
Defines functions root_drop_tips organize_metadata_bySubtype beast_phydyn replace_values data_format

Documented in beast_phydyn data_format organize_metadata_bySubtype replace_values root_drop_tips

#' Reformat collection dates of HIV samples
#' This function formats dates in YYYY-MM-DD to decimal format. Decimal
#' format is used in tip dating analysis.
#' @param metadata Object of class dataframe. It contains information
#'    on collection dates for HIV sequences in YYYY-MM-DD format.
#' @param country Object of class character. It should be in the form of
#'    "SN" or "SN.CGR".
#' @return A list in which the first element contain information in which the
#'     complete collection date is known; the second element of the list contain
#'     elements that have missing dating information
#' @details The returned elements in the list contains 2 dataframes. The
#'     first dataframe have all information of collection dates in decimal
#'     format, and NA is used for dates in which only part of
#'     the collection date is available . For example, when we only know
#'     collection date by year and month (YYYY.MM), or year only (YYYY). The
#'     second dataframe in the list will have the upper and lower bounds
#'     for the samples that we only partially know the collection dates.
#' @export
#' @examples # write example here
data_format <- function(metadata, country){
  # Some preprocessing to match tip name in the dataframe to tip name in the
  # phylogenetic tree that will be useful when analysing data with treedater
  if(country != "CGR"){
    metadata$tip <- paste(metadata$Accession_number,
  }else{metadata$tip <- paste(metadata$Accession_number, country, sep='_')}

  metadata$date <- paste(metadata$Year, metadata$Month, metadata$Day, sep='-')
  metadata$date_ymd <- lubridate::ymd(metadata$date)
  metadata$decimal <- lubridate::decimal_date(metadata$date_ymd)
  metadata$decimal <- as.factor(metadata$decimal)

  missing_sample <- metadata[is.na(metadata$decimal),]
  missing_sample$lower_date <- paste(missing_sample$Lower_year,
  missing_sample$lower_ymd <- lubridate::ymd(missing_sample$lower_date)
  missing_sample$lower <- lubridate::decimal_date(missing_sample$lower_ymd)

  missing_sample$upper_date <- paste(missing_sample$Upper_year,
  missing_sample$upper_ymd <- lubridate::ymd(missing_sample$upper_date)
  missing_sample$upper <- lubridate::decimal_date(missing_sample$upper_ymd)

  return(list(metadata, missing_sample))

#' Replace tip names used in a phylogentic tree
#' It replaces sample sequence names to reflect the input as expected
#' by PhyDyn in BEAST. This is an internal function used by other functions
#' in this package.
#' @param metadata Object of class dataframe.
#' @return Return HIV sample names by replacing to decimal format the part
#'    of the name separeted by a dash (_) which contains only the year of
#'    sample collection.
#' @examples
#' To do
replace_values <- function(metadata){
  if(grepl("\\.[0-9]+$", metadata["tip"])){
    metadata["tip"] <- gsub('\\.[0-9]+$',
                            paste("_", metadata["decimal"], sep=""),
    metadata["tip"] <- paste(metadata["tip"], metadata["decimal"], sep="_")

#' Convert tips of a phylogentic tree suitable to use with BEAST and phydyn
#' Function that makes some manipulations on dataframes to return a tip name
#' that is suitable to use with phydyn in BEAST. This function was written
#' taking into consideration this specific project and might not work as it is
#' for your own data.
#' @param m.df1 Dataframe object containig information for the Senegal HIV
#'     samples in which metadata associated to it is missing.
#' @param m.cgr.df2 Dataframe object containing information for the CGR sequences
#'     that metadata associated to it is missing.
#' @param df3 Dataframe object for all Senegal sequences
#' @param df4 Dataframe object for all CGR sequences
#' @param all_data Dataframe containing all traits associated to each tip in the
#'     phylogenetic tree
#' @return a dataframe with additional columns representing the tips as
#'     expected by phydyn in BEAST
#' @export
#' @examples TO DO
beast_phydyn <- function(m.df1, m.cgr.df2, df3, df4, all_data){
  # Dataframe for the missing sample date
  missing_sample.df <- rbind(m.df1[c("tip","lower","upper")],

  # adding a middle point to the samples that have missing data
  # in a column named "decimal"
  missing_sample.df["decimal"] <- (missing_sample.df$lower
                                   + missing_sample.df$upper)/2

  # Dataframe containg information for Senegal and CGR sequences. Some values
  # in the decimal column are NA
  hiv.df <- rbind(df3[c("Accession_number","tip","decimal")],
  hiv.df$decimal <- as.character(hiv.df$decimal)
  hiv.df$decimal <- as.numeric(hiv.df$decimal)

  dec.na <- is.na(hiv.df$decimal)

  # Replaces the values in which decimal = NA, to a middle point between lower
  # and upper bounds
  hiv.df$decimal[dec.na] <- missing_sample.df$decimal[match(missing_sample.df$tip,

  # create tips for BEAST analysis, in which dating is the collection date
  # as decimal values, for example, 1998.457
  hiv.df["beast_tip"] <- apply(hiv.df, 1, replace_values)

  hiv.df["phydyn_tip"] <- paste(hiv.df$beast_tip,
                                all_data$States[match(hiv.df$tip, all_data$tip.name)],
                                sep= "_")


