
#' @title Wavelet Analysis Script (From Steinscheneider, 2013)
#' @description Place holder
#' @param period Climate variable to be analyzed
#' @param sig sigicance level
#' @param background_noise type of background noise Default:red
#' @return a list containing vectors period, signif_GWS, and GWS
#' @details place holder
#' @export 

waveletAnalysis <- function(variable, siglvl=0.90, background_noise = "white") {

   require(forecast, quietly = FALSE)

   #Define Wavelet function used that returns transform
   waveletf <- function(k,s) {
      nn <- length(k)
      k0 <- 6    #nondimensional frequency, here taken to be 6 to satisfy the admissibility condition [Farge 1992]
      z <- array(1,nn)
      z[which(k<=0)] <- 0
      expnt <- -((s*k - k0)^2/2)*z
      norm <- sqrt(s*k[2])*(pi^(-0.25))*sqrt(nn)    # total energy=N   [Eqn(7)]
      daughter <- norm*exp(expnt)
      daughter <- daughter*z
      fourier_factor <- (4*pi)/(k0 + sqrt(2 + k0^2)) # Scale-->Fourier [Sec.3h]
      coi <- fourier_factor/sqrt(2)                  # Cone-of-influence [Sec.3g]
      dofmin <- 2     # Degrees of freedom

   #Define Wavelet function used that returns fourier_factor, cone of influence, and degrees of freedom
   waveletf2 <- function(k,s) {
      nn <- length(k)
      k0 <- 6    #nondimensional frequency, here taken to be 6 to satisfy the admissibility condition [Farge 1992]
      z <- array(1,nn)
      z[which(k<=0)] <- 0
      expnt <- -((s*k - k0)^2/2)*z
      norm <- sqrt(s*k[2])*(pi^(-0.25))*sqrt(nn)    # total energy=N   [Eqn(7)]
      daughter <- norm*exp(expnt)
      daughter <- daughter*z
      fourier_factor <- (4*pi)/(k0 + sqrt(2 + k0^2)) # Scale-->Fourier [Sec.3h]
      coi <- fourier_factor/sqrt(2)                  # Cone-of-influence [Sec.3g]
      dofmin <- 2  	# Degrees of freedom

   #construct time series to analyze, pad if necessary
   current_variable_org <- variable
   variance1 <- var(current_variable_org)
   n1 <- length(current_variable_org)
   current_variable <- scale(current_variable_org)
   variance2 <- var(current_variable)
   base2 <- floor(log(n1)/log(2) + 0.4999)   # power of 2 nearest to N
   current_variable <- c(current_variable,rep(0,(2^(base2+1)-n1)))
   n <- length(current_variable)

   #Determine parameters for Wavelet analysis
   dt <- 1
   dj <- 0.25
   s0 <- 2*dt
   J  <- floor((1/dj)*log((n1*dt/s0),base=2))

   #....construct SCALE array & empty PERIOD & WAVE arrays
   scale <- s0*2^((0:J)*dj)
   period <- scale
   wave <- array(as.complex(0),c(J+1,n))  # define the wavelet array

   #....construct wavenumber array used in transform [Eqn(5)]
   k <- c(1:floor(n/2))
   k <- k*((2.*pi)/(n*dt))
   k <- c(0,k,-rev(k[1:floor((n-1)/2)]))

   f <- fft(current_variable,inverse=FALSE)        #fourier transform of standardized precipitation

   # loop through all scales and compute transform
   for (a1 in 1:(J+1)) {
      daughter <- waveletf(k,scale[a1])
      results <- waveletf2(k,scale[a1])
      fourier_factor <- results[1]
      coi <- results[2]
      dofmin <- results[3]
      wave[a1,] <- fft(f*daughter,inverse=TRUE)/n  # wavelet transform[Eqn(4)]

   period <- fourier_factor*scale
   coi <- coi*dt*c((0.00001),1:((n1+1)/2-1),rev((1:(n1/2-1))),(0.00001))  # COI [Sec.3g]
   wave <- wave[,1:n1]  # get rid of padding before returning
   POWER <- abs(wave)^2
   GWS <- variance1*apply(POWER,FUN=mean,c(1)) #Global Wavelet Spectrum

   ##############Signficance Testing############# 

   # get the appropriate parameters [see Table(2)]
   k0 <- 6
   empir <- c(2,0.776,2.32,0.60)
   dofmin <- empir[1]     # Degrees of freedom with no smoothing
   Cdelta <- empir[2]     # reconstruction factor
   gamma_fac <- empir[3]  # time-decorrelation factor
   dj0 <- empir[4]       # scale-decorrelation factor
   if (background_noise=="white") {lag1 <- 0}    #for red noise background, lag1 autocorrelation = 0.72, for white noise background, lag1 autocorrelation = 0
   if (background_noise=="red") {lag1 <- .72}

   freq <- dt / period   # normalized frequency
   fft_theor <- (1-lag1^2) / (1-2*lag1*cos(freq*2*pi)+lag1^2)  # [Eqn(16)]
   fft_theor <- fft_theor  # include time-series variance
   dof <- dofmin

   chisquare <- qchisq(siglvl,dof)/dof
   signif <- fft_theor*chisquare   # [Eqn(18)]
   signif2 <- ((signif))%o%(array(1,n1))  # expand signif --> (J+1)x(N) array
   signif2 <- POWER / signif2         # where ratio > 1, power is significant

   dof <- n1 - scale
   if (length(dof) == 1) {dof <- array(0,(J+1))+dof}
   dof[which(dof < 1)] <- 1
   dof <- dofmin*sqrt(1 + (dof*dt/gamma_fac / scale)^2 )
   tt <- which(dof < dofmin)
   dof[tt] <- dofmin
   chisquare_GWS <- array(NA,(J+1))
   signif_GWS <- array(NA,(J+1))
   for (a1 in 1:(J+1)) {
      chisquare_GWS[a1] <- qchisq(siglvl,dof[a1])/dof[a1]
      signif_GWS[a1] <- fft_theor[a1]*variance1*chisquare_GWS[a1]

  return(list(period = period, signif_GWS = signif_GWS, GWS = GWS, 
     scale = scale, dt = dt, dj = dj, wave = wave))
tanerumit/hydrosystems documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:57 a.m.