
###		buildNimbleFxnInterface(refname, symbolTable, basePtrCall)
###						This is a function which builds a new reference class around 
###						a function which returns a pointer to a NimbleFxn. 
###						refname will be the name of the new class
###						symbolTable will be a used to determine element types
###						basePtrCall is the C++ call which builds the C++ object
###						i.e. in R .Call(basePtrCall) should return the pointer
###						to our NimbleFunction Class
###						IMPORTANT NOTE: symbolTable MUST match form object pointed to by
###						basePtrCall! In particular, if the symbolTable says an element is a
###						scalar (i.e. nDims = 0) and it's really a NimArr (or vice versa), 
###						attempting to access this element will cause R to crash!

###						Once the new class is built, a new object is create via refname$new()
###						Access to the elements is provided through nimbleFxnObject$Varname

makeNFBindingFields <- function(symTab, cppNames) {
    fieldList = list(.basePtr = "ANY", .DUMMY = "ANY")  # We use this .DUMMY field to trick R into not mistakenly printing
                                        # an error. See initialization function inside buildNimbleFxnInterface
    vNames <- if(missing(cppNames)) names(symTab$symbols) else cppNames
    for(vn in vNames) {
        thisSymbol <- symTab$getSymbolObject(vn)
        if(is.null(thisSymbol)) next
        if(thisSymbol$type == 'model' || thisSymbol$type == 'symbolNodeFunctionVector' || thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector' ||thisSymbol$type == 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector') next ## skip models and NodeFunctionVectors and modelVariableAccessors      
        ptrName = paste0(".", vn, "_Ptr")
        fieldList[[ptrName]] <- "ANY" ## "ANY" 
        ## Model variables:
        if(inherits(thisSymbol,'symbolNimArrDoublePtr')) {
            fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
                function(x) {
                    else {
                        if(!inherits(x, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing ptr ', VPTRname, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x)   
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VPTRname = ptrName ) ) )
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolVecNimArrPtr')){
            fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
                function(x) {
                            if(!inherits(x, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing ptr ', VPTRname, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                            setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x)
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VPTRname = ptrName ) ) )
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNumericList') ) {
            fieldList[[vn]] <- 'ANY'
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) {
            nfName <- paste0(".",vn,"_CnimbleFunction")
            fieldList[[nfName]] <- "ANY" ## This will have the ref class object that interfaces to the C++ nimbleFunction
            fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
                function(x) {
                    else {
                        if(!inherits(x, 'CnimbleFunctionBase')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimbleFunction ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        if(!inherits(x$.basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for nimbleFunction ', NFNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x$.basePtr) ## check field name
                        assign(NFNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE) ## avoids "<<-" warnings
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), NFNAME = as.name(nfName), NFNAMECHAR = nfName) ) )
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValues')) { ## similar behavior to symbolNimArrDoublePtr
            mvName <- paste0(".", vn, "_CmodelValues")
            fieldList[[mvName]] <- "ANY" ## This will have the CmodelValues object
            fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
                function(x) {
                    else {
                        if(!inherits(x, 'CmodelValues')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing modelVaues ', MVNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        if(!inherits(x$extptr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer for modelValues ', MVNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        setDoublePtrFromSinglePtr(VPTR, x$extptr)
                        assign(MVNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE) ## THIS WAY TO AVOID refClass "<<-" warnings 
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), MVNAME = as.name(mvName), MVNAMECHAR = mvName ) ) )
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimPtrList')) { ## for nimbleFunctionList, set up with some partial generality but not all the way
            nflName <- paste0(".",vn,"_CnimbleFunctionList")
            accessorPtrName <- paste0(".", vn, "_setter_Ptr") ## "_setter" part must match nimbleDSL_class_symbolTable symbolNimPtrList 
            fieldList[[accessorPtrName]] <- "ANY"
            fieldList[[nflName]] <- "ANY"
            fieldList[[vn]] <- eval(substitute(
                function(x) {
                    else {
                        if(!inherits(x, 'nimPointerList')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', NFLNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                        if(!checkNimbleFunctionListCpp(x)) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing nimbleFunctionList ', NFLNAMECHAR, '.  Something is not valid in this list.  It may be the contains (base class) value of one or more functions in the list.'), call. = FALSE)
                        setPtrVectorOfPtrs(ACCESSPTR, CONTENTSPTR, length(x$contentsList))
                        for(i in seq_along(x$contentsList)) {
                            if(!inherits(x[[i]]$.basePtr, 'externalptr')) stop(paste('Nimble compilation error initializing pointer ', i, ' of nimPointerList (nimbleFunctionList) ', NFLNAMECHAR, '.'), call. = FALSE)
                            setOnePtrVectorOfPtrs(ACCESSPTR, i, x[[i]]$.basePtr)
                        assign(NFLNAMECHAR, x, inherits = TRUE)
                }, list(NFLNAME = as.name(nflName), NFLNAMECHAR = nflName, CONTENTSPTR = as.name(ptrName), ACCESSPTR = as.name(accessorPtrName) ) ) )
