
Defines functions msmspline gpspline calculate_newCases calculate_pafs births_mq births_newCases births_pafs mq_prop median_and_quantiles reorganize_deme_sizes post_traj_mx post_traj organize_metadata setup.model.equations

Documented in births_mq births_newCases births_pafs calculate_newCases calculate_pafs gpspline median_and_quantiles mq_prop msmspline organize_metadata post_traj post_traj_mx reorganize_deme_sizes setup.model.equations

#' Setup Model Equations
#' Function to setup the components of the mathematical model. See \code{\link[phydynR]{build.demographic.process}}
#' for more details
#' @param demes a character vector naming the demes of the mathematical model.
#' @param nondemes a character vector naming the non demes of the mathematical model.
#' @param rcpp if TRUE, the expressions are interpreted as C code using the Rcpp package.
#' @return this function returns a list containing the empty components
#'  (represented by zeros) to build the mathematical model.
#'  These components are the birth, death, migrations, total number of demes and
#'  non-demes of the model.
#'  \itemize{
#'      \item Birth is a vector or matrix describing the model birth rates;
#'      \item Death is a vector describing the model death rates;
#'      \item Migration is a vector or matrix describing the model migration
#'                rates.
#'  }
#' @seealso \code{\link[phydynR]{build.demographic.process}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' demes <- c("gpm", "gpf", "msm", "src")
#' eqns <- setup.model.equations(demes)
setup.model.equations <- function(demes, nondemes = NULL, rcpp = FALSE)
  # size of demes object
  m <- length(demes)
  # size of nondemes object
  mm <- length(nondemes)
  # birth matrix filled with zeros
  b <- matrix('0.', nrow = m, ncol = m)
  # migration matrix filled with zeros
  migs <- matrix('0.', nrow = m, ncol = m)

  rownames(b) = rownames(migs) = colnames(b) = colnames(migs) <- demes

  dths <- setNames(rep('0.', m ), demes)

  ndd <- setNames(rep('0.', mm ), nondemes)

  # return the components of the mathematical model as a list
  list(births = b, migs = migs, deaths = dths,
       nonDemeDynamics = ndd, m = m, mm = mm ,
       demes = demes, nondemes = nondemes)

#' Organize HIV metadata
#' This function aims to organize the HIV metadata in a format that will be more
#' useful for the analysis of HIV transmissions in Senegal using coalescent model.
#' It mainly gets information on different dataframes and organize them so as to
#' create a matrix for the states (demes) on the phylogenetic tree
#' @param metadata_CGR data.frame object that contains metadata for the
#'    CGR (close global reference) sequences. These sequeces will receive
#'    the state "src", a deme in our mathematical model.
#' @param metadata_SN data.frame object that contains all metadata for the
#'    Senegal (SN) sequences. Sequences will receive the states: "gpf", "gpm",
#'    or "msm".
#' @return a data.frame object containing 2 columns. The first column represents
#'    the sequences name, and second column represents the state of the
#'    sequences. In our case, state can be any of the demes (gpf, gpm, msm,
#'    and src).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' all.data.cgr <- read.csv(system.file("data/HIV_subtypes_summary_CGR.csv",
#'                                      package = "senegalHIVmodel"))
#' all.data.SN <- read.csv(system.file("data/HIV_subtypes_summary_SENEGAL_noDups.csv",
#'                                      package = "senegalHIVmodel"))
#' all_data <- organize_metadata(all.data.cgr, all.data.SN)
organize_metadata <- function(metadata_CGR, metadata_SN){

  # Organize metadata for CGR sequences
  metadata_CGR["tip.name"] <- paste(metadata_CGR$Accession_number, "CGR", sep='_')
  metadata_CGR.2 <- metadata_CGR[c("tip.name", "Risk_group")]
  metadata_CGR.2["Sex"] <- NA
  metadata_CGR.2["States"] <- "src"
  metadata_CGR.3 <- metadata_CGR.2[c("tip.name", "States")]

  # Organize metadata for the Senegal sequences
  # It creates a dataframe that will not have metadata with missing information
  metadata_SN$Risk_group <- as.character(metadata_SN$Risk_group)
  metadata_SN$Sex <- as.character(metadata_SN$Sex)

