
Defines functions marsDraindownAssessment marsDraindown_hr marsPeakReleaseRate_cfs marsPeakStorage_percent marsOvertoppingCheck_bool sim_loop marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ft depth.to.vol vol.to.depth marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf marsInfiltrationRate_inhr marsWaterLevelBaseline_ft

Documented in depth.to.vol marsDraindownAssessment marsDraindown_hr marsInfiltrationRate_inhr marsOvertoppingCheck_bool marsPeakReleaseRate_cfs marsPeakStorage_percent marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ft marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf marsWaterLevelBaseline_ft vol.to.depth

# marsWaterLevelBaseline_ft ---------------------------------------------------
#' Water Level Baseline
#' Determine the level at which water level stabilizes following draindown
#' @param dtime_est A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param level_ft Observed water level data (ft)
#' @param max_infil_rate_inhr default = 1; maximum infiltration rate at the end of the timeseries that will allow for a "baseline" to be considered
#' @return Output is either the last point in the dataset, or NA, if maximum infiltration rate is exceeded within the last 15 minutes of the time series
#' @export

marsWaterLevelBaseline_ft <- function(dtime_est, level_ft, max_infil_rate_inhr = 1){
  #get difference in timesteps to determine steps needed in moving average
  step_diff <- as.numeric(difftime(dtime_est[length(dtime_est)], dtime_est[length(dtime_est) - 1], units = "mins"))
  if(step_diff == 5){ #5 minute interval
    steps <- 3
    #apply a 15-minute simple moving average
    level_ft <- zoo::rollmean(level_ft, steps, fill = NA)
  }else{ #15 minute interval
    steps <- 1 
  #create dataframe of dtime_est and level, and discard NAs formed at the edges during the moving average
  df <- data.frame(dtime_est, level_ft) %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(level_ft))
  last_point <- round(df$level_ft[length(df$level_ft)], 4)
  test <- df %>% #Check if difference between level over x timesteps is less than 0.01ft
    dplyr::mutate(lag_1 = dplyr::lag(level_ft, steps), 
                  diffr = abs(level_ft - lag_1)) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(desc(dtime_est)) %>% 
  #0.25 in/hr or lower is considered "not infiltrating". This is converted to ft/(15 minutes)
  depth_change <- max_infil_rate_inhr*1/12*15/60
  if(min(test$diffr, na.rm = TRUE) > depth_change){
    return(round(last_point, 4))

# marsInfiltrationRate_inhr ------------------------------------------
#' Infiltration Rate 
#' Estimated infiltration rate based on observed data
#' @param  event                Rainfall event ID (grouping variable)
#' @param  dtime_est            A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param  rainfall_in          Rainfall depths during periods corresponding to times in  dtime_est (in)
#' @param  dcia_ft2             Directly connected impervious area (sf)
#' @param  orifice_height_ft    Orifice height (ft)
#' @param  orifice_diam_in      Orifice diameter (in)
#' @param  storage_depth_ft     Maximum storage depth of system (ft)
#' @param  storage_vol_ft3      Maximum storage volume (pore space) of system, in cubic feet
#' @param  waterlevel_ft        Observed water level data (ft)
#' @param  depth_in             Depth at which to calculate infiltration rate (default 6in, which creates a range of 7in to 5in)
#' @param  discharge_coeff      Orifice discharge coefficient (default 0.62)
#' @return Output is estimated infiltration rate (in/hr). These outputs are codes for the following messages: 
#'  \describe{
#'        \item{\code{-900}}{Event does not include observation data that approximately equals specified water depth}
#'        \item{\code{-910}}{Code captures rising limb in event.}
#'        \item{\code{-920}}{Rainfall occurs during recession period in specified depth range.}
#'        \item{\code{-930}}{Infiltration rate is negligible; calculated infiltration rate is less than 0.1in/hr. }
#'  } 
#' @seealso \code{\link{marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs_250_fill %>%
#'   dplyr::filter(is.na(event) == FALSE) %>%
#'   dplyr::group_by(event) %>%
#'   dplyr::arrange(dtime_est)%>%
#'   dplyr::summarize( #Calculate performance metrics
#'     #Observed infiltration rate
#'     Infiltration_Rate_inhr = marsInfiltrationRate_inhr(event, dtime_est,
#'                                                rainfall_in,
#'                                                dcia_ft2,
#'                                                storage_depth_ft = storage_depth_ft,
#'                                                storage_vol_ft3 = storage_vol_ft3,
#'                                                orifice_diam_in,
#'                                                orifice_height_ft,
#'                                                waterlevel_ft = level_ft))