            ## getter: return the nimPointerList set up with the list of CinterfaceObjects
            ## setter: call setPtrVectorOfPtrs(accessorExtPtr, contentsExtrPtr.  Then iterate and call setOnePtrVectorOfPtrs(accessorPtr, i, nimPtrList[[i]]$.basePtr)
        if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolBase')) {
            if(thisSymbol$nDim > 0) {
                eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
                    if(missing(x) ) 
                        setNimValues(VPTR, x)
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VARNAME = vn) ) )
            if(thisSymbol$type == "double"){
                eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
                    if(missing(x) ) 
                       setDoubleValue(VPTR, x)
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VARNAME = vn) ) )
            if(thisSymbol$type == "integer"){
                eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
                    if(missing(x) ) 
                        setIntValue(VPTR, x)                        
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VARNAME = vn) ) )
            if(thisSymbol$type == "logical"){
                eval(substitute( fieldList$VARNAME <- function(x){
                    if(missing(x) ) 
                        setBoolValue(VPTR, x)
                }, list(VPTR = as.name(ptrName), VARNAME = vn) ) )
            warning("Warning: scalar datatype not current supported for variable ", vn, "\n", call. = FALSE)
        warning('Warning in trying to build interface: symbol ', vn, ' not understood.', call. = FALSE)

CnimbleFunctionBase <- setRefClass('CnimbleFunctionBase',
                                   fields = list(
                                       dll = "ANY",
                                       compiledNodeFun = 'ANY',
                                       Robject = 'ANY', ## this should be the refClassObject, not the function
                                       cppNames = 'ANY',
                                       cppCopyTypes = 'ANY',
                                       neededObjects = 'ANY', ## A list of things like modelValues objects, if they don't already exist
                                       nimbleProject = 'ANY'
                                   methods = list(
                                       initialize = function(dll = NULL, project = NULL, test = TRUE, ...) {
                                       		neededObjects <<- list()
                                           if(!test) {
                                               dll <<- dll
                                               if(is.null(project)) {
                                                   warning('Missing project argument in CnimbleFunctionBase, from a nimbleFunction C++ interface. Could crash if there are member objects with project information needed.', call.=FALSE)
                                               nimbleProject <<- project
                                       setRobject = function(Robj) {
                                           if(is.nf(Robj)) Robject <<- nf_getRefClassObject(Robj)
                                           else Robject <<- Robj
                                           Robject$.CobjectInterface <<- .self 
                                       buildNeededObjects = function(Robj) {
                                           ## .modelValuesSymbolTableLibrary should store the right dll- may not be this one
                                           if(missing(Robj)) Robj <- Robject
                                           for(iName in compiledNodeFun$nfProc$neededObjectNames) {
                                               thisObj <- Robj[[iName]]
                                               if(inherits(thisObj, 'modelValuesBaseClass')) {
                                                   if(inherits(thisObj$CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(thisObj$CobjectInterface)) {
                                                       neededObjects[[iName]] <<- nimbleProject$instantiateCmodelValues(thisObj, dll)
                                               if(is.nf(thisObj)) {
                                                   RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj)
                                                   if(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface)) {
                                                 ##  if(!exists('.CobjectInterface', envir = environment(thisObj), inherits = FALSE)) {
                                                       neededObjects[[iName]] <<- nimbleProject$instantiateNimbleFunction(thisObj, dll)
                                               if(inherits(thisObj, 'nimbleFunctionList')) {
                                                   neededObjects[[iName]] <<- nimPointerList(thisObj$baseClass, length(thisObj$contentsList))
                                                   for(i in seq_along(thisObj$contentsList)) {
                                                       RCO <- nf_getRefClassObject(thisObj[[i]])
                                                       if(inherits(RCO$.CobjectInterface, 'uninitializedField') || is.null(RCO$.CobjectInterface)) {
                                                           ##if(!exists('.CobjectInterface', envir = environment(thisObj[[i]]), inherits = FALSE)) {
                                                           neededObjects[[iName]][[i]] <<- nimbleProject$instantiateNimbleFunction(thisObj[[i]], dll)
                                                       } else {
                                                           neededObjects[[iName]][[i]] <<- RCO$.CobjectInterface ##environment(thisObj[[i]])$.CobjectInterface
                                                   names(neededObjects[[iName]]$contentsList) <<- names(thisObj$contentsList)
                                                   thisObj$CobjectInterface <- neededObjects[[iName]]
                                               warning('Warning: object ',iName,' not of a type that can be built.', call. = FALSE)
                                       copyFromRobject = function(Robj) {
                                           if(missing(Robj)) Robj <- Robject
                                           for(v in cppNames) {
                                               if(is.null(cppCopyTypes[[v]])) next
                                               if(is.null(Robj[[v]])) {
