

cppVirtualNimbleFunctionClass <- setRefClass('cppVirtualNimbleFunctionClass',
                                             contains = 'cppClassDef',
                                             fields = list(
                                                 nfProc = 'ANY'
                                             methods = list(
                                                 initialize = function(nfProc, ...) {
                                                     if(!missing(nfProc)) processNFproc(nfProc)
                                                     useGenerator <<-  FALSE
                                                     baseClassObj <- environment(nfProc$nfGenerator)$contains
                                                     if(is.null(baseClassObj)) {
                                                     } else {
                                                         if(is.character(baseClassObj)) addInheritance(baseClassObj)
                                                         else {
                                                             baseClassName <- environment(baseClassObj)$CclassName
                                                 processNFproc = function(nfp) {
                                                     nfProc <<- nfp
                                                     assign('cppDef', .self, envir = environment(nfProc$nfGenerator))
                                                     for(i in names(nfp$RCfunProcs)) { ## This is what we should do for cppNimbleFunctions too
                                                         functionDefs[[i]] <<- RCfunctionDef(virtual = TRUE, abstract = TRUE)

cppNimbleFunctionClass <- setRefClass('cppNimbleFunctionClass',
                                      contains = 'cppNamedObjectsClass',
                                      fields = list(
                                          ## Inherits a functionDefs list for member functions
                                          ## Inherits an objectDefs list for member data
                                          SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns = 'ANY', ## List of SEXP interface functions, one for each member function
                                          nfProc = 'ANY', ## an nfProcessing class, needed to get the member data symbol table post-compilation

