absenteeism | Absenteeism from school in New South Wales |
AccordPrice | Prices of Used Honda Accords (in 2017) |
acs12 | American Community Survey, 2012 |
age_at_mar | Age at first marriage of 5,534 US women. |
AHCAvote2017 | Congressional Votes on American Health Care Act (in 2017) |
Airlines | Ontime Records for Two Airlines at Two Airports |
Alfalfa | Alfalfa Growth |
AlitoConfirmation | US Senate Votes on Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court |
ames | Housing prices in Ames, Iowa |
ami_occurrences | Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Events |
Amyloid | Amyloid-beta and Cognitive Impairment |
antibiotics | Pre-existing conditions in 92 children |
AppleStock | Daily Price and Volume of Apple Stock |
arbuthnot | Male and female births in London |
ArcheryData | Scores in an Archery Class |
ask | How important is it to ask pointed questions? |
association | Simulated data for association plots |
assortive_mating | Eye color of couples |
AthleteGrad | Athletic Participation, Race, and Graduation |
AudioVisual | Reaction Times to Audio and Visual Stimuli |
AutoPollution | Noise Levels of Filters to Reduce Automobile Pollution |
avandia | Cardiovascular problems for two types of Diabetes medicines |
babies | The Child Health and Development Studies |
babies_crawl | Crawling age |
bac | Beer and blood alcohol content |
Backpack | Weights of College Student Backpacks |
ball_bearing | Lifespan of ball bearings |
BaseballTimes | Baseball Game Times of One Day in 2008 |
BaseballTimes2017 | Baseball Game Times of One Day in 2017 |
bdims | Body measurements of 507 physically active individuals. |
bees | bees: a data file bee activity by gender |
BeeStings | Do Bee Stings Depend on Previous Stings? |
BirdCalcium | Effect of a Hormone on Bird Calcium Levels |
BirdNest | Nest Characteristics for Different Bird Species |
birds | Aircraft-Wildlife Collisions |
births | North Carolina births |
Blood1 | Blood Pressure, Weight, and Smoking Status |
bloodpressure | bloodpressure: A data file on systolic blood pressure with... |
BlueJays | Blue Jay Measurements |
books | Sample of books on a shelf |
BrainpH | Brain pH Measurements |
BreesPass | Drew Brees Passing Statistics (2016) |
BritishUnions | Attitudes Towards British Trade Unions |
burger | Burger preferences |
ButterfliesBc | Butterfly (Boloria chariclea) Measurements |
CAFE | US Senate Votes on Corporate Average Fuel Economy Bill |
CalciumBP | Do Calcium Supplements Lower Blood Pressure? |
CanadianDrugs | Canadian Drugs Senate Vote |
cancer_in_dogs | Cancer in dogs |
CancerSurvival | Survival Times for Different Cancers |
cards | Deck of cards |
cars93 | cars93 |
CarsMPG | CarsMPG: a data file of car fuel efficiency |
Caterpillars | Measurements of Manduca Sexta Caterpillars |
CavsShooting | Cleveland Cavalier's Shooting (2016-2017) |
cchousing | Community college housing (simulated data) |
census | Random sample of 2000 U.S. Census Data |
Cereal | Nutrition Content of Breakfast Cereals |
ChemoTHC | THC for Antinausea Treatment in Chemotherapy |
cherry | Summary information for 31 cherry trees |
childPoverty | childPoverty: A data file on Washington State child poverty... |
children_gender_stereo | Gender Stereotypes in 5-7 year old Children |
ChildSpeaks | Age at First Speaking |
china | Child care hours |
cia_factbook | CIA Factbook Details on Countries |
classdata | Simulated class data |
cle_sac | Cleveland and Sacramento |
climate70 | Temperature Summary Data, Geography Limited |
ClintonSanders | Clinton/Sanders Primary Results (2016) |
Clothing | Sales for a Clothing Retailer |
CloudSeeding | Cloud Seeding Experiment (Winter Only) |
CloudSeeding2 | Cloud Seeding Experiment (Four Seasons) |
CO2 | Daily CO2 Measurements in Germany |
CO2Germany | Daily CO2 Measurements in Germany |
CO2Hawaii | CO2 Readings in Hawaii |
CO2SouthPole | CO2 Readings at the South Pole |
coast_starlight | Coast Starlight Amtrak train |
COL | OpenIntro Statistics colors |
Contraceptives | Drug Interaction with Contraceptives |
corr_match | Sample data sets for correlation problems |
country_iso | Country ISO information |
CountyHealth | County Health Resources |
cpr | CPR data set |
cpu | CPU's Released between 2010 and 2020. |
CrabShip | Crab Oxygen Intake |
