post_traj: Calculates trajectories using the posterior distribution

View source: R/miscellaneous.R

post_trajR Documentation

Calculates trajectories using the posterior distribution


Solves the demographic model for each combination of parameter values


post_traj(parameters, THETA)



list of parameter estimations from the posterior distribution


list of parameter values from the Model. Here functions for the linear functions will also de loaded


Note that this function uses dm as an internal object, and this object is used in this function, but I did not pass it as an argument to this function. dm was generated using the function build.demographic.process in the phydynR package. For the function described here we need to source the code for model for any of the subtypes of interest, such as in analyses/scripts/Models/BySubtype/02_AG_m1/1.model.02_AG.R Note that in this example I am also extimating the parameter maleX so the script as it stands here would not work with this example. Initially I was fixing maleX and this function (post_traj) was useful. However, when estimating maleX, the function post_traj_mx should be used instead.


the solved object #to do



thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.