  # Read all metadata that necessary information is missing
  # These are information related to the demes of our model, for example,
  # some sequences we don't have information whether it is a male or female from
  # the general population, or sequences are from Children.
  metadata_SN.2 <- subset(metadata_SN, is.na(Risk_group) == FALSE &
                            Risk_group != "Children" &
                            is.na(Sex) == FALSE)
  metadata_SN.2["tip.name"] <- paste(metadata_SN.2$Accession_number,
                                     "SN", metadata_SN.2$Year, sep='.')
  metadata_SN.3 <- metadata_SN.2[c("tip.name", "Risk_group", "Sex")]
  metadata_SN.3["States"] <- tolower(paste(metadata_SN.3$Risk_group,
                                           metadata_SN.3$Sex, sep = ""))
  metadata_SN.3$States[metadata_SN.3$Risk_group == "MSM"] <- "msm"
  metadata_SN.4 <- metadata_SN.3[c("tip.name", "States")]

  # bind together both dataframes (the one containing metadata for Senegal
  # samples, and the other dataframe containing metadata for CGR sequences)
  all_data <- rbind(metadata_CGR.3, metadata_SN.4)
  all_data$States <- as.factor(all_data$States)



#' Calculates trajectories using the posterior distribution
#' Solves the demographic model for each combination of parameter values
#' @param parameters list of parameter estimations from the posterior distribution
#' @param THETA list of parameter values from the Model. Here functions
#'  for the linear functions will also de loaded
#' @details Note that this function uses dm as an internal object, and this
#' object is used in this function, but I did not pass it as an argument to this
#' function.
#' dm was generated using the function build.demographic.process in the phydynR
#' package. For the function described here we need to source the code for
#' model for any of the subtypes of interest, such as in
#' analyses/scripts/Models/BySubtype/02_AG_m1/1.model.02_AG.R
#' Note that in this example I am also extimating the parameter maleX
#' so the script as it stands here would not work with this example.
#' Initially I was fixing maleX and this function (post_traj) was useful.
#' However, when estimating maleX, the function post_traj_mx should be used
#' instead.
#' @return the solved object #to do
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
post_traj <- function(parameters, THETA){
  # we use unname here because "parameters" can be a vectors or matrix, and
  # sometimes it comes with column names, which I chose to remove these
  # column names here.
  parameters <- unname(parameters)

  # add the values of THETA to a new variable named THETA.new
  THETA.new <- THETA

  # change the values in THETA.new to the new proposals from the MCMC
  # that will be evaluated
  THETA.new$gpsp0 <- parameters[1]
  THETA.new$gpsp1 <- parameters[2]
  THETA.new$gpsp2 <- parameters[3]
  THETA.new$gpsploc <- parameters[4]
  THETA.new$msmsp0 <- parameters[5]
  THETA.new$msmsp1 <- parameters[6]
  THETA.new$msmsp2 <- parameters[7]
  THETA.new$msmsploc <- parameters[8]
  THETA.new$import <- parameters[9]
  THETA.new$srcNe <- parameters[10]
  THETA.new$pmsm2msm <- parameters[11]
  THETA.new$pgpf2gpm <- parameters[12]
  THETA.new$initmsm <- parameters[13]
  THETA.new$initgp <- parameters[14]

  # X0 is the initial conditions for the 4 demes (gpf, gpm, msm, src)
  X0 <- c(gpm = unname(THETA.new$initgp/2),
          gpf = unname(THETA.new$initgp/2),
          msm = unname(THETA.new$initmsm) ,
          src = 1e5)

  # note that dm is an object that I did not pass in this function
  # dm was generated using the function build.demographic.process in the phydynR
  # package. For the function described here we need to source the code for
  # model for any of the subtypes of interest, such as in
  # analyses/scripts/Models/BySubtype/02_AG_m1/1.model.02_AG.R
  # Note that in this example I am also extimating the parameter maleX
  # so the script as it stands here would not work with this example.
  # Initially I was fixing maleX and this function (post_traj) was useful.
  # However, when estimating maleX, the function post_traj_mx should be used
  # instead.
  o <- dm(x0 = X0, t0 = 1980, t1 = 2014, theta = THETA.new, integrationMethod='lsoda')