CrackerFiber | Effects of Cracker Fiber on Digested Calories |
CreditRisk | Overdrawn Checking Account? |
credits | College credits. |
Cuckoo | Measurements of Cuckoo Eggs |
Day1Survey | First Day Survey of Statistics Students |
DD_vs_SB | Dunkin Donuts vs Starbucks |
diabetes2 | Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial for Patients 10-17 Years Old |
DiabeticDogs | Lactic Acid Turnover in Dogs |
Diamonds | Characteristics of a Sample of Diamonds |
Diamonds2 | Characteristics of a Subset of the Diamond Sample |
Dinosaurs | Iridium Levels in Rock Layers to Investigate Dinosaur... |
dream | Survey on views of the DREAM Act |
drone_blades | Quadcopter Drone Blades |
drug_use | Drug use of students and parents |
ebola_survey | Survey on Ebola quarantine |
Election08 | 2008 U.S. Presidential Election |
Election16 | 2016 U.S. Presidential Election |
ElephantsFB | Measurements of Male African Elephants |
ElephantsMF | Measurements of African Elephants |
elmhurst | Elmhurst College gift aid |
Data frame representing information about a collection of... | |
email50 | Sample of 50 emails |
env_regulation | American Adults on Regulation and Renewable Energy |
epa2012 | Vehicle info from the EPA |
esi | Environmental Sustainability Index 2005 |
ethanol | Ethanol Treatment for Tumors Experiment |
evals | Teaching evaluations at the UT Austin |
exam_grades | Exam and course grades for statistics students |
exams | Exam scores |
exclusive_relationship | Number of Exclusive Relationships |
Eyes | Pupil Dilation and Sexual Orientation |
Faces | Facial Attractiveness of Men |
fact_opinion | Can Americans categorize facts and opinions? |
FaithfulFaces | Faithfulness from a Photo? |
family_college | Simulated sample of parent / teen college attendance |
FantasyBaseball | Selection Times in a Fantasy Baseball Draft |
fastfood | Nutrition in fast food |
FatRats | Diet and Weight of Rats |
fcid | Summary of male heights from USDA Food Commodity Intake... |
Fertility | Fertility Data for Women Having Trouble Getting Pregnant |
FGByDistance | Results of NFL Field Goal Attempts |
fheights | Female college student heights, in inches |
Film | Film Data from Leonard Maltin's Guide |
FinalFourIzzo | NCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2010) |
FinalFourIzzo17 | NCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2017) |
FinalFourLong | NCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2010) |
FinalFourLong17 | NCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2017) |
FinalFourShort | CAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2010) |
FinalFourShort17 | NCAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2017) |
Fingers | Finger Tap Rates |
FirstYearGPA | First Year GPA for College Students |
FishEggs | Fertility of Fish Eggs |
fish_oil_18 | Findings on n-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Health Benefits |
Fitch | Body Measurements of Mammal Species |
FlightResponse | Response of Migratory Geese to Helicopter Overflights |
FloridaDP | Florida Death Penalty Cases |
flow_rates | River Flow Data. |
Fluorescence | Measuring Calcium Binding to Proteins |
FranticFingers | Finger Tap Rates |
friday | Friday the 13th |
FruitFlies | Fruit Fly Sexual Activity and Longevity |
FruitFlies2 | Fruit Fly Sexual Activity and Male Competition |
full_body_scan | Poll about use of full-body airport scanners |
FunnelDrop | Funnel Drop Times |
gear_company | Fake data for a gear company example |
gender_discrimination | Bank manager recommendations based on gender |
get_it_dunn_run | Get it Dunn Run, Race Times |
gifted | Analytical skills of young gifted children |
global_warming_pew | Pew survey on global warming |
GlowWorms | Female Glow-worms |
Goldenrod | Goldenrod Galls |
goog | Google stock data |
gov_poll | Pew Research poll on government approval ratings |
gpa | Survey of Duke students on GPA, studying, and more |
gpa_iq | Sample of students and their GPA and IQ |
gpa_study_hours | gpa_study_hours |
gradestv | Simulated data for analyzing the relationship between... |
GrinnellHouses | House Sales in Grinnell, Iowa |
Grocery | Grocery Sales and Discounts |
gss2010 | 2010 General Social Survey |
Gunnels | Are Gunnels Present at Shoreline? |
Handwriting | Guess Author's Sex from Handwriting? |
