Man pages for tgrimes/SeqNet
Generate RNA-Seq Data from Gene-Gene Association Networks

add_modules_to_networkInternal function for adding a set of modules to the network
add_random_module_to_networkAdds a random module of a given size to the network
all_networks_contain_same_modulesInternal function to check if a list of networks all contain...
all_networks_contain_same_nodesInternal function to check if a list of networks all contain...
as_single_moduleCollapses all modules in network into a single module
components_in_adjacencyC++ implementation to obtain connected components in a graph.
connect_module_structureConnect disconnected components in an adjacency matrix
create_cytoscape_fileCreate an edge table file for Cytoscape
create_empty_moduleCreate a module
create_empty_networkCreate a network object.
create_module_from_adjacency_matrixCreate a module from an adjacency matrix
create_module_from_association_matrixCreate a module from an association matrix
create_modules_for_networkRandomly sample subsets of genes for each module
create_network_from_adjacency_matrixCreate a network object from adjacency matrix
create_network_from_association_matrixCreate a network object from an association matrix
create_network_from_modulesCreate a network object.
dzinbThe Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
ecdf_cppC++ implementation of empirical CDF
edges_from_adjacency_cppC++ implementation for obtaining an edge list from adjacency...
est_params_from_referenceEstimate ZINB parameters from reference data
gen_gaussianGenerate observations from a Gaussian graphical model.
gen_partial_correlationsGenerate partial correlations for a list of networks.
gen_rnaseqGenerate RNA-seq data from an underlying network
gen_zinbGenerate ZINB counts from an underlying network
get_adjacency_matrixGet adjacency matrix
get_adjacency_matrix.defaultGet adjacency matrix
get_adjacency_matrix.matrixGet adjacency matrix
get_adjacency_matrix.networkGet adjacency matrix
get_adjacency_matrix.network_moduleGet adjacency matrix
get_association_matrixGet association matrix
get_association_matrix.defaultGet association matrix
get_association_matrix.matrixGet association matrix
get_association_matrix.networkGet association matrix
get_association_matrix.network_moduleGet association matrix
get_degree_distributionGet the degree distribution for a network.
get_edge_weights_from_moduleGet edge weights.
get_layout_for_modulesInternal function used to create coordinates based on a set...
get_network_argumentsInternal function used to extract 'network' objects from...
get_network_characteristicsCharacteristics of the network topology
get_network_modulesGet a list of modules from the network
get_node_namesGet node names
get_node_names.defaultGet node names
get_node_names.matrixGet node names
get_node_names.networkGet node names
get_node_names.network_moduleGet node names
get_sigmaGet the covariance matrix
get_sigma.defaultGet the covariance matrix
get_sigma.matrixGet the covariance matrix
get_sigma.networkGet the covariance matrix
get_sigma.network_moduleGet the covariance matrix
get_summary_for_nodeGet summary for a node in the network.
heatmap_networkPlot heatmap representation of a network
is_adjacency_cppC++ implementation to check if a matrix is an adjacency...
is_PDInternal function to check if a matrix is positive definite
is_symmetric_cppC++ implementation to check if a matrix is symmetric
is_weightedCheck if an object is weighted
is_weighted.defaultCheck if an object is weighted
is_weighted.matrixCheck if an object is weighted
is_weighted.networkCheck if an object is weighted
is_weighted.network_moduleCheck if an object is weighted
perturb_networkPerturbs the connections in a network
plot_gene_pairScatter plot of two gene expressions
plot_modulesVisualize a network and its modules
plot_networkVisualize a network
plot.networkPlot function for 'network' object
plot_network_diffPlot the difference between two networks
plot.network_modulePlot function for 'network_module' object.
plot.network_plotPlot function for 'network_plot' class
plot_network_simPlot the similarity between two networks
print.networkPrint function for 'network' object.
print.network_modulePrint function for 'network_module' object.
print.network_plotPrint function for 'network_plot' class
pzinbThe Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
qzinbThe Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
random_moduleCreate a random module
random_module_structureCreate a random network structure for a module
random_networkCreate a network object.
referenceRNA-seq reference dataset
remove_connectionsRemove connections in a network
remove_connections.defaultRemove connections in a network
remove_connections.matrixRemove connections in a network
remove_connections.networkRemove connections in a network
remove_connections.network_moduleRemove connections in a network
remove_connections_to_nodeRemove connections to a node
remove_connections_to_node.defaultRemove connections to a node
remove_connections_to_node.matrixRemove connections to a node
remove_connections_to_node.networkRemove connections to a node
remove_connections_to_node.network_moduleRemove connections to a node
remove_weightsRemoves the weights of all connections
remove_weights.defaultRemoves the weights of all connections
remove_weights.matrixRemoves the weights of all connections
remove_weights.networkRemoves the weights of all connections
remove_weights.network_moduleRemoves the weights of all connections
replace_module_in_networkInternal function for replacing a module in the network
rewire_connectionsRewire connections
rewire_connections.defaultRewire connections
rewire_connections.matrixRewire connections
rewire_connections.networkRewire connections
rewire_connections.network_moduleRewire connections
rewire_connections_to_nodeRewire connections to a node
rewire_connections_to_node.defaultRewire connections to a node
rewire_connections_to_node.matrixRewire connections to a node
rewire_connections_to_node.networkRewire connections to a node
rewire_connections_to_node.network_moduleRewire connections to a node
ring_lattice_cppC++ implementation for creating a ring lattice
rzinbThe Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
sample_link_nodesSample link nodes for new module
sample_module_nodesSample nodes for new module
sample_reference_dataSample genes from reference dataset
set_module_edgesInternal function used to set the edges in a module
set_module_nameSet the name for a module
set_module_weightsInternal function to set the connection weights for a module
set_node_namesSet the node names in a network
update_module_with_random_weightsGenerate small-world network structure for module
tgrimes/SeqNet documentation built on Sept. 1, 2020, 7:50 a.m.