
Defines functions run_wide gen_seeds num_logical_cores num_physical_cores

Documented in gen_seeds num_logical_cores num_physical_cores run_wide

#' Return the number of the system's physical CPU cores
#' @export
num_physical_cores <- function() {
    proc <- readLines("/proc/cpuinfo")
    core_id <- paste0(
        grep("^physical id", proc, value = TRUE), " | ",
        grep("^core id", proc, value = TRUE)

#' Return the number of the system's logical CPU cores
#' @export
num_logical_cores <- function() {
    proc <- readLines("/proc/cpuinfo")
    core_id <- grep("^processor", proc)

#' Generate RNG seeds for parallel runs
#' @export
gen_seeds <- function(n) {
    # Our naive approach would break when the chance of a new random number being
    # unique is low
    stopifnot(n < (.Machine$integer.max / 10))

    seeds <- integer(0)
    while (length(seeds) < n) {
        missing <- n - length(seeds)
        new_seeds <- runif(missing * 1.1, min = 0, max = .Machine$integer.max)
        seeds <- unique(c(seeds, as.integer(new_seeds)))


#' Similar to mclapply, however ensures a reproducible random-number
#' stream for each application of fun()
#' @export
run_wide <- function(x, fun, ..., mc_preschedule = TRUE, mc_cores = num_physical_cores(), .seeds = NULL) {
    if (is.null(.seeds)) {
        .seeds <- gen_seeds(length(x))

    stopifnot(length(.seeds) == length(x))

    run_once <- function(i) {
        return(fun(x[i], ...))

    idxs <- 1:length(x)
    names(idxs) <- names(x)

    return(parallel::mclapply(idxs, run_once, mc.preschedule = mc_preschedule, mc.cores = mc_cores))
tanaylab/tgutil documentation built on March 16, 2024, 12:07 a.m.