
Defines functions collapse_branch get_all_leaves flatten.dendrogram unbranch.phylo unbranch.hclust unbranch.dendrogram unbranch.default unbranch raise.dendrogram get_root_branches_attr

Documented in collapse_branch flatten.dendrogram get_root_branches_attr raise.dendrogram unbranch unbranch.default unbranch.dendrogram unbranch.hclust unbranch.phylo

# Copyright (C) Tal Galili
# This file is part of dendextend.
# dendextend is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# dendextend is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

#' @title get attributes from the dendrogram's root(!) branches
#' @description get attributes from the dendrogram's root(!) branches
#' @export
#' @param dend dendrogram object
#' @param the_attr the attribute to get from the branches (for example "height")
#' @param warn logical (default from dendextend_options("warn") is FALSE).
#' Set if warning are to be issued, it is safer to keep this at TRUE,
#' but for keeping the noise down, the default is FALSE.
#' Should a warning be printed when
#' the function is used on an object which is NOT a dendrogram.
#' @param ... passed on to attr
#' @return The attributes of the branches (often two) of the dendrogram's root
#' @seealso \link{attr}
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[2:9, ]), "com")
#' dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
#' get_root_branches_attr(dend, "height") # 0.00000 71.96247
#' # plot(dend)
#' str(dend, 2)
get_root_branches_attr <- function(dend, the_attr, warn = dendextend_options("warn"), ...) {
  if (!is.dendrogram(dend)) {
    if (warn) warning("dend wasn't of class dendrogram - be sure it makes sense...")
    # I might make this S3 at some point, but I don't see a need for it...
    # class(dend) <- "dendrogram"
    # dend <- as.dendrogram(dend)
  sapply(dend, function(x) {
    attr(x, the_attr, ...)

#' @title Raise the height of a dendrogram tree
#' @description Raise the height of nodes in a dendrogram tree.
#' @export
#' @param dend dendrogram object
#' @param heiget_to_add how much height to add to all the branches (not leaves) in the dendrogram
#' @param ... passed on (not used)
#' @return A raised dendrogram
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[2:9, ]), "com")
#' dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(dend, main = "original tree")
#' plot(raise.dendrogram(dend, 100), main = "Raised tree")
raise.dendrogram <- function(dend, heiget_to_add, ...) {
  # Only if you are not a leaf - then do things
  if (!is.leaf(dend)) {
    # first - move through all the branches and implement this function on them (they will return higher...
    num_of_branches <- length(dend)
    for (i in seq_len(num_of_branches))
      dend[[i]] <- raise.dendrogram(dend[[i]], heiget_to_add) # go into the tree with recursion...
    # change the height of our current branch
    attr(dend, "height") <- attr(dend, "height") + heiget_to_add

#' @title unbranch trees
#' @description unbranch trees and merges the subtree to the parent node.
#' @export
#' @rdname unbranch
#' @param dend a dendrogram (or hclust) object
#' @param branch_becoming_root a numeric choosing the branch of the root which will become the new root (from left to right)
#' @param new_root_height the new height of the branch which will become the new root.
#' If the parameter is not given - the height of the original root is used.
#' @param ... passed on
#' @return An unbranched dendrogram
#' @seealso \link[ape]{unroot} {ape}
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[2:9, ]), "com")
#' dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' plot(dend, main = "original tree")
#' plot(unbranch(dend, 1), main = "unbranched tree (left branch)")
#' plot(unbranch(dend, 2), main = "tree without  (right branch)")
unbranch <- function(dend, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname unbranch
unbranch.default <- function(dend, ...) stop("object dend must be a dendrogram/hclust/phylo object")

#' @export
#' @rdname unbranch
unbranch.dendrogram <- function(dend, branch_becoming_root = 1, new_root_height, ...) {

  # dend <- x # (since this function is based on dendrograms)
  if (is.leaf(dend[[branch_becoming_root]])) {
    warning("unbranch.dendrogram can't have the new root being a leaf.
The original dendrogram is returned.
Please choose another branch to be the root.")
  new_dend <- list()

  # add branches from the new root branch to the new tree
  number_of_branches_in_root <- length(dend[[branch_becoming_root]])
  i_new_root <- branch_becoming_root + 0:(number_of_branches_in_root - 1)
  for (i in seq_len(number_of_branches_in_root))
    new_dend[[i_new_root[i]]] <- dend[[branch_becoming_root]][[i]] # add the branches of the branc_becoming_root to the new tree

  # add all other branches of the old tree to the root of the new tree
  number_of_branches_in_dend <- length(dend)
  number_of_branches_in_dend_minus_root <- number_of_branches_in_dend - 1
  branches_to_add_to_root <- seq_len(number_of_branches_in_dend)[-branch_becoming_root]
  i_old_branches <- (1:(number_of_branches_in_dend_minus_root + number_of_branches_in_root))[-i_new_root]
  # id of branches to add to the root of the new tree
  for (i in seq_len(number_of_branches_in_dend_minus_root))
    new_dend[[i_old_branches[i]]] <- dend[[branches_to_add_to_root[i]]] # add the branches of the branc_becoming_root to the new tree

  # set the proper attributes of the root of the new tree
  if (!missing(new_root_height)) {
    attr(new_dend, "height") <- new_root_height
  } else {
    attr(new_dend, "height") <- attr(dend, "height") # + attr(dend[[branch_becoming_root]], "height")
  class(new_dend) <- "dendrogram"
  attr(new_dend, "members") <- sum(get_root_branches_attr(new_dend, "members")) # the new members of the root is the sum of the members in all of his branches
  attr(new_dend, "midpoint") <-
    suppressWarnings(mean(get_root_branches_attr(new_dend, "midpoint"), na.rm = TRUE))
  # the new midpoint of the root is the mean of the midpoint in all of his branches
  # if some are NA, they are ignored