Hawks | Measurements on Three Hawk Species |
HawkTail | Tail Lengths of Hawks |
HawkTail2 | Tail Lengths of Hawks (Unstacked) |
healthcare_law_survey | Pew Research Center poll on health care, including question... |
health_coverage | Health Coverage and Health Status |
HearingTest | Correctly Identified Words in a Hearing Test |
heart_transplant | Heart Transplant Data |
HeatingOil | Heating Oil Consumption |
helium | Helium football |
helmet | Socioeconomic status and reduced-fee school lunches |
hfi | Absenteeism |
HighPeaks | Characteristics of Adirondack Hiking Trails |
Hoops | Grinnell College Basketball Games |
HorsePrices | Prices of Horses |
house | United States House of Representatives historical make-up |
house_prices | House Sales in King County, USA |
Houses | House Prices, Sizes, and Lot Areas |
HousesNY | House Prices in Rural NY |
housing | Simulated data set on student housing |
hsb2 | High School and Beyond survey |
husbands_wives | Great Britain: husband and wife pairs |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit Patients |
immigration | Poll on illegal workers in the US |
InfantMortality2010 | Infant Mortality Rates |
Inflation | Monthly Consumer Price Index (2009-2016) |
infmortrate | Infant Mortality Rates, 2012 |
InsuranceVote | Congressional Votes on a Health Insurance Bill |
ipo | Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn IPO filings |
ipod | Length of songs on an iPod |
IQGuessing | Guess IQ from a Photo? |
Jurors | Reporting Rates for Jurors |
jury | Simulated juror data set |
Kershaw | Kershaw Pitch Data |
KeyWestWater | Key West Water Temperatures |
Kids198 | Body Measurements of Children |
kobe_basket | Kobe Bryant basketball performance |
law_resume | Gender, Socioeconomic Class, and Interview Invites |
lead | lead: A data file on lead levels and neurological effects in... |
Leafhoppers | Leafhopper Diet and Longevity |
LeafWidth | Leaf Measurements |
leg_mari | Legalization of Marijuana Support in 2010 California Survey |
Leukemia | Responses to Treatment for Leukemia |
LeveeFailures | Levee Failures along the Mississippi River |
LewyBody2Groups | Lewy Bodies and Dimentia |
LewyDLBad | Lewy Bodies and Dimentia with Alzheimer's |
LifeSpan | LifeSpan: A data file on Life Expectancy by U.S. City |
loans_full_schema | Loan data from Lending Club |
london_boroughs | London Borough Boundaries |
london_murders | London Murders, 2006-2011 |
LongJumpOlympics | Olympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2008) |
LongJumpOlympics2016 | Olympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2016) |
LosingSleep | Sleep Hours for Teenagers |
LostLetter | Return Rates for "Lost" Letters |
mail_me | Influence of a Good Mood on Helpfulness |
major_survey | Survey of Duke students and the area of their major |
malaria | Malaria Vaccine Trial |
male_heights | Sample of 100 male heights |
male_heights_fcid | Random sample of adult male heights |
mammals | Sleep in Mammals |
mammogram | Experiment with Mammogram Randomized |
marathon | New York City Marathon Times |
mariokart | Wii Mario Kart auctions from Ebay |
Markets | Daily Change in Dow Jones and Nikkei Stock Market Indices |
MA_schools | Massachusetts Public High Schools Data |
MathEnrollment | Enrollments in Math Courses |
MathPlacement | Math Placement Exam Results |
MedGPA | GPA and Medical School Admission |
Meniscus | Meniscus Repair Methods |
MentalHealth | Mental Health Admissions |
MetabolicRate | Metabolic Rate of Caterpillars |
MetroCommutes | Commute Times |
MetroHealth83 | Health Services in Metropolitan Areas |
midterms_house | President's party performance and unemployment rate |
migraine | Migraines and acupuncture |
Migraines | Migraines and TMS |
Milgram | Ethics and a Milgram Experiment |
military | US Military Demographics |
mlb | Salary data for Major League Baseball (2010) |
MLB2007Standings | Standings and Team Statistics from the 2007 Baseball Season |
mlbbat10 | Major League Baseball Player Hitting Statistics for 2010 |
mlb_players_18 | Batter Statistics for 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) Season |
MLBStandings2016 | MLB Standings in 2016 |
MothEggs | Moth Eggs |
MouseBrain | Effects of Serotonin in Mice |
movies_sample | Random sample of 68 action and romance movies |