                                          Rgenerator = 'ANY' , ## function to generate and wrap a new object from an R object
                                          built = 'ANY',
                                       	  loaded = 'ANY',
                                       	  Cwritten = 'ANY',
                                          RCfunDefs = 'ANY'
                                          methods = list(
                                              getDefs = function() {
                                                  c(callSuper(), SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns) 
                                              getHincludes = function() {
                                                  c(callSuper(), unlist(lapply(SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns, function(x) x$getHincludes()), recursive = FALSE))
                                              getCPPincludes = function() {
                                                  c(callSuper(), unlist(lapply(SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns, function(x) x$getCPPincludes()), recursive = FALSE))
                                              getCPPusings = function() {
                                                  CPPuse <- unique(c(callSuper(), unlist(lapply(SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns, function(x) x$getCPPusings()))))
                                              genNeededTypes = function(debugCpp = FALSE, fromModel = FALSE) {
                                                  for(i in seq_along(nfProc$neededTypes)) {
                                                      neededType<- nfProc$neededTypes[[i]]
                                                      if(inherits(neededType, 'nfMethodRC')) {
                                                          thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$getRCfunCppDef(neededType, NULLok = TRUE)
                                                          if(is.null(thisCppDef)) {
                                                              thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$needRCfunCppClass(neededType, genNeededTypes = TRUE, fromModel = fromMoel)
                                                              neededTypeDefs[[neededType$uniqueName]] <<- thisCppDef
                                                          } else {
                                                              Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                              CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                      if(inherits(neededType, 'symbolModelValues')) {
                                                          thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$getModelValuesCppDef(neededType$mvSpec, NULLok = TRUE)
                                                          if(is.null(thisCppDef)) {
                                                              thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$needModelValuesCppClass(neededType$mvSpec, fromModel = fromModel)
                                                              mvClassName <- environment(neededType$mvSpec)$className
                                                              neededTypeDefs[[mvClassName]] <<- thisCppDef
                                                          } else {
                                                              Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                              CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                      if(inherits(neededType, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) {
                                                          generatorName <- environment(neededType$nfProc$nfGenerator)$name
                                                          thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$getNimbleFunctionCppDef(generatorName = generatorName)
                                                          if(is.null(thisCppDef)) {
                                                              className <- names(nfProc$neededTypes)[i]
                                                              ##CclassName <- paste0(className,'_nfClass')
                                                              if(neededType$type == 'nimbleFunction')
                                                                  thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$buildNimbleFunctionCompilationInfo(generatorName = generatorName, fromModel = fromModel)
                                                              else if(neededType$type == 'nimbleFunctionVirtual')
                                                                  thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$buildVirtualNimbleFunctionCompilationInfo(vfun = generatorName)
                                                              else stop('symbolNimbleFunction does not have type nimbleFunction or nimbleFunctionVirtual')
                                                              neededTypeDefs[[ className ]] <<- thisCppDef
                                                          } else {
                                                              Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                              CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                          ## ##     if a cppClass doesn't already exist
                                                      ##     if(is.null(thisCppDef)) {
                                                      ##         className <- names(nfProc$neededTypes)[i]
                                                      ##         CclassName <- paste0(className,'_nfClass')
                                                      ##         newCppClass <- makeCppNIMBLEfunction(neededType$generatorFun, CclassName, debugCpp = debugCpp)
                                                      ##         neededTypeDefs[[ className ]] <<- newCppClass
                                                      ##     } else {
                                                      ##         ## Otherwise include the header of the already-existing code
                                                      ##         Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                      ##         CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                      ##     }
                                                      if(inherits(neededType, 'symbolOptimObject')){
                                                      	 cat("Cliff: fill in psuedo code here\n")
                                                      	 generatorName <- getGeneratorNameFromOptimSymbol(neededType)
                                                     	 thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$getOptimObjectCppDef(generatorName)
                                                     	 	thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$buildOptimObjectCppDef(nfSymbol = neededType)
                                                			neededTypeDefs[[ names(nfProc$neededTypes)[i] ]] <<- thisCppDef
                                                			} else {
                                                				Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                				CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                      if(inherits(neededType, 'symbolNimbleFunctionList')) {
                                                          baseClassName <- environment(neededType$baseClass)$name
                                                          thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$getNimbleFunctionCppDef(generatorName = baseClassName)
                                                          if(is.null(thisCppDef)) {
                                                              thisCppDef <- nimbleProject$buildVirtualNimbleFunctionCompilationInfo(vfun = neededType$baseClass)
                                                              neededTypeDefs[[baseClassName]] <<- thisCppDef
                                                          } else {
                                                              Hincludes <<- c(Hincludes, thisCppDef)
                                                              CPPincludes <<- c(CPPincludes, thisCppDef)
                                              initialize = function(nfProc, isNode, debugCpp = FALSE, fromModel = FALSE, ...) {
                                              	RCfunDefs <<- list()
                                                  callSuper(...) ## must call this first because it sets objectDefs to list()
                                                  if(!missing(nfProc)) processNFproc(nfProc, debugCpp = debugCpp, fromModel = fromModel)
                                                  if(isNode) {
                                                      inheritance <<- inheritance[inheritance != 'NamedObjects']
                                                      baseClassObj <- environment(nfProc$nfGenerator)$contains
                                                      if(is.null(baseClassObj)) {
                                                          inheritance <<- c(inheritance, 'nodeFun')
                                                      ## This step is done in buildAll, for node or non-node
                                                      ## else {
                                                      ##     baseClassName <- environment(baseClassObj)$CclassName
                                                      ##     addInheritance(baseClassName)
                                                      ## }
                                                  built <<- FALSE
                                                  loaded <<- FALSE
                                                  Cwritten <<- FALSE
                                              processNFproc = function(nfp, debugCpp = FALSE, fromModel = FALSE) {
                                                  nfp$cppDef <- .self
                                                  nfProc <<- nfp
##                                                  assign('cppDef', .self, envir = environment(nfProc$nfGenerator))
                                                  genNeededTypes(debugCpp = debugCpp, fromModel = fromModel)
                                                  objectDefs <<- symbolTable2cppVars(nfp$setupSymTab)
##                                                  functionDefs <<- nfp$RCfuns
                                                  ## This is slightly klugey
                                                  ## The objectDefs here are for the member data
                                                  ## We need them to be the parentST for each member function
                                                  ## However the building of the cpp objects is slightly out of order, with the
                                                  ## member functions already having been built during nfProcessing.
                                                  for(i in seq_along(functionDefs)) {
                                                      functionDefs[[i]]$args$parentST <<- objectDefs
                                                  SEXPmemberInterfaceFuns <<- lapply(functionDefs, function(x) x$SEXPinterfaceFun)
                                              buildFunctionDefs = function() {
                                                  for(i in seq_along(nfProc$RCfunProcs)) {
                                                      RCname <- names(nfProc$RCfunProcs)[i]
                                                      functionDefs[[RCname]] <<- RCfunctionDef$new()
                                                      functionDefs[[RCname]]$buildSEXPinterfaceFun(className = nfProc$name)
                                                      RCfunDefs[[RCname]] <<- functionDefs[[RCname]]
                                              buildRgenerator = function(where = globalenv(), dll = NULL) {
                                                  sym = if(!is.null(dll))
                                                           getNativeSymbolInfo(SEXPgeneratorFun$name, dll)
                                                  Rgenerator <<- buildNimbleFxnInterface(paste0(name,'_refClass') , .self, sym, where = where)
                                              buildCallable = function(R_NimbleFxn, dll = NULL){
                                              		nfRefClassObject <- Rgenerator(R_NimbleFxn, dll, project = nimbleProject)             
                                              #		$runRelated
                                              #		callFxn = function(...)
                                              #			nfRefClassObject$run(...)
                                              #		environment(callFxn) = new.env(parent = parent.frame() ) 
                                              #		environment(callFxn)$nfRefClassObject = nfRefClassObject
                                              #		return(callFxn)
                                              buildAll = function(where = where) {
                                                  baseClassObj <- environment(nfProc$nfGenerator)$contains
                                                  if(!is.null(baseClassObj)) {
                                                      inheritance <<- inheritance[inheritance != 'NamedObjects']
                                                      baseClassName <- environment(baseClassObj)$name
                                                  buildRgenerator(where = where)
                                              makeCppNames = function() {
                                                  Rnames2CppNames <<- as.list(Rname2CppName(objectDefs$getSymbolNames()))
                                                  names(Rnames2CppNames) <<- objectDefs$getSymbolNames()
                                              buildConstructorFunctionDef = function() {
                                                  code <- putCodeLinesInBrackets(list(namedObjectsConstructorCodeBlock()))
                                                  conFunDef <- cppFunctionDef(name = name,
                                                                              returnType = emptyTypeInfo(),
                                                                              code = cppCodeBlock(code = code, skipBrackets = TRUE))
                                                  functionDefs[['constructor']] <<- conFunDef

