
Defines functions isReachable areConnected areNeighbours

Documented in areConnected areNeighbours isReachable

#' Check connectivity of a gGraph object
#' The functions \code{areNeighbours}, \code{areConnected} and the method
#' \code{isConnected} test connectivity in different ways.\cr
#' - \code{areNeighbours}: tests connectivity between couples of nodes on an
#' object inheriting \code{graph} class (like a \linkS4class{graphNEL}
#' object).\cr
#' - \code{areConnected}: tests if a set of nodes form a connected set on a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object.\cr
#' - \code{isConnected}: tests if the nodes of a \linkS4class{gData} object
#' form a connected set. Note that this is a method for \linkS4class{gData},
#' the generic being defined in the \code{graph} package.\cr
#' - \code{isReachable}: tests if one location (actually, the closest node to
#' it) is reachable from the set of nodes of a \linkS4class{gData} object.\cr
#' - \code{connectivityPlot}: plots connected sets of a \linkS4class{gGraph} or
#' a \linkS4class{gData} object with different colors.\cr
#' In \code{connectivityPlot}, isolated nodes (i.e. belonging to no connected
#' set of size > 1) are plotted in light grey.
#' @aliases areNeighbours areConnected isConnected,gData-method isReachable
#' connectivityPlot connectivityPlot-methods connectivityPlot,gGraph-method
#' connectivityPlot,gData-method
#' @param V1 a vector of node names
#' @param V2 a vector of node names
#' @param graph a valid \linkS4class{graphNEL} object.
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph} object.
#' @param nodes a vector of node names
#' @param object a valid \linkS4class{gData} object.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods.
#' @param loc location, specified as a list of two components giving
#' respectively the longitude and the latitude. Alternatively, it can be a
#' matrix-like object with one row and two columns.
#' @param seed an optional integer giving the seed to be used when randomizing
#' colors. One given seed will always give the same set of colors. NULL by
#' default, meaning colors are randomized each time a plot is drawn.
#' @param col.gGraph a character string or a number indicating the color of the
#' nodes to be used when plotting the \linkS4class{gGraph} object. Defaults to
#' '0', meaning that nodes are invisible.
#' @return - \code{areNeighbours}: a vector of logical, having one value for
#' each couple of nodes.\cr
#' - \code{areConnected}: a single logical value, being TRUE if nodes form a
#' connected set.\cr
#' - \code{isConnected}: a single logical value, being TRUE if nodes of the
#' object form a connected set.\cr

#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @name connectivity
#' @examples
#' connectivityPlot(rawgraph.10k)
#' connectivityPlot(worldgraph.10k)

## areNeighbours
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export

areNeighbours <- function(V1, V2, graph) {
  V1 <- as.character(V1)
  V2 <- as.character(V2)
  if (length(V1) != length(V2)) stop("V1 and V2 have different lengths.")

  edg <- edges(graph)

  ## function testing if two nodes are directly connected
  f1 <- function(A, B) {
    return(any(edg[[A]] == B))

  res <- mapply(function(x, y) f1(x, y), V1, V2)

} # end areNeighbours

## areConnected
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
areConnected <- function(x, nodes) { # x is a gGraph
  ## some checks ##
  ## if(!require(RBGL)) stop("RBGL package is required.") not needed
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")
  if (!all(nodes %in% getNodes(x))) stop("Some specified nodes were not found in the gGraph object.")
  nodes <- unique(nodes)

  ## This is now pointless, function is already fast ##
  ##   ## first check that all our nodes are part of an edge ##
  ##     temp <- unique(as.vector(getEdges(x, res.type="matName")))
  ##     nodes.in.edges <- nodes %in% temp
  ##     if(!all(nodes.in.edges)) return(FALSE) # not a connected set if some nodes aren't connected at all

  ## get connected sets ##
  ## !! use RBGL::connectedComp from RBGL rather than connComp from graph
  ## 100 times faster
  connected.sets <- RBGL::connectedComp(getGraph(x))

  ## just keep sets > 1 node
  temp <- sapply(connected.sets, length)
  reOrd <- order(temp, decreasing = TRUE) # sets ordered in decreasing size
  temp <- temp[reOrd]
  if (min(temp) == 1) {
    connected.sets <- connected.sets[reOrd][1:(which.min(temp) - 1)]

  names(connected.sets) <- paste("set", 1:length(connected.sets))

  res <- sapply(connected.sets, function(e) all(nodes %in% e))
  res <- any(res)

} # end areConnected

## isConnected for gData
## the GENERIC of this method is given in package 'graph'
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
setMethod("isConnected", "gData", function(object, ...) {
  ## checks ##
  x <- object
  if (!is.gData(x)) stop("'object' is not a valid gData object.")
  if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)) stop(paste("gGraph object", x@gGraph.name, "not found."))