mtl | Medial temporal lobe (MTL) and other data for 26 participants |
murders | Data for 20 metropolitan areas. |
MusicTime | Estimating Time with Different Music Playing |
mythbusters_yawn | Data from Mythbusters' study on contagiousness of yawning |
nba_heights | NBA Player heights from 2008-9 |
nba_players_19 | NBA Players for the 2018-2019 season |
NBP | NBP: a data file of the number of bird observers and numbers... |
ncbirths | North Carolina births |
NFL2007Standings | NFL Standings for 2007 Regular Season |
NFLStandings2016 | NFL Standings for 2016 Regular Season |
nuclear_survey | Nuclear Arms Reduction Survey |
Nursing | Nursing Homes |
NusaPenida | NusaPenida: a data file of GPS (geographical information... |
nycflights | Flights data |
offshore_drilling | California poll on drilling off the California coast |
OilDeapsorbtion | Effect of Ultrasound on Oil Deapsorbtion |
Olives | Fenthion in Olive Oil |
orings | 1986 Challenger disaster and O-rings |
oscars | Oscar winners, 1929 to 2018 |
outliers | Simulated data sets for different types of outliers |
Overdrawn | Overdrawn Checking Account? |
Oysters | Size of Oysters |
PalmBeach | Palm Beach Butterfly Ballot |
PeaceBridge2003 | Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2003-2015) |
PeaceBridge2012 | Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2012-2015) |
Pedometer | Pedometer Walking Data |
penelope | Guesses at the weight of Penelope (a cow) |
penetrating_oil | What's the best way to loosen a rusty bolt? |
penny_ages | Penny Ages |
Perch | Perch Sizes |
pew_energy_2018 | Pew Survey on Energy Sources in 2018 |
photo_classify | Photo classifications: fashion or not |
PigFeed | Additives in Pig Feed |
Pines | Measurements of Pine Tree Seedlings |
piracy | Piracy and PIPA/SOPA |
PKU | Dopamine levels with PKU in diets |
playing_cards | Table of Playing Cards in 52-Card Deck |
pm25_2011_durham | Air quality for Durham, NC |
PMdata | PMdata: a data file average daily concentration of fine... |
poker | Poker winnings during 50 sessions |
Political | Political Behavior of College Students |
Pollster08 | 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Polls |
Popcorn | Popcorn Popping Success |
PorscheJaguar | Porsche and Jaguar Prices |
PorschePrice | Porsche Prices |
possum | possum |
ppp_201503 | US Poll on who it is better to raise taxes on |
present | Birth counts |
president | United States Presidental History |
prison | Prison isolation experiment |
prius_mpg | User reported fuel efficiency for 2017 Toyota Prius Prime |
prof_evals | Professor evaluations and beauty |
promotions | Bank manager recommendations based on (binary) gender |
promotions_shuffled | One permutation/shuffle of promotions |
Pulse | Pulse Rates and Exercise |
Putts1 | Putting Success by Length (Long Form) |
Putts2 | Putting Success by Length (Short Form) |
Putts3 | Hypothetical Putting Data (Short Form) |
QSCI381-package | QSCI381: Data used in QSCI 381, University of Washington |
race_justice | Yahoo! News Race and Justice poll results. |
RacialAnimus | Racial Animus and City Demgraphics |
RadioactiveTwins | Comparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles |
RailsTrails | Homes in Northampton MA Near Rail Trails |
Rectangles | Measurements of Rectangles |
ReligionGDP | Religion and GDP for Countries |
RepeatedPulse | Pulse Rates at Various Times of Day |
res_demo_1 | Simulated data for regression |
res_demo_2 | Simulated data for regression |
ResidualOil | US Residual Oil Production (Quarterly 1983-2016) |
resume | Which resume attributes drive job callbacks? (Race and... |
Retirement | Yearly Contributions to a Supplemental Retirement Account |
Ricci | Firefighter Promotion Exam Scores |
RiverElements | Elements in River Water Samples |
RiverIron | Iron in River Water Samples |
russian_influence_on_us_election_2016 | Russians' Opinions on US Election Influence in 2016 |
SampleFG | Field Goal Attempts in the NFL |
SandwichAnts | Ants on Sandwiches |
satgpa | SAT and GPA data |
sat_improve | Simulated data for SAT score improvement |
scotus_healthcare | Public Opinion with SCOTUS ruling on American Healthcare Act |
SeaIce | Arctic Sea Ice (1979-2015) |
SeaSlugs | Sea Slug Larvae |
seattlepets | Names of pets in Seattle |
