         stoptimes = object.modelFrame$stop,
                         status = object.modelFrame$status,
                         eXb = object.modelFrame$eXb,
                         strata = object.modelFrame$strata.num,
                         nPatients = object.n,
                         nStrata = nStrata,
                         emaxtimes = etimes.max,
                         predtimes = times.sorted,
                         cause = 1,
                         Efron = (object.baseEstimator == "efron"),
                         reverse = FALSE)
  ## restaure strata levels
  Lambda0$strata <- factor(Lambda0$strata, levels = 0:(nStrata-1), labels = object.levelStrata)
    ## ** compute cumlative hazard and survival
    ## *** reformat newdata (compute linear predictor and strata)
    new.n <- NROW(newdata)
    newdata <- data.table::as.data.table(newdata)
  Xb <- coxLP(object, data = newdata, center = FALSE)
  lp.iid <- FALSE
  new.eXb <- exp(Xb)
  new.strata <- coxStrata(object, data = newdata, 
                          sterms = infoVar$strata.sterms, 
                          strata.vars = infoVar$stratavars, 
                          strata.levels = infoVar$strata.levels)
  new.levelStrata <- levels(droplevels(new.strata))
  if(nVar.lp > 0){
    ## get the (new) design matrix
    new.LPdata <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata)
      stop("NROW of the design matrix and newdata differ. \n",
           "Maybe because newdata contains NA values \n")
    new.LPdata <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = new.n)
  ## restaure original ordering
    Lambda0$oorder.times <- oorder.times
    Lambda0$oorder.times <- 1:nTimes
  ## Computation of the influence function and/or the standard error
    times2 <- times
    times2 <- times.sorted
  attr(times2,"etimes.max") <- attr(times.sorted,"etimes.max")
  times = times2
  object.time = object.modelFrame$stop
  object.eXb = object.modelFrame$eXb
  object.strata =  object.modelFrame$strata
  new.survival = NULL
  export = "iid"
  ##** Computation of the influence function
  iid.object <- iidCox(object, tau.hazard = times, store.iid = "minimal", return.object = FALSE)
  ## ** Prepare arguments
    nTimes <- 1
  new.strata <- as.numeric(new.strata)
  Lambda0$strata <- as.numeric(Lambda0$strata)    
  Lambda0$cumhazard <- lapply(1:nStrata,function(s){Lambda0$cumhazard[Lambda0$strata==s][Lambda0$oorder.times]})
  ## ** hazard / cumulative hazard / survival
  c(weightedAverageIFCumhazard_cpp(seqTau = times,
                                   cumhazard0 = Lambda0$cumhazard,
                                   newX = new.LPdata,
                                   neweXb = new.eXb,
                                   IFbeta = iid.object$IFbeta,
                                   cumEhazard0 = iid.object$calcIFhazard$cumElambda0,
                                   cumhazard_iS0 = iid.object$calcIFhazard$cumLambda0_iS0,
                                   delta_iS0 = iid.object$calcIFhazard$delta_iS0,
                                   sample_eXb = iid.object$calcIFhazard$eXb,
                                   sample_time = iid.object$obstime,
                                   indexJumpSample_time = lapply(iid.object$calcIFhazard$time1,
                                                                 function(iTime){prodlim::sindex(jump.times = iTime, eval.times = iid.object$obstime)-1}), 
                                   jump_time = iid.object$calcIFhazard$time1, 
                                   indexJumpTau = lapply(iid.object$calcIFhazard$time1,
                                                         function(iTime){prodlim::sindex(jump.times = iTime, eval.times = times)-1}), 
                                   lastSampleTime = iid.object$etime.max,
                                   newdata_index = lapply(1:nStrata,
                                                          function(iS){which(new.strata == iS)-1}),
                                   nTau = nTimes, nSample = object.n, nStrata = nStrata, p = nVar.lp,
                                   diag = diag,
                                   debug = 0, weights = weights, isBeforeTau = isBeforeTau, tau = tau))*new.n
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.