data_format: Reformat collection dates of HIV samples

View source: R/dating.R

data_formatR Documentation

Reformat collection dates of HIV samples


This function formats dates in YYYY-MM-DD to decimal format. Decimal format is used in tip dating analysis.


data_format(metadata, country)



Object of class dataframe. It contains information on collection dates for HIV sequences in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Object of class character. It should be in the form of "SN" or "SN.CGR".


The returned elements in the list contains 2 dataframes. The first dataframe have all information of collection dates in decimal format, and NA is used for dates in which only part of the collection date is available . For example, when we only know collection date by year and month (YYYY.MM), or year only (YYYY). The second dataframe in the list will have the upper and lower bounds for the samples that we only partially know the collection dates.


A list in which the first element contain information in which the complete collection date is known; the second element of the list contain elements that have missing dating information


# write example here

thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.