seattle_weather | Seattle Weather: A data file on temperature and precipitation... |
simulated_dist | Simulated data sets, not necessarily drawn from a normal... |
simulated_normal | Simulated data sets, drawn from a normal distribution. |
simulated_scatter | Simulated data for sample scatterplots |
sinusitis | Sinusitis and antibiotic experiment |
sleep_deprivation | Survey on sleep deprivation and transportation workers |
SleepingShrews | Shrew Heart Rates at Stages of Sleep |
smallpox | Smallpox vaccine results |
smoking | UK Smoking Data |
socialexp | Social experiment |
solar | Energy Output From Two Solar Arrays in San Francisco |
sp500 | Financial information for 50 S&P 500 companies |
sp500_1950_2018 | Daily observations for the S&P 500 |
sp500_seq | S&P 500 stock data |
Sparrows | Sparrow Measurements |
SpeciesArea | Land Area and Mammal Species |
Speed | Highway Fatality Rates (Yearly) |
speed_gender_height | Speed, gender, and height of 1325 students |
starbucks | Starbucks nutrition |
Stat2Data-package | Datasets for Stat2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA |
stats_scores | Final exam scores for twenty students |
stem_cell | Embryonic stem cells to treat heart attack (in sheep) |
stent30 | Stents for the treatment of stroke |
stocks_18 | Monthly Returns for a few stocks |
student_housing | Community college housing (simulated data, 2015) |
student_sleep | Sleep for 110 students (simulated) |
SugarEthanol | Effects of Oxygen on Sugar Metabolism |
SuicideChina | Suicide Attempts in Shandong, China |
sulphinpyrazone | Treating heart attacks |
supreme_court | Supreme Court approval rating |
Swahili | Attitudes Towards Swahili in Kenyan Schools |
Tadpoles | Effects of a Fungus on Tadpoles |
teacher | Teacher Salaries in St. Louis, Michigan |
TechStocks | Daily Prices of Three Tech Stocks |
TeenPregnancy | State Teen Pregnancy Rates |
textbooks | Textbook data for UCLA Bookstore and Amazon |
TextPrices | Textbook Prices |
thanksgiving_spend | Thanksgiving spending, simulated based on Gallup poll. |
ThomasConfirmation | US Senate Votes on Clarence Thomas Confirmation |
ThreeCars | Prices of Three Used Car Models (2007) |
ThreeCars2017 | Price, Age, and Mileage of Three Used Car Models |
TipJoke | Improve Chances of Getting a Tip? |
tips | Tip data |
Titanic | Passengers on the Titanic |
TMS | Migraines and TMS |
TomlinsonRush | LaDainian Tomlinson Rushing Yards |
toohey | Simulated polling data set |
tourism | Turkey tourism |
toy_anova | Simulated data set for ANOVA |
transplant | Transplant consultant success rate (fake data) |
tuition_cost | tuition_cost: a data file of university tuition |
TwinsLungs | Comparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles |
ucla_f18 | UCLA courses in Fall 2018 |
ucla_textbooks_f18 | Sample of UCLA course textbooks for Fall 2018 |
ukdemo | United Kingdom Demographic Data |
Undoing | Defense of Undoing OCD Symptoms in Psychotherapy |
unempl | Annual unemployment since 1890 |
unemploy_pres | President's party performance and unemployment rate |
USstamps | Price of US Stamps |
VisualVerbal | Visual versus Verbal Performance |
Volts | Voltage Drop for a Discharging Capacitor |
WalkingBabies | Effects of Exercise on First Walking |
WalkTheDogs | Did the Author Walk the Dogs Today? |
WAtree | WAtree: a data file of tree widths |
WeightLossIncentive | Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? |
WeightLossIncentive4 | Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (4 Months) |
WeightLossIncentive7 | Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (7 Months) |
Whickham2 | Whickham Health Study |
winery_cars | Time Between Gondola Cars at Sterling Winery |
WordMemory | Experiment on Word Memory |
WordsWithFriends | Words with Friends Scores |
Wrinkle | Moving Wet Objects with Wrinkled Fingers |
xom | Exxon Mobile stock data |
yawn | Contagiousness of yawning |
YouthRisk | Annual survey of health-risk youth behaviors |
YouthRisk2007 | Riding with a Driver Who Has Been Drinking |
YouthRisk2009 | Youth Risk Survey |
yrbss | Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) |
yrbss_samp | Sample of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) |
Zimmerman | Stand Your Ground Simpson's Paradox |
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