
Defines functions sim_individual_data

Documented in sim_individual_data

#' Generate sample individual level data based upon a PheWAS results set
#' This function will take the results of a PheWAS study (most importantly a
#' code, case and control numbers, and an OR) and simulate as many individual
#' datapoints as you desire. Should only be used for testing of apps and not any
#' real simulation studies.
#' @param phewas_results Phewas results. Needs a column \code{code} with the id
#'   of a given phecode, and \code{OR}: the odds ratio of having a code given
#'   having the snp of interest. Optionally, individuals that have the code in
#'   the entire population can be provided with column \code{code_proportion}.
#' @param num_patients How many patients should be simulated.
#' @param snp_prev The overall population prevalence of the snp you want to
#'   simulate.
#' @return list with following components \describe{ \item{snp_status}{tibble
#'   with patient \code{ID} and snp status (\code{snp})} \item{phenotypes}{wide
#'   tibble with an \code{ID} column and a column for each code provided in the
#'   \code{phewas_resuts} input. Cell values are if the patient had that given
#'   code.} }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' simulated_phewas <- sim_phewas_results(n_codes = 100, n_categories = 11)
#' sim_individual_data(simulated_phewas, 10, 0.15)
sim_individual_data <- function(phewas_results, num_patients, snp_prev){

  # Check for code proportion column in phewas results
  has_prop_column <- "code_proportion" %in% colnames(phewas_results)

    # Make every code occur in 10% of the population
    phewas_results$code_proportion <- 0.3

    # Get needed statistics out of the phewas results
    code_stats <- phewas_results %>%
        # Force codes to be normalized
        code = meToolkit::normalize_phecodes(code),
        prob_wo_snp = code_proportion / (1 + snp_prev*(OR - 1)),
        prob_w_snp = OR*prob_wo_snp
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(code, code_proportion, prob_w_snp, prob_wo_snp)

   # Function to setup an individual patients code list with
    # their snp status and id added to each code.
    setup_patient <- function(id){
                    id = paste0('r',id),
                    # Does this person have the mutation of interest?
                    has_snp = rbinom(n=1,size=1,p=snp_prev)

    # Simulate a tidy list of patient phenotypes and snp statuses
    patient_data_tidy <- 1:num_patients %>%
      purrr::map_df(setup_patient) %>%
        # Decide code probabilities based upon snp status
        prob_of_codes = ifelse(has_snp, prob_w_snp, prob_wo_snp),
        # Draw bernouli for each code based upon patients prob
        value = rbinom(n=dplyr::n(), size=1, p=prob_of_codes)
      ) %>%
      dplyr::select(id, has_snp, code, value)

    # Extract each patient's snp status from the tidy sim results
    patient_snp_status <- patient_data_tidy %>%
      dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(snp = dplyr::first(has_snp))

    # Make phenotype data wide
    patient_phenotypes <- patient_data_tidy %>%
      dplyr::select(-has_snp) %>%
      tidyr::spread(code, value)

    # Return list of results
      snp_status = patient_snp_status,
      phenotypes = patient_phenotypes
tbilab/meToolkit documentation built on June 23, 2020, 9:55 a.m.