marsInfiltrationRate_inhr <- function(event, #for warning messages
                                              rainfall_in, #for removing overlapping events
                                              dcia_ft2, #directly connected impervious area
                                              orifice_height_ft = NA, #default to NA if no orifice outlet
                                              orifice_diam_in = NA, #default to NA if no orifice outlet
                                              waterlevel_ft, #observed data
                                              depth_in = 6, #depth at which to take infiltration rate
                                              discharge_coeff = 0.62 #Orifice discharge coefficient
  #1. Prepare data
  #1.1 Initialize data frame
  df <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = lubridate::force_tz(dtime_est, tz = "EST"),
                       depth_ft = waterlevel_ft, #observed data
                       vol_ft3 = 0,
                       #runoff_ft3 = 0,
                       slow_release_ft3 = 0)
  #1.2 Calculate volume
  df$vol_ft3 <- depth.to.vol(maxdepth_ft = storage_depth_ft[1],
                                      maxvol_cf = storage_vol_ft3[1],
                                      depth_ft = df$depth_ft)
  #1.3 Calculate orifice flow
  # If orifice dimensions are not provided, slow_release_ft = 0 (1.1)
    df$slow_release_ft3 <- marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf(dtime_est,
  #1.4 get Final depth
  last_depth <- df$depth_ft[length(df$depth_ft)]
  #2. Identify times associated with 5" and 7" depths
  # Note: For this approach, the time at which the depth drops below the 5" or 7" threshold is identified
  # by working backwards through the dataset. The data is first filtered to remove subsequent peaks and
  # is then again filtered by the threshold. The last row (slice(n())) represents the timestep immediately
  # before the level drops below the threshold. This value may not represent the value closest to the
  # threshold, however, this approach ensures that the values are taken from receding limbs.
  last_depth5 <- df %>%
    dplyr::filter(depth_ft > (depth_in - 1)/12 + last_depth) %>% #value immediately prior to water level crossing 5"
    dplyr::slice(dplyr::n()) #latest timestep
  last_depth7 <- df %>%
    dplyr::filter(depth_ft > (depth_in + 1)/12 + last_depth) %>% #value immediately prior to water level crossing 7"
    dplyr::slice(dplyr::n()) #latest timestep
  #2.4 Check that data is appropriate for calculating infiltration rate
  #2.4.1 Do observation values exist in the dataset approximately equal to 5 and 7"?
  if(nrow(last_depth5)== 0 | nrow(last_depth7) == 0){
    message(paste("Event",event[1], "does not include observation data that approximately equals", depth_in - 1, "or", depth_in + 1, "in. of water depth."))
  #2.4.2 Does the 5" measurement occur after the 7"?
  if(last_depth5$dtime_est == last_depth7$dtime_est){
    message(paste0("Code does not capture descending limb in Event ", event[1], "."))
  #2.4.3 Establish temp series. Is last depth above 5" part of the same descending limb? Does rainfall occur during recession period?
  tempseries <- df %>%
    dplyr::filter(dtime_est >= last_depth7$dtime_est & dtime_est <= last_depth5$dtime_est)
  #assure that the 5" depth used is within the same descending limb as the 7"
  #following the last 7" measurement, level can dip and rise back above 5". This cuts off the dip and rise
  if(min(tempseries$depth_ft) < (depth_in - 1)/12 + last_depth){
    #select the first point where depth drops below 5"
    cutoff <- tempseries %>%
      dplyr::filter(depth_ft < (depth_in - 1)/12 + last_depth) %>%
    #cut tempseries
    tempseries %<>% dplyr::filter(dtime_est < cutoff$dtime_est)
    #reassign last depth above 5"
    last_depth5 <- tempseries %>% dplyr::slice(dplyr::n())
  #check this again!
  if(last_depth5$dtime_est == last_depth7$dtime_est){
    message(paste0("Code does not capture descending limb in Event ", event[1], "."))
  #2.4.4 Does significant ( > 0.05") amount of rainfall occur during the recession period between 7" and 5" (or whatever the specified range is)?
  if(sum(tempseries$rainfall_in, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0.05){
    message(paste0('Rainfall greater than 0.05 inches occurs during the recession period in Event ', event[1], '.'))
  #3. Calculate infiltration rate
  #3.1 Calculate total orifice flow
  #3.1.1 make sure that orifice outflow does not exceed delta V at any timestep
  #sensor noise sometimes causes delta V to go the wrong direction, so that is evened out to zero
  tempseries %<>% dplyr::mutate(slow_release_check = dplyr::case_when(is.na(dplyr::lead(vol_ft3)) ~ slow_release_ft3,
                                                        vol_ft3 - dplyr::lead(vol_ft3) < 0 ~ 0,
                                                        TRUE ~ pmin(slow_release_ft3,(vol_ft3 - dplyr::lead(vol_ft3)))))
  total_orifice_ft3 <- sum(tempseries$slow_release_check, na.rm = TRUE)
  #3.2 Calculate total change storage
  change_storage_ft3 <- tempseries$vol_ft3[1] - tempseries$vol_ft3[nrow(tempseries)] - total_orifice_ft3
  change_depth_in <- vol.to.depth(maxdepth_ft = storage_depth_ft,
                                  maxvol_cf = storage_vol_ft3,
                                  vol_cf = change_storage_ft3)*12
  #3.3 Calculate infiltration
  infiltration_rate_inhr <- round(change_depth_in/ #inches
                                    as.numeric(difftime(last_depth5$dtime_est, last_depth7$dtime_est, units = "hours")),3)
  if(infiltration_rate_inhr < 0.1){
    message(paste0("Infiltration rate is negligible in Event ", event[1], ".")) 
  return(round(infiltration_rate_inhr, 4))

