betas_estimator: Estimate betas per population

View source: R/betas_estimator.R

betas_estimatorR Documentation

Estimate \betas per population


Estimate \betas per population.


betas_estimator(data, strata = NULL, filename = NULL, verbose = FALSE)



14 options for input (diploid data only): VCFs (SNPs or Haplotypes, to make the vcf population ready), plink (tped, bed), stacks haplotype file, genind (library(adegenet)), genlight (library(adegenet)), gtypes (library(strataG)), genepop, DArT, and a data frame in long/tidy or wide format. To verify that radiator detect your file format use detect_genomic_format (see example below). Documented in Input genomic datasets of tidy_genomic_data.

DArT and VCF data: radiator was not meant to generate alleles and genotypes if you are using a VCF file with no genotype (only genotype likelihood: GL or PL). Neither is radiator able to magically generate a genind object from a SilicoDArT dataset. Please look at the first few lines of your dataset to understand it's limit before asking raditor to convert or filter your dataset.


(optional) The strata file is a tab delimited file with a minimum of 2 columns headers: INDIVIDUALS and STRATA. Documented in read_strata. DArT data: a third column TARGET_ID is required. Documented on read_dart. Also use the strata read function to blacklist individuals. Default: strata = NULL.


(optional) The function uses write.fst, to write the tidy data frame in the working directory. The file extension appended to the filename provided is .rad. With default: filename = NULL, the tidy data frame is in the global environment only (i.e. not written in the working directory...).


(optional, logical) When verbose = TRUE the function is a little more chatty during execution. Default: verbose = TRUE.


A list is created with 3 objects: betaiovl: Average \beta_i over loci, Hw: Within population gene diversities Hb: Between populations gene diversities


Thierry Gosselin


Weir, B., Goudet, J. (2017). A Unified Characterization of Population Structure and Relatedness Genetics 206(4), 2085-2103.

Goudet, J., Kay, T., Weir, B. (2018). How to estimate kinship Molecular Ecology 27(20), 4121-4135.


## Not run: 
# Using a  VCF file, the simplest for of the function:
fh <- ibdg_fh(
data = "batch_1.vcf",
strata = "strata.panda.tsv"
# To see what's inside the list
# To view the manhattan plot:
# To view the distribution of FH values:

## End(Not run)

thierrygosselin/radiator documentation built on Nov. 7, 2024, 1:30 p.m.