
#' Merged phylogenetic trees for the 3 HIV-1 subtypes (B, C, and 02_AG)
#' This is a phylogenetic tree to be used with phydyn in BEAST.
#' @name bindTree_for_phydynBeast
#' @section bindTree_CGR_GTR+Gp12+3_droppedTip_phydynBeast.tre:
#' This phylogenetic tree is in the Newick format, and was generated to be used
#' with phydyn in BEAST2. Tip names is such that allows BEAST to get the age of
#' the tips and phydyn to get the trait in the model. Trait in our example is
#' gpm, gpf, msm, and src. For more details see the vignette.

thednainus/senegalHIVmodel documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 5:46 a.m.