# Observed Orifice Outflow Volume -------------------------------------------
#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  dtime_est            A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#IN:  waterlevel_ft        Observed water level data, in feet
#IN:  orifice_height_ft    Orifice height, in feet
#IN:  orifice_diam_in      Orifice diameter, in inches
#IN:  discharge_coeff      Orifice discharge coefficient

#OUT: Total observed orifice outflow volume, in cubic feet

#' Observed Orifice Outflow Volume
#' Total observed orifice outflow volume (cf)
#' @param  dtime_est            A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param  waterlevel_ft        Observed water level data (ft)
#' @param  orifice_height_ft    Orifice height (ft)
#' @param  orifice_diam_in      Orifice diameter (in)
#' @param  discharge_coeff      Orifice discharge coefficient
#' @return Output is total observed orifice outflow volume (cf)
#' @seealso \code{\link{marsInfiltrationRate_inhr}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs_250_fill <- obs_250_all %>%  
#' dplyr::arrange(dtime_est) %>%
#'   tidyr::fill(event) %>% #Fill NA's
#'   dplyr::mutate( # Pull in system specs from smp_stats table    
#'     storage_depth_ft = smp_stats$storage_depth_ft[7], 
#'     storage_vol_ft3 = smp_stats$storage_vol_ft3[7],
#'     infil_footprint_ft2 = smp_stats$infil_footprint_ft2[7],
#'     dcia_ft2 =  smp_stats$dcia_ft2[7],
#'     orifice_height_ft = smp_stats$orifice_height_ft[7],
#'     orifice_diam_in = smp_stats$orifice_diam_in[7],
#'     # Calculate orifice flow, if applicable
#'    orifice_vol_cf = marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf(dtime_est,
#'                                         waterlevel_ft = level_ft,
#'                                         orifice_height_ft,
#'                                         orifice_diam_in)
#'   )

marsUnderdrainOutflow_cf <- function(dtime_est, 
                                     #DEFAULT VALUES
                                     discharge_coeff = 0.62){ #Orifice discharge coefficient
  #1. Prepare data
  #1.1 Initialize data frame
  df <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = lubridate::force_tz(dtime_est, tz = "EST"),
                       depth_ft = waterlevel_ft)#, #observed data
  #elapsed_time_hr = 0, 
  #WL_above_orifice_ft = 0,
  #slow_release_vol_ft3 = 0) 
  #2. Calculate Orifice Outflow
  # Orifice equation:
  # Q_orifice = C * Area * sqrt(2 * gravity * depth) * time
  #2.1 Calculate area of orifice (ft2)
  orifice_area_ft2 <- pi*((orifice_diam_in[1]/12)^2)/4 #area of orifice (ft2)
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr:: mutate(#2.2 calculate elapsed time (hrs) 
      elapsed_time_hr = difftime(dtime_est, dplyr::lag(dtime_est), units = "hours"), #difftime(lead(dtime_est), dtime_est, units = "hours"),
      #2.3 Calculate height of water above orifice (ft)
      WL_above_orifice_ft = depth_ft - orifice_height_ft[1],
      #2.4 Set height of water to 0 if below elevation of orifice
      WL_correction = ifelse(WL_above_orifice_ft < 0,0, WL_above_orifice_ft),
      #2.4 Calculate total discharge through orifice
      slow_release_ft3 = discharge_coeff*
        sqrt(2 * 32.2 * WL_correction) * 
        60*60 * #convert cfs to cfhr     

# Depth - Volume Conversions ----------------------
# Functions taken directly from Rmarkdown file "GSI_Data_Analysis_EWRILIDFork_6AprVersion_180612_RDM.Rmd"
# Laurie and Katie discussed this with Andrew Baldridge and Dwayne Myers and confirmed that the functions convert correctly - 3/22/2019

#' Return Volume or Depth
#' Input maximum depth and maximum volume of SMP, along with depth or volume, to return the volume or depth. 
#' @name depth.volume

#' @rdname depth.volume
#' @param maxdepth_ft depth of SMP when full, (ft)
#' @param maxvol_cf volume of SMP when full (cf)
#' @param vol_cf input or output volume (cf)
#' @param depth_ft input or output depth (cf)
#' @return Output is either volume (cf) or depth (ft)
#' @export

vol.to.depth <- function(maxdepth_ft, maxvol_cf, vol_cf){
  return(maxdepth_ft[1] * vol_cf/maxvol_cf[1])

#' @rdname depth.volume
#' @export

depth.to.vol <- function(maxdepth_ft, maxvol_cf, depth_ft){
  return(maxvol_cf[1] * depth_ft/maxdepth_ft[1])

# marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ft -------------------------------------------------
# NOTES: Based on a time series simulation function written by Taylor Heffernan (4/5/2018) and Dwayne Myers (6/13/2018), modified by Katie Swanson (March 2019), then modified by Nick Manna (July 2019)
#        Function generates simulated water level in subsurface stormwater infiltration tank with underdrain (orifice outlet)
#        Updated to include option for orifice flow.

