
vcssanova <- function (formula, type = NULL, data = list(), weights, subset, 
                    offset, na.action = na.omit, partial = NULL, method = "v", 
                    alpha = 1.4, varht = 1, id.basis = NULL, nbasis = NULL, seed = NULL, 
                    random = NULL, skip.iter = FALSE) 
  mf <- match.call()
  mf$type <- mf$method <- mf$varht <- mf$partial <- NULL
  mf$alpha <- mf$id.basis <- mf$nbasis <- mf$seed <- NULL
  mf$random <- mf$skip.iter <- NULL
  mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  wt <- model.weights(mf)
  nobs <- dim(mf)[1]
  id.basis <- 1:nrow(mf)
  if (is.null(id.basis)) {
    if (is.null(nbasis)) 
      nbasis <- max(30, ceiling(10 * nobs^(2/9)))
    if (nbasis >= nobs) 
      nbasis <- nobs
    if (!is.null(seed)) 
    id.basis <- sample(nobs, nbasis, prob = wt)
  else {
    if (max(id.basis) > nobs | min(id.basis) < 1) 
      stop("gss error in ssanova: id.basis out of range")
    nbasis <- length(id.basis)
  term <- mkterm(mf, type)
  if (!is.null(random)) {
    if (class(random) == "formula") 
      random <- mkran(random, data)
  s <- r <- NULL
  nq <- 0
  for (label in term$labels) {
    if (label == "1") {
      s <- cbind(s, rep(1, len = nobs))
    x <- mf[, term[[label]]$vlist]
    x.basis <- mf[id.basis, term[[label]]$vlist]
    nphi <- term[[label]]$nphi
    nrk <- term[[label]]$nrk
    if (nphi) {
      phi <- term[[label]]$phi
      for (i in 1:nphi) s <- cbind(s, phi$fun(x, nu = i, 
                                              env = phi$env))
    if (nrk) {
      rk <- term[[label]]$rk
      for (i in 1:nrk) {
        nq <- nq + 1
        r <- array(c(r, rk$fun(x, x.basis, nu = i, env = rk$env, 
                               out = TRUE)), c(nobs, nbasis, nq))
  if (is.null(r)) 
    stop("gss error in ssanova: use lm for models with only unpenalized terms")
  if (!is.null(partial)) {
    mf.p <- model.frame(partial, data)
    for (lab in colnames(mf.p)) mf[, lab] <- mf.p[, lab]
    mt.p <- attr(mf.p, "terms")
    lab.p <- labels(mt.p)
    matx.p <- model.matrix(mt.p, data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    if (dim(matx.p)[1] != dim(mf)[1]) 
      stop("gss error in ssanova: partial data are of wrong size")
    matx.p <- scale(matx.p)
    center.p <- attr(matx.p, "scaled:center")
    scale.p <- attr(matx.p, "scaled:scale")
    s <- cbind(s, matx.p)
    part <- list(mt = mt.p, center = center.p, scale = scale.p)
  else part <- lab.p <- NULL
  if (qr(s)$rank < dim(s)[2]) 
    stop("gss error in ssanova: unpenalized terms are linearly dependent")
  y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  offset <- model.offset(mf)
  if (!is.null(offset)) {
    term$labels <- c(term$labels, "offset")
    term$offset <- list(nphi = 0, nrk = 0)
    y <- y - offset
  if (!is.null(wt)) 
    wt <- sqrt(wt)
  if (nq == 1) {
    r <- r[, , 1]
    z <- sspreg1(s, r, r[id.basis, ], y, wt, method, alpha, 
                 varht, random)
  else z <- mspvcreg1(s, r, W, id.basis, y, wt, method, alpha, varht, 
                    random, skip.iter)
  desc <- NULL
  for (label in term$labels) desc <- rbind(desc, as.numeric(c(term[[label]][c("nphi", 
  if (!is.null(partial)) {
    desc <- rbind(desc, matrix(c(1, 0), length(lab.p), 2, 
                               byrow = TRUE))
  desc <- rbind(desc, apply(desc, 2, sum))
  if (is.null(partial)) 
    rownames(desc) <- c(term$labels, "total")
  else rownames(desc) <- c(term$labels, lab.p, "total")
  colnames(desc) <- c("Unpenalized", "Penalized")
  obj <- c(list(call = match.call(), mf = mf, terms = term, 
                desc = desc, alpha = alpha, id.basis = id.basis, partial = part, 
                lab.p = lab.p, random = random, skip.iter = skip.iter), 
  class(obj) <- c("vcssanova")
taylerablake/thin-plate-splines documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:16 p.m.