#' Calculates trajectories using the posterior distrubution when also estimating
#'  maleX
#' Solves the demographic model for each combination of parameter values
#' @param parameters list of parameter estimations from the posterior distribution
#' @param THETA list of parameter values from the Model. Here functions
#'  for the linear functions will also de loaded
#' @details   Note that dm is an internal object that I did not pass as an
#' argument to this function.
#' dm was generated using the function build.demographic.process in the phydynR
#' package. For the function described here we need to source the code for
#' model for any of the subtypes of interest, such as in
#' analyses/scripts/Models/BySubtype/02_AG_m1/1.model.02_AG.R
#' @return the solved object #to do
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
post_traj_mx <- function(parameters, THETA){
  # we use unname here because "parameters" can be a vector or matrix, and
  # sometimes it comes with column names, which I chose to remove these
  # column names here.
  parameters <- unname(parameters)

  # add the values of THETA to a new variable named THETA.new
  THETA.new <- THETA

  # change the values in THETA.new to the new proposals that will be evaluated
  THETA.new$gpsp0 <- parameters[1]
  THETA.new$gpsp1 <- parameters[2]
  THETA.new$gpsp2 <- parameters[3]
  THETA.new$gpsploc <- parameters[4]
  THETA.new$msmsp0 <- parameters[5]
  THETA.new$msmsp1 <- parameters[6]
  THETA.new$msmsp2 <- parameters[7]
  THETA.new$msmsploc <- parameters[8]
  THETA.new$maleX <- parameters[9]
  THETA.new$import <- parameters[10]
  THETA.new$srcNe <- parameters[11]
  THETA.new$pmsm2msm <- parameters[12]
  THETA.new$pgpf2gpm <- parameters[13]
  THETA.new$initmsm <- parameters[14]
  THETA.new$initgp <- parameters[15]

  # X0 is the initial conditions for the 4 demes (gpf, gpm, msm, src)
  X0 <- c(gpm = unname(THETA.new$initgp/2),
          gpf = unname(THETA.new$initgp/2),
          msm = unname(THETA.new$initmsm),
          src = 1e5)

  # note that dm is an object that I did not pass in this function
  # dm was generated using the function build.demographic.process in the phydynR
  # package. For the function described here we need to source the code for
  # model for any of the subtypes of interest, such as in
  # analyses/scripts/Models/BySubtype/02_AG_m1/1.model.02_AG.R
  o <- dm(x0 = X0, t0 = 1980, t1 = 2014, theta = THETA.new, integrationMethod='lsoda')


#' Reorganize by deme size
#' Reorganizes by deme (gpm, gpf and msms) the element size (effective
#' number of infections) in the solved demographic model
#' @param Nrep integer for the number of replicates (number of combination of
#'  parameter values based on the posterior distribution)
#' @param Ntime integer for the number of time points
#' @param sizes list with sizes (effective number of infections) from the
#'    solved demographic model. This is the 4th element of the solved
#'    demographic model. Each element of the list is a list of vectors.
#'    Each row is a mcmc replicate and each column is a time point.
#' @return a list for each deme (gpm, gpf and msm)
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #TO DO
reorganize_deme_sizes <- function(Nrep, Ntime, sizes){
  Ntime <- Ntime; Nrep <- Nrep
  gpm.v <- gpf.v <- msm.v <- matrix(0, nrow=Nrep, ncol=Ntime)

  for (i in 1:Nrep) {
    for (j in 1:Ntime)
      gpm.v[i,j] <- sizes[[i]][[j]][[1]]
      gpf.v[i,j] <- sizes[[i]][[j]][[2]]
      msm.v[i,j] <- sizes[[i]][[j]][[3]]
  return(list(gpm = gpm.v, gpf = gpf.v, msm = msm.v))

#' Calculates the median and quantiles for each deme size
#' Calculates the median and quantiles (0.025 and 0.975) for each deme for the
#' reorganized element size (effective number of infections) of the solved
#' demographic model. See \code{\link{reorganize_deme_sizes}}.
#' @param sizes_list list containg the reorganized element size (effective number
#'  of infections).
#' @param times vector containig the time points used in the simulations
#' @return dataframe for median and quantiles for each deme (gpm, gpmf and msm)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
median_and_quantiles <- function(sizes_list, times){
  # after mapping the gpm, gpf and msm
  # get the median by column because each column represent a time point
  median.gpm <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes_list[["gpm"]], 2, median))
  names(median.gpm) <- "median"
  median.gpf <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes_list[["gpf"]], 2, median))
  names(median.gpf) <- "median"
  median.msm <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes_list[["msm"]], 2, median))
  names(median.msm) <- "median"