#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  dtime_est               A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#IN:  rainfall_in             Rainfall depths during periods corresponding to times in  dtime_est, in inches
#IN:  event                   A vector of Event IDs
#IN:  infil_footprint_ft2     Total area of the system that is open to infiltration, in square feet
#IN:  dcia_ft2                Directly connected impervious area, in square feet
#IN:  orifice_height_ft       Orifice height, in feet (NA if no orifice outlet)
#IN:  orifice_diam_in         Orifice diameter, in inches (NA if no orifice outlet)
#IN:  storage_depth_ft        Maximum storage depth, in feet
#IN:  storage_vol_ft3         Maximum storage volume (pore space), in cubic feet
#IN:  infil_rate_inhr         System design infiltration rate, in inches per hour
#IN:  initial_water_level_ft  Initial water Level, in feet (Default = 0)
#IN:  runoff_coeff            Rational method coefficient (Default = 1)
#IN:  discharge_coeff         Orifice discharge coefficient (Defauly = 0.62)

#OUT: Dataframe of the following columns: dtime_est, rainfall_in, event, Simulated_depth_ft, Simulated_vol_ft3, Simulated_orifice_vol_ft3

#' Simulated Water Level
#' Simulates water level in subsurface stormwater infiltration system with underdrain.
#' Note: This version of the package targets the PG12 database, and simulating rain gage events is deprecated. The rain event variable name is hard-coded to the radar IDs.
#' @param  dtime_est               A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param  rainfall_in             Rainfall depths during periods corresponding to times in  dtime_est (in)
#' @param  event                   A vector of Event IDs
#' @param  infil_footprint_ft2     Total area of the system that is open to infiltration (sf)
#' @param  dcia_ft2                Directly connected impervious area (sf)
#' @param  orifice_height_ft       Orifice height (ft) (NA if no orifice outlet)
#' @param  orifice_diam_in         Orifice diameter (in) (NA if no orifice outlet)
#' @param  storage_depth_ft        Maximum storage depth (ft)
#' @param  storage_vol_ft3         Maximum storage volume (pore space) (cf)
#' @param  infil_rate_inhr         System design infiltration rate (in/hr)
#' @param  initial_water_level_ft  Initial water Level (ft); either a single value or a vector of length equal to and corresponding to length(unique(event)) (Default = 0)
#' @param  runoff_coeff            Rational method coefficient (Default = 1)
#' @param  discharge_coeff         Orifice discharge coefficient (Default = 0.62)
#' @return Output is a dataframe with the following columns: dtime_est, rainfall_in, radar_event_uid, simulated_depth_ft, simulated_vol_ft3, simulated_orifice_vol_ft3
#' @seealso \code{\link{simulation.stats}}
#' @examples 
#' simulated_data <- marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ft(dtime_est = marsSampleRain$dtime_est, 
#'   rainfall_in = marsSampleRain$rainfall_in, 
#'   event = marsSampleRain$event,
#'   infil_footprint_ft2 = smp_stats$infil_footprint_ft2[7], 
#'   dcia_ft2 = smp_stats$dcia_ft2[7],
#'   orifice_height_ft = smp_stats$orifice_height_ft[7],
#'   orifice_diam_in = smp_stats$orifice_diam_in[7],
#'   storage_depth_ft = smp_stats$storage_depth_ft[7],
#'   storage_vol_ft3 = smp_stats$storage_vol_ft3[7],
#'   infil_rate_inhr = smp_stats$infil_rate_inhr[7])
#' @export

marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ft <- function(dtime_est,
                                        infil_footprint_ft2, #footprint of the SMP that is open to infiltration
                                        dcia_ft2, #directly connected impervious area
                                        orifice_height_ft = NA, #default to NA if no orifice outlet
                                        orifice_diam_in = NA, #default to NA if no orifice outlet
                                        infil_rate_inhr = 0.06, #New default based on Compliance guidance
                                        #default values
                                        initial_water_level_ft = 0, 
                                        runoff_coeff = 1, #rational method coefficient
                                        discharge_coeff = 0.62 #Orifice discharge coefficient
  #Data Validation 
  if(is.na(storage_depth_ft)| is.na(dcia_ft2) | is.na(storage_vol_ft3)){
    stop("storage_depth_ft, dcia_ft2, or storage_volume_ft3 is NA")
  if(storage_depth_ft == 0 | dcia_ft2 == 0 | storage_vol_ft3 == 0){
    stop("storage_depth_ft, dcia_ft2, or storage_volume_ft3 equals 0")
  if(is.na(infil_rate_inhr) & is.na(orifice_diam_in)){
    stop("both infil_rate_inhr and orifice_diam_in equal NA")
  if(infil_rate_inhr == 0 & is.na(orifice_diam_in)){
    stop("infil_rate_inhr is 0 and orifice_diam_in is NA")
  if((infil_footprint_ft2 == 0 | is.na(infil_footprint_ft2)) & is.na(orifice_diam_in)){
    stop("infil_footprint_ft2 is 0 or NA, and orifice_diam_in is NA")

  if(infil_rate_inhr == 0){
    infil_rate_inhr <- 0.06 #Overload existing snapshots
 # browser()

