
Defines functions dropDeadNodes dropDeadEdges

Documented in dropDeadEdges dropDeadNodes

## dropDeadEdges

#' Get rid of some 'dead' edges or nodes
#' The functions \code{dropDeadEdges} and \code{dropDeadNodes} are used to
#' remove 'dead edges' and 'dead nodes'.\cr
#' Dead edges are edges associated to a prohibitive cost, that is, edges that
#' no longer imply connectivity between two nodes.\cr
#' Dead nodes are nodes that are not connected to any other node, thus not
#' having any role in the connectivity of a graph.\cr
#' @aliases dropDeadEdges dropDeadNodes
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph}.
#' @param thres a numeric value indicating the threshold cost for an edge to be
#' removed. All costs strictly greater than \code{thres} will be removed.
#' @return A \linkS4class{gGraph} object.

#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(worldgraph.10k, reset = TRUE)
#' x <- dropDeadNodes(worldgraph.10k)
#' plot(x)
#' }
dropDeadEdges <- function(x, thres) { # x is a gGraph object
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object.")
  if (!hasCosts(x)) {

  ## check weights under threshold
  myGraph <- getGraph(x)
  edgeW <- edgeWeights(myGraph)
  edgeL <- edgeL(myGraph)
  toKeep <- lapply(edgeW, function(v) v <= thres)

  newEdgeL <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(edgeL)) {
    newEdgeL[[i]] <- list()
    newEdgeL[[i]]$edges <- edgeL[[i]]$edges[toKeep[[i]]]
    newEdgeL[[i]]$weights <- edgeW[[i]][toKeep[[i]]]

  names(newEdgeL) <- nodes(myGraph) # items of the list must be named

  newGraph <- new("graphNEL", nodes = nodes(myGraph), edgeL = newEdgeL)
  res <- x
  res@graph <- newGraph

} # end dropDeadEdges

## dropDeadNodes
#' @export
dropDeadNodes <- function(x) { # x is a gGraph object
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object.")

  ## get names of connected nodes
  nodes.in.edges <- unique(as.vector(getEdges(x, res.type = "matNames")))

  ## get all nodes
  res <- x[nodes.in.edges]

} # end dropDeadNodes
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.