compileNimbleFunction <- function(fun, dirName, all.instances = TRUE, individual.instances = NA, name = deparse(substitute(fun) ),  fileName = Rname2CppName(name), writeFiles = !(environment(fun)$Cwritten), compileCpp = !(environment(fun)$compiled), loadSO = !(environment(fun)$loadedSO), debug = FALSE, debugCpp = FALSE, returnInternals = FALSE ) {
    if(missing(dirName))    dirName <- makeDefaultDirName()
        if(!is.nfGenerator(fun)) stop('Error in compileNimbleFunction: fun should be a nimbleFunction generator')
	cppProj <- nfWriteCompileAndLoadSO(RFun = fun, dirName = dirName, name = name, fileName = fileName,
                                           writeFiles = writeFiles, compileCpp = compileCpp, loadSO = loadSO, debug = debug, debugCpp = debugCpp)

        if(returnInternals) return(cppProj)
	if(all.instances == FALSE){
                return(nfBuildCInterface(cppProj, instance = individual.instances, name = name) ) 
                functionList = list()
                for(i in 1:length(individual.instances) ) 
                    functionList[[i]] <- nfBuildCInterface(cppProj, instance = individual.instances[[i]], name = name)

	functionList = list()
	k = length(environment(fun)$instances)
	if(k == 1)
		nfRefClassObject <- environment(fun)$instances[[1]]
		wrappedFunction <- function(...) { nfRefClassObject$run() }
		environment(wrappedFunction) <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
		environment(wrappedFunction)$nfRefClassObject <- nfRefClassObject
		return(nfBuildCInterface(cppProj, instance = wrappedFunction, name = name) )
	for(i in 1:k) {
            nfRefClassObject <- environment(fun)$instances[[i]]
            wrappedFunction <- function(...) { nfRefClassObject$run() }
            environment(wrappedFunction) <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
            environment(wrappedFunction)$nfRefClassObject <- nfRefClassObject
            functionList[[i]] <- nfBuildCInterface(cppProj, instance = wrappedFunction, name = name)

## nf should be a nfProcessing object OR a nimbleFunction (generator or function).
makeCppNIMBLEfunction <- function(nf, name, debug = FALSE, debugCpp = FALSE, isNode = FALSE, where = globalenv()) { 
    if(inherits(nf, 'nfProcessing') | inherits(nf, 'virtualNFprocessing')) {
        if(!missing(name)) {
            writeLines(paste('Warning, name', name, 'will be overwritten by the name of the nfProcessing object', nfp$name))
        name <- nf$name
        nfp <- nf
    } else {
        if(missing(name)) name <- deparse(substitute(nf))
    Cname <- Rname2CppName(name)
    if(is.nf(nf) | is.nfGenerator(nf)) {
        virtual <- FALSE
        if(is.nfGenerator(nf)) {
            if(environment(nf)$virtual) virtual <- TRUE
            nfp <- virtualNFprocessing$new(nf, Cname)
        else {
            genFun <- nf_getGeneratorFunction(nf)
            nfp <- environment(genFun)$nfProc
            if(is.null(nfp)) {
                nfp <- nfProcessing$new(nf, Cname)
                environment(genFun)$nfProc <- nfp
            } else {
        nfp$process(debug = debug, debugCpp = debugCpp)

    if(inherits(nfp, 'nfProcessing')) {
        ans <- cppNimbleFunctionClass$new(name = Cname, nfProc = nfp, isNode = isNode, debugCpp = debugCpp) 
        ans$buildAll(where = where)
    } else {
        if(inherits(nfp, 'virtualNFprocessing'))
            ans <- cppVirtualNimbleFunctionClass(name = Cname, nfProc = nfp)
            stop('Some problem in makeCppNIMBLEfunction')

nfWriteCompileAndLoadSO <- function(RFun, dirName, name = deparse(substitute(RFun)), fileName = Rname2CppName(name),
                                    writeFiles = TRUE, compileCpp = TRUE, loadSO = TRUE, debug = FALSE, debugCpp = FALSE){
    Cname = Rname2CppName(name)
    NFC <- makeCppNIMBLEfunction(RFun, Cname, debug = debug, debugCpp = debugCpp)
    cppProj <- cppProjectClass$new(dirName = dirName)
    cppProj$addClass(NFC, Cname)

        environment(RFun)$Cwritten <- TRUE
    if(compileCpp) {
        environment(RFun)$compiled <- TRUE
    if(loadSO) {
        environment(RFun)$loadedSO <- TRUE

nfBuildCInterface <- function(cppProj, instance, name = deparse(subsitute(RFun) ))
	return( cppProj$cppDefs[[name]]$buildCallable(instance, cppProj$dll ) )
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.