  #Prepare data
  #Initialize data frames
  collected_data <- data.frame(dtime_est, rainfall_in, event)
  if(length(initial_water_level_ft) > 1){
    events <- unique(event)
    events <- events[!is.na(events)]
    events_initial <- data.frame(events, initial_water_level_ft)
    collected_data <- collected_data %>% dplyr::left_join(events_initial, by = c("event" = "events"))
  simseries_total <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = lubridate::force_tz(dtime_est, tz = "EST"),
                                    rainfall_in = 0, 
                                    event = 0,
                                    depth_ft = 0, 
                                    vol_ft3 = 0,
                                    runoff_ft3 = 0,
                                    slow_release_ft3 = 0,
                                    infiltration_ft3 = 0, #POTENTIAL infiltration
                                    end_vol_ft3 = 0) 
  simseries_total <- simseries_total[0,]
  unique_events <- unique(collected_data$event) #vector of unique event IDs
  unique_events <- unique_events[!is.na(unique_events)]
  infil_rate_inhr[is.na(infil_rate_inhr)] <- 0
  #if statements
  orifice_if <- is.na(orifice_diam_in[1]) == FALSE
    orifice_area_ft2 <- pi*((orifice_diam_in[1]/12)^2)/4
  #split data into list of dataframes, one for each event
  collected_data <- split(collected_data, collected_data$event)
  #apply the function "sim_loop" to each dataframe in the list "collected data". This is in lieu of a for loop
  simseries_total <- lapply(collected_data, sim_loop, debug, simseries_total, infil_rate_inhr, orifice_if, orifice_area_ft2, infil_footprint_ft2, dcia_ft2, orifice_height_ft, orifice_diam_in, storage_depth_ft, storage_vol_ft3, initial_water_level_ft, runoff_coeff, discharge_coeff)
  #take the output of the lapply, a list of dataframes, and bind rows into one dataframe
  simseries_total <- dplyr::bind_rows(simseries_total)
  #Series returns a data frame including water depth #may be updated
  simseries_total <- simseries_total %>% dplyr::select("dtime_est", "rainfall_in", "event", "depth_ft", "vol_ft3", "slow_release_ft3")
  simseries_total$dtime_est %<>% lubridate::force_tz("EST")
  colnames(simseries_total) <- c("dtime_est", 

# Private function for inside marsSimulatedLevelSeries --------------------

#this function is used with "apply" to replace a for loop and save a little bit of time in marsSimulatedLevelSeries

sim_loop <- function(x, debug, simseries_total, infil_rate_inhr, orifice_if, orifice_area_ft2, infil_footprint_ft2, dcia_ft2, orifice_height_ft, 
                     orifice_diam_in, storage_depth_ft, storage_vol_ft3, initial_water_level_ft, runoff_coeff, discharge_coeff){