  # Bad idea: we only use labels for the leafs...
  #    attr(new_dend, "label") <- "merged root" # might cause problems in the future?
  new_dend <- suppressWarnings(stats_midcache.dendrogram(new_dend)) # might through warnings if we have 3 branches (but it will keep the "midpoints" in check


#' @export
#' @rdname unbranch
unbranch.hclust <- function(dend, branch_becoming_root = 1, new_root_height, ...) {
  x_dend <- as.dendrogram(dend)
  x_dend_unbranch <- unbranch(x_dend, branch_becoming_root, new_root_height, ...)
  x_unbranch <- as_hclust_fixed(x_dend_unbranch, dend)


#' @export
#' @rdname unbranch
unbranch.phylo <- function(dend, ...) {
  # ape::unbranch(phy = x)
  # library(ape)
  x_dend <- as.dendrogram(dend)
  x_dend_unbranch <- unbranch(x_dend, ...) # branch_becoming_root , new_root_height,
  x_unbranch <- ape::as.phylo(x_dend_unbranch)


#' @title Flatten the branches of a dendrogram's root
#' @description
#' The function makes sure the two branches of the root of a dendrogram will have the same height.
#' The user can choose how to decide which height to use.
#' @export
#' @param dend dendrogram object
#' @param FUN how to choose the new height of both branches (defaults to taking the max between the two)
#' @param new_height overrides FUN, and sets the new height of the two branches manually
#' @param ... passed on (not used)
#' @return A dendrogram with both of the root's branches of the same height
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests[2:9, ]), "com")
#' dend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
#' attr(dend[[1]], "height") <- 150 # make the height un-equal
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(dend, main = "original tree")
#' plot(flatten.dendrogram(dend), main = "Raised tree")
flatten.dendrogram <- function(dend, FUN = max, new_height, ...) {
  if (missing(new_height)) {
    dend_branches_height <- get_root_branches_attr(dend, "height")
    new_height <- FUN(dend_branches_height)
  for (i in seq_len(length(dend))) attr(dend[[i]], "height") <- new_height

# get_all_leaves(dend)
get_all_leaves <- function(dend, ...) {
  leaves <- as.list(rep(NA, nleaves(dend)))

  # this function is used to modify object_attr. What it returns is not important.
  i_leaf <- 0
  get_attr_from_node <- function(dend_node) {
    if (is.leaf(dend_node)) {
      i_leaf <<- i_leaf + 1
      leaves[[i_leaf]] <<- unclass(dend_node)
  dendrapply(dend, get_attr_from_node)


#' @title Collapse branches under a tolerance level
#' @description
#' Collapse branches under a tolerance level
#' @export
#' @param dend dendrogram object
#' @param tol a numeric value giving the tolerance to consider a branch length significantly greater than zero
#' @param lower logical (TRUE). collapse branches which are lower than tol?
#' @param ... passed on (not used)
#' @return A dendrogram with both of the root's branches of the same height
#' @seealso \link[ape]{multi2di}
#' @examples
#' # # ladderize is like sort(..., type = "node")
#' dend <- iris[1:5, -5] %>%
#'   dist() %>%
#'   hclust() %>%
#'   as.dendrogram()
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
#' dend %>%
#'   ladderize() %>%
#'   plot(horiz = TRUE)
#' abline(v = .2, col = 2, lty = 2)
#' dend %>%
#'   collapse_branch(tol = 0.2) %>%
#'   ladderize() %>%
#'   plot(horiz = TRUE)
#' dend %>%
#'   collapse_branch(tol = 0.2) %>%
#'   ladderize() %>%
#'   hang.dendrogram(hang = 0) %>%
#'   plot(horiz = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' dend %>%
#'   collapse_branch(tol = 0.2, lower = FALSE) %>%
#'   plot(horiz = TRUE, main = "dendrogram")
#' library(ape)
#' dend %>%
#'   as.phylo() %>%
#'   di2multi(tol = 0.2) %>%
#'   plot(main = "phylo")
collapse_branch <- function(dend, tol = 1e-08, lower = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!is.dendrogram(dend)) stop("'dend' should be a dendrogram.")
  if (nleaves(dend) == 1) {
    warning("nleaves(dend) == 1  - returning dend")
    if (attr(dend, "height") < tol) warning("dend height < tol")

  fix_height_attr_per_node <- function(dend_node) {
    if (is.leaf(dend_node)) {

    the_leaves <- list()
    nodes_to_rm <- NULL

    for (i_nodes in seq_len(length(dend_node))) {
      a_leaf <- is.leaf(dend_node[[i_nodes]])
      short <- attr(dend_node[[i_nodes]], "height") < tol
      if (!lower) short <- !short

      if (!a_leaf & short) {
        the_leaves <- c(the_leaves, get_all_leaves(dend_node[[i_nodes]]))
        nodes_to_rm <- c(nodes_to_rm, i_nodes)
      } else {
        dend_node[[i_nodes]] <- fix_height_attr_per_node(dend_node[[i_nodes]])

    if (!is.null(nodes_to_rm)) {
      tmp_attr <- attributes(dend_node)
      dend_node <- c(dend_node, the_leaves)
      dend_node <- dend_node[-nodes_to_rm]
      attributes(dend_node) <- tmp_attr

  dend <- fix_height_attr_per_node(dend)
  class(dend) <- "dendrogram"
  dend <- suppressWarnings(stats_midcache.dendrogram(dend)) # might through warnings if we have 3 branches (but it will keep the "midpoints" in check

# TODO: add tests
talgalili/dendextend documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 3:18 p.m.