  #get quantiles
  quantiles.gpm <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes_list[["gpm"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.gpm) <- c("lower", "upper")
  quantiles.gpf <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes_list[["gpf"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.gpf) <- c("lower", "upper")
  quantiles.msm <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes_list[["msm"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.msm) <- c("lower", "upper")

  gpm.c <- cbind(median.gpm, quantiles.gpm)
  gpm.c["group"] <- "gpm"
  gpf.c <- cbind(median.gpf, quantiles.gpf)
  gpf.c["group"] <- "gpf"
  msm.c <- cbind(median.msm, quantiles.msm)
  msm.c["group"] <- "msm"

  all.c <- rbind(gpm.c, gpf.c, msm.c)
  all.c <- cbind(times, all.c)

  all.c$group <- as.factor(all.c$group)


#' Calculates the proportion of each deme
#' Calculates the proportion of each deme using the sizes element
#' for calculation of median and quantiles (0.025 and 0.975).
#' @inheritParams median_and_quantiles

#' @return dataframe for median and quantiles for each deme (gpm, gpf and msm)
#'    in proportions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
mq_prop <- function(sizes_list, times){
  # calculates the total of gpm + gpf + msm, to later calculate the proportion
  #sum_by_year <- lapply(sizes_list, function(x) apply(x, 2, sum))
  #sum_by_year.m <- do.call(rbind, sum_by_year)
  #total <- apply(sum_by_year.m, 2, sum)

  # calculates the total of gpm + gpf + msm, to later calculate the proportion
  # get the sum per year and per replicate
  sum_by_year <- apply(simplify2array(sizes_list), 1:2, sum)
  sizes2 <- lapply(sizes_list, function(x) x/sum_by_year)

  # after mapping the gpm, gpf and src
  # get the median by column
  median.gpm <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes2[["gpm"]], 2, mean))
  names(median.gpm) <- "mean"
  median.gpf <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes2[["gpf"]], 2, mean))
  names(median.gpf) <- "mean"
  median.msm <- as.data.frame(apply(sizes2[["msm"]], 2, mean))
  names(median.msm) <- "mean"

  #get quantiles
  quantiles.gpm <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes2[["gpm"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.gpm) <- c("lower", "upper")
  quantiles.gpf <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes2[["gpf"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.gpf) <- c("lower", "upper")
  quantiles.msm <- as.data.frame(t(apply(sizes2[["msm"]], 2,
                                           quantile(x, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)))))
  names(quantiles.msm) <- c("lower", "upper")

  gpm.c <- cbind(median.gpm, quantiles.gpm)
  gpm.c["group"] <- "gpm"
  gpf.c <- cbind(median.gpf, quantiles.gpf)
  gpf.c["group"] <- "gpf"
  msm.c <- cbind(median.msm, quantiles.msm)
  msm.c["group"] <- "msm"

  all.c <- rbind(gpm.c, gpf.c, msm.c)
  all.c <- cbind(times, all.c)

  all.c$group <- as.factor(all.c$group)


#' Organizes the solved birth element and calculate pafs
#' @param birth_list list for births
#' @param times time points associated to the birth list
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
births_pafs <- function(birth_list, times){

  #calculate pafs
  pafs <- lapply(birth_list, function(f) t(sapply(f, calculate_pafs)))
  all_data <- births_mq(pafs, times)



#' Organize the solved "births" objects and calculate new HIV cases
#' Funtion that get the list of "births" for more than one combination of
#' parameter values and calculate the new HIV cases for each of these combinations.
#' It calls another function that will calculate the median, upper and lower
#' quantiles for each time point. See \code{\link{births_mq}}
#' @param birth_list list containg the object "births" from the solved demographic
#'   model.
#' @param times time points associated to the birth list
#' @return data.frame object in which columns correspond to times, median,
#'   upper and lower quantiles for the new HIV cases.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
births_newCases <- function(birth_list, times){