  ## set args for areConnected ##
  myGraph <- get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)
  myNodes <- getNodes(x)

  ## wrapper ##
  res <- areConnected(myGraph, myNodes)

  ## return res ##
}) # end isConnected for gData

## isReachable
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
isReachable <- function(x, loc) { # x is a gData object
  ## checks ##
  if (!is.gData(x)) stop("x is not a valid gData object.")
  if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)) stop(paste("gGraph object", x@gGraph.name, "not found."))
  mygGraph <- get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  ## get connected sets ##
  connected.sets <- RBGL::connectedComp(getGraph(x))

  ## just keep sets > 1 node
  temp <- sapply(connected.sets, length)
  reOrd <- order(temp, decreasing = TRUE) # sets ordered in decreasing size
  temp <- temp[reOrd]
  if (min(temp) == 1) {
    connected.sets <- connected.sets[reOrd][1:(which.min(temp) - 1)]

  names(connected.sets) <- paste("set", 1:length(connected.sets))

  ## check which set contains refNode ##
  refNode <- closestNode(mygGraph, loc)
  temp <- sapply(connected.sets, function(e) refNode %in% e)
  if (!any(temp)) {
    warning("The reference node is not connected to any node.")
  refSet <- connected.sets[[which(temp)]]

  ## check reachability for each node ##
  myNodes <- getNodes(x)

  f1 <- function(oneNode) { # finds the set in which a node is
    temp <- sapply(connected.sets, function(e) oneNode %in% refSet)

  res <- sapply(myNodes, f1)
  names(res) <- myNodes

  ## return res ##
} # end isReachable

## connectivityPlot
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
setGeneric("connectivityPlot", function(x, ...) {

## gGraph method
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
setMethod("connectivityPlot", "gGraph", function(x, ..., seed = NULL) {
  ## some checks ##
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")

  ## create the .geoGraphEnv if it does not exist
  # am315 This should not be necessary, as .geoGraphEnv should always exist
  # if(!exists(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv)) {
  #     assign(".geoGraphEnv",  new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv), envir=.GlobalEnv)
  #     warning(".geoGraphEnv was not present, which may indicate a problem in loading geoGraph.")
  # }

  # env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir=.GlobalEnv) # env is our target environnement

  ## get connected sets ##
  connected.sets <- RBGL::connectedComp(getGraph(x))

  ## just keep sets > 1 node
  temp <- sapply(connected.sets, length)
  reOrd <- order(temp, decreasing = TRUE) # sets ordered in decreasing size
  temp <- temp[reOrd]
  if (min(temp) == 1) {
    connected.sets <- connected.sets[reOrd][1:(which.min(temp) - 1)]

  names(connected.sets) <- paste("set", 1:length(connected.sets))

  ## define colors ##
  nbSets <- length(connected.sets)
  if (!is.null(seed) && is.numeric(seed)) {

  colSets <- sample(grDevices::rainbow(nbSets))

  myNodes <- getNodes(x)
  col <- rep("lightgray", length(myNodes))
  names(col) <- myNodes

  for (i in 1:nbSets) {
    e <- connected.sets[[i]] # 'e' is a vector of connected nodes
    col[e] <- colSets[i]

  ## call to plot ##
  plot(x, col = col, ...)

  ## save plot param ## (will be used by plot gGraph
  dots <- list(...)
  temp <- get("last.plot.param", envir = .geoGraphEnv)
  if (!is.null(dots$psize)) {
    temp$psize <- dots$psize
  if (!is.null(dots$pch)) {
    temp$pch <- dots$pch
  temp$col <- col
  assign("last.plot.param", temp, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

  ## fix last call ##
  curCall <- sys.call(-1)
  assign("last.plot", curCall, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

}) # end connectivityPlot gGraph

## gData method
#' @rdname connectivity
#' @export
setMethod("connectivityPlot", "gData", function(x, col.gGraph = 0, ..., seed = NULL) {
  ## some checks ##
  if (!is.gData(x)) stop("x is not a valid gData object")

  env <- get(".geoGraphEnv", envir = .GlobalEnv) # env is our target environnement

  ## get connected sets ##
  connected.sets <- RBGL::connectedComp(getGraph(x))

  ## just keep sets > 1 node
  temp <- sapply(connected.sets, length)
  reOrd <- order(temp, decreasing = TRUE) # sets ordered in decreasing size
  temp <- temp[reOrd]
  if (min(temp) == 1) {
    connected.sets <- connected.sets[reOrd][1:(which.min(temp) - 1)]

  names(connected.sets) <- paste("set", 1:length(connected.sets))

  ## define colors ##
  nbSets <- length(connected.sets)
  ## find the number of relevant sets
  nbRelSets <- 0
  myNodes <- getNodes(x)

  for (i in 1:nbSets) {
    if (any(myNodes %in% connected.sets[[i]])) {
      nbRelSets <- nbRelSets + 1

  if (!is.null(seed) && is.numeric(seed)) {
  colSets <- sample(grDevices::rainbow(nbRelSets))

  col <- rep("lightgray", length(myNodes))
  names(col) <- myNodes

  for (i in 1:nbSets) {
    e <- connected.sets[[i]] # 'e' is a vector of connected nodes
    col[names(col) %in% e] <- colSets[i]

  ## call to plot ##
  plot(x, col.ori = col, col.nodes = col, col.gGraph = col.gGraph, ...)

  ## fix last call ##
  curCall <- sys.call(-1)
  assign("last.plot", curCall, envir = .geoGraphEnv)

}) # end connectivityPlot gData
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.