  by_event <- x 
  # by_event <- collected_data %>% 
  #   dplyr::filter(event == unique_events[x])
  last_rainfall_time <- max(by_event$dtime_est) 
  max_time <- max(last_rainfall_time) + lubridate::days(4)
  by_event_new_row <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = max_time, 
                                     rainfall_in = 0, 
                                     event = NA)
  by_event %<>% dplyr::bind_rows(by_event_new_row)
  #pad dataset
  output <- padr::pad(by_event) %>% tidyr::fill(event) %>% tidyr::replace_na(list(rainfall_in=0))
  #Create dataframe to be filled                         
  simseries <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = lubridate::force_tz(output$dtime_est, tz = "EST"),
                              rainfall_in = output$rainfall_in, 
                              event = by_event$event[1], 
                              depth_ft = 0, 
                              vol_ft3 = 0,
                              runoff_ft3 = 0,
                              slow_release_ft3 = 0,
                              infiltration_ft3 = 0, #POTENTIAL infiltration
                              end_vol_ft3 = 0, 
                              check = -90) #"check off" and remove unchecked rows at end 
  #Calculate runoff (independent of timestep)
  simseries$runoff_ft3 <- runoff_coeff * output$rainfall_in/12 * dcia_ft2[1] #convert in to ft
  #Mass balance
  #Calculate starting values
  #Starting Storage
  if(length(initial_water_level_ft) > 1){
    simseries$depth_ft[1] <- by_event$initial_water_level_ft[1]
  simseries$depth_ft[1] <- initial_water_level_ft[1]
  simseries$vol_ft3[1] <- depth.to.vol(maxdepth_ft = storage_depth_ft[1],
                                       maxvol_cf = storage_vol_ft3[1],
                                       depth_ft = simseries$depth_ft[1])
  #Orifice Outflow
    WL_above_orifice_ft <- simseries$depth_ft[1] - orifice_height_ft[1] 
    # Q_orifice = C * Area * sqrt(2 * gravity * depth) * time
    simseries$slow_release_ft3[1] <- discharge_coeff * 
      orifice_area_ft2 *
      sqrt(2 * 32.2 * max(WL_above_orifice_ft, 0)) * #set to 0 if below orifice
      60 * #convert cfs to cfm
      15 #assuming 15 minutes for first timestep. lubridate::minutes() does not work here. 
  # Potential Infiltration
  # Total volume for period of time - assume first timestep is 15 minutes
  # Q_infil = Area * infiltration rate * time
  simseries$infiltration_ft3[1] <- infil_footprint_ft2[1] * infil_rate_inhr[1]/12 * 15/60 
  # Change in storage
  end_vol_cf <- max(0, simseries$vol_ft3[1] + simseries$runoff_ft3[1] -
                                    simseries$slow_release_ft3[1] - simseries$infiltration_ft3[1]) 
  simseries$check[1] <- 0
  #If volume is less than 0 (eg. infiltration potential exceeds storage), set to 0
  min_volume_check_cf <- max(0, end_vol_cf)
  #If volume is more than maximum storage capacity, set to maximum storage capacity
  volume_check_cf <- min(min_volume_check_cf, storage_vol_ft3[1])
  #Save out final volume with correction for min and max storage applied
  simseries$end_vol_ft3[1] <- volume_check_cf
  max_time <- nrow(simseries) #length of existing simulated data series, plus 4 days * 24 hours * 4 timesteps/hour
  last_rainfall <- which(simseries$dtime_est == last_rainfall_time, arr.ind = TRUE)
  # Mass balance for all other timesteps  
  for(i in (2:max_time)){
    # Calculate time since last measurement
    elapsed_time_hr = (simseries$dtime_est[i-1] %--% simseries$dtime_est[i])/lubridate::hours(1)
    # Starting Storage
    simseries$vol_ft3[i] <- simseries$end_vol_ft3[i-1]
    simseries$depth_ft[i] <- vol.to.depth(maxdepth_ft = storage_depth_ft[1],
                                          maxvol_cf = storage_vol_ft3[1],
                                          vol_cf = simseries$vol_ft3[i])
    # Orifice Outflow
      WL_above_orifice_ft <- simseries$depth_ft[i] - orifice_height_ft[1] 
      # Q_orifice = C * Area * sqrt(2 * g * depth) * time
      simseries$slow_release_ft3[i] <- discharge_coeff * 
        orifice_area_ft2 *
        sqrt(2 * 32.2 * max(WL_above_orifice_ft, 0)) * #set to 0 if below orifice
        60 * 60 *  #convert cf/s to cf/hr
        elapsed_time_hr #assuming 15 minutes for first timestep
    # Potential Infiltration
    # Total volume for period of time - assume first timestep is 15 minutes
    # Q_infil = Area * infiltration rate * time
    simseries$infiltration_ft3[i] <- infil_footprint_ft2[1] * infil_rate_inhr[1]/12 * elapsed_time_hr 
    # Ending volume calculation  
    #Calculate volume at end of timestep
    end_vol_cf <- simseries$vol_ft3[i] + simseries$runoff_ft3[i] -
      simseries$slow_release_ft3[i] - simseries$infiltration_ft3[i]
    #If volume is less than 0 (eg. infiltration potential exceeds storage), set to 0
    min_volume_check_cf <- max(0, end_vol_cf)
    #If volume is more than maximum storage capacity, set to maximum storage capacity
    volume_check_cf <- min(min_volume_check_cf, storage_vol_ft3[1])
    #Save out final volume with correction for min and max storage applied
    simseries$end_vol_ft3[i] <- volume_check_cf
    simseries$check[i] <- 0
    #break loop following last rainfall if volume is 0 or NA
    if(i > last_rainfall &&
        (simseries$vol_ft3[i] == 0 | # if volume is 0 
        is.na(simseries$vol_ft3[i]))){ # if volume is NA)
      simseries %<>% dplyr::filter(check == 0) #remove excess pre-allocated rows
  #bind new data 
  simseries_total <- dplyr::bind_rows(simseries_total, simseries) 


# Overtopping Check ----------------------------------

#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  waterlevel_ft      Water level, in feet
#IN:  storage_depth_ft   Maximum storage depth, in feet

#OUT: T/F designation based on overtopping evaluation

#' Simulation Stats
#' Summarize and Evaluate System Performance
#' @name simulation.stats

#' @rdname simulation.stats
#' @param waterlevel_ft Water Level (ft)
#' @param storage_depth_ft Total storage Depth (ft)
#' @param weir_depth_ft Elevation of overflow for storage structures
#' @return \describe{
#'      \item{\code{marsOvertoppingCheck_bool}}{Output is true or false based on overtopping evaluation}
#' }
#' @examples
#' simulation_summary <- simulated_data %>%
#'   dplyr::group_by(event) %>%
#'   dplyr::summarize(startdate = min(dtime_est), #add start date of event to summary table,
#'    #1. Overtopping check
#'    overtopping = marsOvertoppingCheck_bool(Simulated_depth_ft,smp_stats$storage_depth_ft[7]),
#'    #2. Simulated storage utilization
#'    peakUtilization = marsPeakStorage_percent(Simulated_depth_ft,smp_stats$storage_depth_ft[7]),
#'    #3. Peak release rate
#'    peakReleaseRate_cfs = marsPeakReleaseRate_cfs(dtime_est, Simulated_orifice_vol_ft3),
#'    #4. Total orifice outflow volume (rounded for table format)
#'    orifice_volume_ft3 = round(sum(Simulated_orifice_vol_ft3),0),
#'    #5. Draindown time
#'    draindown_time_hr = marsDraindown_hr(dtime_est, rainfall_in, Simulated_depth_ft))
#' @export

marsOvertoppingCheck_bool <- function(waterlevel_ft, storage_depth_ft, weir_depth){
  #1. Pull max water level
  max_water_level <- max(waterlevel_ft, na.rm = TRUE)
  #2. Compare to max structure storage
  check <- ifelse(max_water_level < storage_depth_ft, "FALSE", "TRUE")

