
context("setting variables")

riv = as.wateres("rivendell.txt", 14.4e6, 754e3)
monthly_evap = c(7, 14, 40, 62, 82, 96, 109, 102, 75, 48, 34, 13)
monthly_with = c(23, 31, 35, 33, 30, 42, 47, 33, 27, 22, 24, 32) * 1e3

test_that("evaporation values are calculated for altitude", {
    riv = set_evaporation(riv, altitude = 529)
        riv$E, rep_len(c(6.81087601935, 13.62175203870, 40.86525611609, 61.29788417414,
        81.73051223219, 95.35226427089, 108.97401630959, 102.16314029024,
        74.91963621284, 47.67613213544, 34.05438009675, 13.6217520387), nrow(riv)))

test_that("evaporation values are set", {
    riv = set_evaporation(riv, rep_len(monthly_evap, nrow(riv)))
    expect_equivalent(riv$E, rep_len(monthly_evap, nrow(riv)))

test_that("evaporation monthly values are set", {
    riv = set_evaporation(riv, monthly_evap)
    expect_equivalent(riv$E, rep_len(monthly_evap, nrow(riv)))

test_that("evaporation values of incorrect length are rejected", {
    expect_error(set_evaporation(riv, monthly_evap[1:5]))

test_that("evaporation with incorrect plant cover is rejected", {
    expect_error(set_evaporation(riv, monthly_evap, plant_cover = -1), "has to be between 0 and 0.75")
    expect_error(set_evaporation(riv, monthly_evap, plant_cover = 0.8), "has to be between 0 and 0.75")

test_that("water use values are set", {
    # time series
    riv = set_wateruse(riv, rep_len(monthly_with, nrow(riv)))
    expect_equivalent(riv$W, rep_len(monthly_with, nrow(riv)))
    # monthly values
    riv = set_wateruse(riv, monthly_with)
    expect_equivalent(riv$W, rep_len(monthly_with, nrow(riv)))
    # constant value
    riv = set_wateruse(riv, monthly_with[1])
    expect_equivalent(riv$W, rep(monthly_with[1], nrow(riv)))

test_that("water use values of incorrect length are rejected", {
    expect_error(set_wateruse(riv, monthly_with[1:5]))

monthly_precip = c(55, 40, 44, 43, 81, 72, 85, 84, 52, 54, 48, 58)

test_that("precipitation monthly values are set", {
    riv = set_precipitation(riv, monthly_precip)
    expect_equivalent(riv$P, rep_len(monthly_precip, nrow(riv)))

test_that("properties are set", {
    simple_reser = as.wateres(data.frame(Q = c(rep(2, 12), rep(0.5, 6)), DTM = seq(as.Date("2000-01-01"), by = "months", length.out = 18)), storage = 1e7, area = 1e4)
    storage_var = 1e6 * c(10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 12, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 14)
    expect_error(set_property(simple_reser, "storage", storage_var), "Incorrect length of storage")
    storage_var = c(storage_var, 12e6)
    simple_reser = set_property(simple_reser, "storage", storage_var)
    expect_equal(attr(simple_reser, "storage"), storage_var)

    storage_monthly = 1e6 * c(1:12)
    simple_reser = set_property(simple_reser, "storage", storage_monthly)
    expect_equal(attr(simple_reser, "storage"), 1e6 * c(1:12, 1:7))

    simple_daily = as.wateres(data.frame(Q = c(rep(2, 20), rep(0.5, 20)), DTM = seq(as.Date("2000-01-01"), by = "days", length.out = 40)),
        time_step = "day", storage = 1e7, area = 1e4)
    simple_daily = set_property(simple_daily, "storage", storage_monthly)
    expect_equal(attr(simple_daily, "storage"), 1e6 * c(rep(1, 31), rep(2, 10)))

    simple_reser = set_property(simple_reser, "storage", 1e7)
    expect_equal(attr(simple_reser, "storage"), rep(1e7, 19))

    expect_error(set_property(simple_reser, "power_max", 0.25), "Unknown property")
    simple_reser = set_property(simple_reser, "yield_max", c(rep(0.25, 6), rep(0.33, 6)))
    expect_equal(attr(simple_reser, "yield_max"), c(rep(0.25, 6), rep(0.33, 6), rep(0.25, 6)))
tgmwri/wateres documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 10:25 p.m.