#' Organize metadata by HIV subtype.
#' Function that organizes metadata for dating analysis purpose.
#' It will subset data for subtypes B, C and CRF 02_AG, and collection
#' date will be formated as decimal for tip dating analysis
#' @param all_data_SN Object of class dataframe. This dataframe contains
#'    metadata for Senegal sequences
#' @param all_data_CGR Object of class dataframe. This dataframe contains
#'    metadata for CGR sequences
#' @param code If code = 1, it will return as a list dataframes for each subtype,
#'    and collection dates are formatted to decimal. If code = 2, it will return
#'    a list of dataframes for (1) all Senegal and CGR sequences and (2) samples
#'    in which collection date is missing.
#' @return a list of dataframes
#' @export
#' @examples TO DO
organize_metadata_bySubtype <- function(all_data_SN, all_data_CGR, code){

  if(is.numeric(code) == FALSE){
    message("Code should be numeric and equal 1 or 2.
            Read documentation for more details")

  # Metadata for Senegal sequences
  B.SN <- subset(all_data_SN, Subtype == "B")
  C.SN <- subset(all_data_SN, Subtype == "C")
  AG.SN <- subset(all_data_SN, Subtype == "02_AG")

  # Metadata for CGR sequences
  B.CGR <- subset(all_data_CGR, Subtype == "B")
  C.CGR <- subset(all_data_CGR, Subtype == "C")
  AG.CGR <- subset(all_data_CGR, Subtype == "02_AG")

  ##### SUBTYPE B #####
  B.SN.data <- data_format(B.SN, "SN")
  B.SN.df <- B.SN.data[[1]]
  B.missing_sample <- B.SN.data[[2]]

  B.CGR.data <- data_format(B.CGR, "CGR")
  B.CGR.df <- B.CGR.data[[1]]
  B.CGR.df["Sex"] <- NA
  B.CGR.missing_sample <- B.CGR.data[[2]]
  B.CGR.missing_sample["Sex"] <- NA

  ##### SUBTYPE C #####
  C.SN.data <- data_format(C.SN, "SN")
  C.SN.df <- C.SN.data[[1]]
  C.missing_sample <- C.SN.data[[2]]

  C.CGR.data <- data_format(C.CGR, "CGR")
  C.CGR.df <- C.CGR.data[[1]]
  C.CGR.df["Sex"] <- NA
  C.CGR.missing_sample <- C.CGR.data[[2]]
  C.CGR.missing_sample["Sex"] <- NA

  ##### SUBTYPE 02_AG #####
  AG.SN.data <- data_format(AG.SN, "SN")
  AG.SN.df <- AG.SN.data[[1]]
  AG.missing_sample <- AG.SN.data[[2]]

  AG.CGR.data <- data_format(AG.CGR, "CGR")
  AG.CGR.df <- AG.CGR.data[[1]]
  AG.CGR.df["Sex"] <- NA
  AG.CGR.missing_sample <- AG.CGR.data[[2]]
  AG.CGR.missing_sample["Sex"] <- NA

  if(code == 1){
    return(list(B_all_data = B.SN.data,
                C_all_data = C.SN.data,
                AG_all_data = AG.SN.data,
                B_all_CGR = B.CGR.data,
                C_all_CGR = C.CGR.data,
                AG_all_CGR = AG.CGR.data))
  }else if(code == 2){
    data_SN <- rbind(B.SN.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")],
                     C.SN.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")],
                     AG.SN.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")],
                     B.CGR.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")],
                     C.CGR.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")],
                     AG.CGR.df[c("tip", "Sex", "Risk_group", "date_ymd", "decimal")])

    data_missing_sample <- rbind(B.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                    "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                    "lower", "upper")],
                                 C.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                    "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                    "lower", "upper")],
                                 AG.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                     "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                     "lower", "upper")],
                                 B.CGR.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                        "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                        "lower", "upper")],
                                 C.CGR.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                        "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                        "lower", "upper")],
                                 AG.CGR.missing_sample[c("tip", "Sex",
                                                         "Risk_group", "date_ymd",
                                                         "lower", "upper")])
    return(list(SN_df = data_SN, missing_sample = data_missing_sample))


#' Re-root and remove tips in a phylogenetic tree
#' Function that re-roots bootstrap trees and remove outgroup tips
#' (after re-rooting trees) in these trees.
#' @param tree Object of class multiPhylo.
#' @param outgroups Vector of characters containing the names of the
#'    outgroup sequences.
#' @return a list of phylogenetic trees
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # TO DO
root_drop_tips <- function(tree, outgroups){

  # gets the node number in the tree that represents the outgroup sequences
  node <- ape::getMRCA(tree, outgroups)
  res <- try(phytools::reroot(tree, node.number = node, edgelabel = TRUE),
             silent = TRUE)
  # Gets the results of the try function. If error, then the node representing
  # the outgroup sequences was not found. This means that the outgroup sequences
  # did not group together. In this case, first root tree using midpoint rooting
  # then gets the node of the outgroup sequences. It is expected that now the
  # outgroup sequences group together.
  if(class(res) == "try-error"){
    tree <- phytools::midpoint.root(tree)
    node <- ape::getMRCA(tree, outgroups)
    tree.r <- phytools::reroot(tree, node.number = node, edgelabel = TRUE)
    tree.r.new <- ape::drop.tip(tree.r, tip = outgroups)
    tree.r <- phytools::reroot(tree, node.number = node, edgelabel = TRUE)
    tree.r.new <- ape::drop.tip(tree.r, tip = outgroups)
thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.