# Peak Storage ------------------------------------
#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  waterlevel_ft      Water level, in feet
#IN:  storage_depth_ft   Maximum storage depth, in feet

#OUT: Peak Storage Utilization Percentage

# Peak Storage Utilization Percentage
# Percentage of peak storage filled

#' @rdname simulation.stats
#' @return \describe{
#'      \item{\code{marsPeakStorage_percent}}{Output is a percentage of peak storage filled, by depth}
#' }
#' @export

marsPeakStorage_percent <- function(waterlevel_ft, storage_depth_ft){
  #1. Pull starting water level
  starting_level <- ifelse(waterlevel_ft[1] < 0, 0, waterlevel_ft[1])
  #2. Pull max water level
  max_water_level <- max(waterlevel_ft, na.rm = TRUE)
  #3. Apply correction for starting water levels
  event_max_water_level <- max_water_level - starting_level
  max_storage <- storage_depth_ft - starting_level
  #3. Calculate Peak Storage Utilization
  peak_util <- (event_max_water_level/max_storage)*100
  #4. Apply correction for overtopping
  peak_util <- ifelse(peak_util > 100, 100, peak_util)
  #5. Set to zero if negative
  peak_util <- ifelse(peak_util < 0, 0, peak_util)
  return(round(peak_util, 4))

# Peak Release Rate -----------------------------------------------
#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  dtime_est             A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#IN:  orifice_outflow_ft3   Orifice outflow volume, in cubic feet

#OUT: Peak orifice release rate, in cfs

#' @rdname simulation.stats
#' @param dtime_est A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param orifice_outflow_ft3 Orifice outflow volume (cf)
#' @return \describe{
#'      \item{\code{marsPeakReleaseRate_cfs}}{Output is peak orifice release rate (cfs)}
#' }
#' @export

marsPeakReleaseRate_cfs <- function(dtime_est,
  #1. Prepare data
  #1.1 Initialize data frame
  df <- tibble::tibble(dtime_est = lubridate::force_tz(dtime_est, tz = "EST"),
                       orifice_ft3 = orifice_outflow_ft3) 
  #2. Calculate timestep and pull maximum value
  df_max <- df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(elapsed_time_hr = difftime(dplyr::lead(dtime_est), dtime_est, units = "hours")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(orifice_ft3) == FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(orifice_ft3) %>%
    dplyr::slice(dplyr::n()) #pull row containing max orifice volume
  #3. Calculate peak rate
  #3.1 Check that outflow data is not NA
  if(nrow(df_max) == 0){
    rate <- NA
    #3.2 Calculate rate
    rate <- df_max$orifice_ft3/
      as.numeric(df_max$elapsed_time_hr*60*60) #hr converted to seconds 
  #4. Round to 4 digits
  rate <- round(rate, 4)

# Draindown ---------------------------------------------------------------
#Description of the arguments:

#IN:  dtime_est        A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#IN:  rainfall_in      Rainfall depths during periods corresponding to times in  dtime_est, in inches
#IN:  waterlevelt_ft   Water level, in feet

# OUT:  Calculated Draindown time, in hours

#' @rdname simulation.stats
#' @param dtime_est A vector of POSIXct date times, in ascending order
#' @param rainfall_in Rainfall depths during periods corresponding to times in  dtime_est (in)
#' @return \describe{
#'      \item{\code{marsDraindown_hr}}{Output is Calculated Draindown time (hr). Returns \code{NA} if water level does not return to the starting level after event.}
#' \describe{
#'        \item{\code{marsDraindown_hr}}{Output is Calculated Draindown time (hr).Returns the following outputs as coders for these error messages:}
#'        \item{\code{-810}}{Water level does not respond to rain event}
#'        \item{\code{-820}}{Water level does not return to a stable baseline}
#'        \item{\code{-830}}{There is an increase during the descending limb that pushes the draindown time more than one hour}
#'        \item{\code{-840}}{Water level did not drop below baseline}
#'  } 
#'  }
#' @export

