
These are plots obtained using results of phylodynamic analyses. Parameters were estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). You can find the scripts to carry out phylodynamic analyses and MCMC at


This directory contains the plots for comparing the posterior distribution for each parameter we estimated in the phylodynamic analyses using Markov cain Monte Carlo (MCMC).


This directory contains the plots for population attributable fraction (PAF), effective number of infections (sizes) for HIV in Senegal. To generate these plots, maleX parameter that represents the transmission risk ratio of heterosexual males relative to heterosexual females was also estimated.


This directory contains plots for the estimated reproduction number for HIV in Senegal.


Scripts used to generate the plots in the the these directories.

thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.