  #calculate new HIV cases
  new_cases <- lapply(birth_list, function(f) t(sapply(f, calculate_newCases)))
  all_data <- births_mq(new_cases, times)



#' Calculate median and quantiles when using processed object "births".
#' @param birth_list list for information processed from births object from the
#'   solved demographic object. This can be processed either
#'   by \code{\link{calculate_pafs}} or \code{\link{calculate_newCases}}
#' @param times time points associated to the birth list
#' @return data.frame object in which columns correspond to times, median,
#'   lower and upper quantiles. Two additional columns are also provided
#'   to group data by gpm, gpf, and msm; and by gp and msm (for plotting
#'   purposes)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
births_mq <- function(birth_list, times){
  # calculate median.
  # I used the rationale described here
  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19218475/element-wise-mean-over-list-of-matrices/19218617#19218617
  median.b <- apply(simplify2array(birth_list), 1:2, median)
  #calculate quantiles
  b.q.025 <- apply(simplify2array(birth_list), 1:2, function(x) quantile(x, probs=0.025))
  b.q.975 <- apply(simplify2array(birth_list), 1:2, function(x) quantile(x, probs=0.975))

  #create dataframe for gpm (general population males)
  gpm <- data.frame(median=median.b[,1], lower=b.q.025[,1], upper=b.q.975[,1])
  gpm["group"] <- "gpm"
  gpm["group2"] <- "gp"

  #create dataframe for gpf (general population females)
  gpf <- data.frame(median=median.b[,2], lower=b.q.025[,2], upper=b.q.975[,2])
  gpf["group"] <- "gpf"
  gpf["group2"] <- "gp"

  #create dataframe for msm (men that have sex with other men)
  msm <- data.frame(median=median.b[,3], lower=b.q.025[,3], upper=b.q.975[,3])
  msm["group"] <- "msm"
  msm["group2"] <- "msm"

  all.data <- rbind(gpm, gpf, msm)
  all.data["times"] <-times


#' Calculate the proportion of population attributable fraction (PAF) of
#' transmissions.
#' @param f list of object "births" as returned by the solved demographic model.
#'   (see build.demographic.process function in phydynR)
#' @return the sum of rows in each matrix, which will correspond to PAFs.
#'   Here "births" object is a list in which each element corresponts to a time
#'   point and is a 4 by 4 matrix. See vignette for more details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
calculate_pafs <- function(f){
  paf <- rowSums(f)[1:3]; paf <- paf /sum(paf)

#' Calculate the proportion of new cases
#' @param f list of object "births" as returned by the solved demographic model.
#'   (see dm function in phydynR)
#' @return the sum of columns in each matrix, which will correspond to new HIV
#'   cases. Here "births" object is a list in which each element corresponts to
#'   a time point and is a 4 by 4 matrix. See vignette for more details.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
calculate_newCases <- function(f){
  newCases <- colSums(f)[1:3]; newCases <- newCases /sum(newCases)

#' Calculate the shape of the linear function for the general population
#' @param t a time point
#' @param T0 initial time for simulations
#' @param T1 end time for simulations
#' @param parms list of 4 parameters of the linear functions
#' @return list of points which linearly interpolate with the given data points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
gpspline <- function(t, T0, T1, parms){

  if (t < T0) return(parms$gpsp0)
  if (t > T1) return (parms$gpsp2)
  with(parms, pmax(0.025, approx(x = c(T0, gpsploc, T1),
                                 y = c(gpsp0, gpsp1, gpsp2),
                                 xout = t,
                                 rule = 2)$y))

#' Calculate the shape of the linear function for msm
#' @inheritParams gpspline
#' @return list of points which linearly interpolate with the given data points
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #TO DO
msmspline <-  function(t, T0, T1, parms){

  if (t < T0 ) return(parms$msmsp0 )
  if (t > T1) return (parms$msmsp2 )
  with(parms, pmax(0.025, approx(x = c(T0, msmsploc, T1),
                                 y = c(msmsp0, msmsp1, msmsp2),
                                 xout = t, rule = 2)$y))
thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 28, 2021, 3:11 p.m.