marsDraindown_hr <- function(dtime_est, rainfall_in, waterlevel_ft){
  #1. Process data
  #1.1 Initialize dataframe
  dtime_est <- lubridate::force_tz(dtime_est, tz = "EST")
  starting_level_ft <- dplyr::first(waterlevel_ft)
  combined_data <- tibble::tibble(
    dtime_est = dtime_est,
    rainfall_in = rainfall_in,
    waterlevel_ft  = waterlevel_ft)
  #2. Confirm that there was a response in the structure during the event (water level >= 0.1)
  check <- any(waterlevel_ft > starting_level_ft + 0.1)  
  if(check == FALSE){
  #2.1 Confirm that there is a 'baseline' where water level returns after peak
  baseline_ft <- pwdgsi::marsWaterLevelBaseline_ft(dtime_est = dtime_est, level_ft = waterlevel_ft)
  #2.2 find time at which peak occurs
  peak_time <- combined_data$dtime_est[which.max(combined_data$waterlevel_ft)]
  #3. Filter by storage depth to get the last time above baseline 
  # in this case we are finding the first time after peak but above baseline + 0.01, which should prevent us from capturing a flat-ish tail
  stor_end_time <- combined_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(dtime_est > peak_time) %>%
    dplyr::filter(waterlevel_ft < baseline_ft + 0.1) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(dtime_est) %>%
  #3.1 see if there is an increase in water level during the descending limb
  increase <- combined_data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(waterlevel_ft = zoo::rollmean(waterlevel_ft, 3, fill = NA)) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(dtime_est > peak_time) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(dtime_est < stor_end_time$dtime_est) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(check_increase = dplyr::case_when(difftime(dplyr::lead(dtime_est, 12), dtime_est, units = "hours") == 1 & 
                                                      dplyr::lead(waterlevel_ft, 12) > waterlevel_ft + 0.1 ~ TRUE, 
                                                    dplyr::lead(waterlevel_ft, 4) > waterlevel_ft + 0.1 ~ TRUE,
                                                    TRUE ~ FALSE))
  if(sum(increase$check_increase == TRUE) > 2){
  #4. Assure that water level dropped below baseline + 0.01 (i think it has to right?)
  if(nrow(stor_end_time) > 0){
    #4.1 Calculate draindown time
    draindown_hrs <- difftime(stor_end_time$dtime_est, peak_time, units = "hours")
    #4.2 Round to 4 digits
    draindown_hrs <- round(draindown_hrs,4)

# marsDraindownAssement ------------------------------------------
#' Draindown Assessment
#' Assess Draindown Rate based on storm size
#' @param  level_ft             Observed water level data (ft)
#' @param  eventdepth_in        Rainfall event depth (in)
#' @param  designdepth_in       Depth that the SMP is designed to managed (in)
#' @param  storage_depth_ft     Maximum storage depth of system (ft)
#' @param  draindown_hr         Draindown calculated by marsDraindown_hr (hr)
#' @param  subsurface           If the SMP is subsurface, TRUE. If surface, FALSE.
#' @return Output is a number based on draindown time and draindown time is rain event was scaled to the design depth. Outputs are codes for the following messages: 
#'  \describe{
#'        \item{\code{5}}{Draindown is below the target duration, and scaled draindown is below the target duration.}
#'        \item{\code{4}}{Draindown is above the target duration, but scaled draindown is below the target duration.}
#'        \item{\code{3}}{Draindown is below the target duration, but scaled draindown is above the target duration.}
#'        \item{\code{2}}{Draindown is above the target duration, and scaled draindown is above the target duration.}
#'        \item{\code{1}}{Draindown was not calculated.}
#'  } 
#' @export

marsDraindownAssessment <- function(level_ft, eventdepth_in, designdepth_in, storage_depth_ft, draindown_hr, subsurface = c(TRUE, FALSE)){
  #this is a function to assess draindown based on relationship between storm size and design storm size
  #if there is a draindown error code, return 0.
  if(draindown_hr < 0){
    assessment <- 1
    #define a target draindown time
    #72 hours for subsurface, 24 hours for surface
    if(subsurface == TRUE){
      target_hr <- 72
    }else if(subsurface == FALSE){
      target_hr <- 24
    #initial level
    initial_level_ft <- level_ft %>% 
    #peak level
    peak_level_ft <- level_ft %>% 
    #height of ascending limb
    ascend_ft <- peak_level_ft - initial_level_ft
    #ratio of design storm size to real storm size
    storm_size_ratio <- designdepth_in/eventdepth_in
    #height of scaled ascending limb based on a linear relationship to the storm size
    #max it out at the storage depth
    scaled_ascend_ft <- min(storm_size_ratio*ascend_ft, storage_depth_ft)
    #ratio of scaled peak to real peak
    peak_ratio <- scaled_ascend_ft/ascend_ft
    #scaled draindown time based on linear relationship to peak
    scaled_draindown_hr <- peak_ratio*draindown_hr
    #compare real draindown to target
    real_draindown_complies <- draindown_hr <= target_hr
    #compare scaled draindown to target
    scaled_draindown_complies <- scaled_draindown_hr <= target_hr
    #set values 
    if(real_draindown_complies & scaled_draindown_complies){
      assessment <- 5
    }else if(scaled_draindown_complies & real_draindown_complies == FALSE){
      assessment <- 4
    }else if(scaled_draindown_complies == FALSE & real_draindown_complies == TRUE){
      assessment <- 3
    }else if(scaled_draindown_complies == FALSE & real_draindown_complies == FALSE){
      assessment <- 2
taywater/pwdgsi documentation built on April 19, 2024, 11:10 a.m.