                                                   warning("Problem in copyFromRobject.  There is an object to be copied that is NULL.  Going to browser.", call. = FALSE)
                                               if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelVar') {
                                                   modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## this is a singleVarAccessClass created by replaceModelSingles
                                                   Cmodel <- modelVar$model$CobjectInterface
                                                   varName <- modelVar$var
                                                   .self[[v]] <<- .Call('getModelObjectPtr', Cmodel$.basePtr, varName)
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nimbleFunction') {
                                                   modelVar <- Robj[[v]]
                                                   Cnf <- nf_getRefClassObject(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface ##environment(modelVar)$.CobjectInterface
                                                   .self[[v]] <- Cnf
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nimPtrList') {
                                                   if(is.null(Robj[[v]]$contentsList)) {
                                                       warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL. Going to browser', call. = FALSE)
                                                   if(any(unlist(lapply(Robj[[v]]$contentsList, is.null)))) {
                                                       warning('Problem in copying a nimPtrList to C++ object. The contentsList is NULL')
                                                   modelVar <- Robj[[v]] ## This is a nimPtrList 
                                                   Cmv <- modelVar$CobjectInterface ## This was created above in build neededObjects
                                                   .self[[v]] <- Cmv
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelValues') { ## somewhat similar to modelVar
                                                   rModelValues <- Robj[[v]]
                                                   Cmv <- rModelValues$CobjectInterface
                                                   k = getsize(rModelValues)
                                                   resize(Cmv, k)
                                                 	vNames = rModelValues[['varNames']]
                                                 	for(vN in vNames)
                                                 		Cmv[vN,] <- rModelValues[vN,]
                                                 	Cmv$symTab <- rModelValues$symTab	
                                                   .self[[v]] <- Cmv
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'nodeFxnVec') {
                                                   populateNodeFxnVec(fxnPtr = .basePtr, Robject = Robject, fxnVecName = v) 
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelVarAccess'){
                                                   populateManyModelVarAccess(fxnPtr = .basePtr, Robject = Robject, manyAccessName = v)
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'modelValuesAccess'){
                                                   populateManyModelValuesAccess(fxnPtr = .basePtr, Robject = Robject, manyAccessName = v)
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == "modelValuesPtr"){
                                                   curObj <- Robj[[v]]
                                                   mvPtr = curObj$modelValues$CobjectInterface$componentExtptrs[[curObj$var]]
                                                   .self[[v]] <<- mvPtr
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'numericList'){
                                                   rawPtr = .Call('getModelObjectPtr', .basePtr, v)
                                                   .self[[v]] <<- numericList(buildType = 'C', extPtr = rawPtr)
                                                   nRows = Robj[[v]]$nRow
                                                   resize(.self[[v]], nRows)
                                                   for(i in 1:nRows){
                                                       copyDims = max(c(1, dimOrLength[[v]][[i]]) )
                                                       d1 = copyDims[1]
                                                       d2 = copyDims[2]
                                                       d3 = copyDims[3]
                                                       setSize(.self[[v]], i, d1, d2, d3)
                                                       .self[[v]][[i]] <<- Robj[[v]][[i]]
                                               else if(cppCopyTypes[[v]] == 'numeric') {
                                                   .self[[v]] <<- Robj[[v]]
                                                   warning(paste0("Note: cppCopyTypes not recognized. Type = ", cppCopyTypes[[v]], "\n"), call. = FALSE)
                                       lookupSymbol = function(symname) {
                                               stop("No DLL for this object")
                                           getNativeSymbolInfo(symname, dll)

makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes <- function(symTab, cppNames) {
    ans <- list()
    vNames <- if(missing(cppNames)) names(symTab$symbols) else cppNames
    for(vn in vNames) {
        thisSymbol <- symTab$getSymbolObject(vn)
        if(is.null(thisSymbol)) next
        else if(thisSymbol$type == 'Ronly') next ## skip models
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol,'symbolNimArrDoublePtr')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelVar'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNodeFunctionVector'))  { ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nodeFxnVec'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelVariableAccessorVector')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelVarAccess';next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValuesAccessorVector')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValuesAccess';next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolModelValues')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValues'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nimbleFunction'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolVecNimArrPtr')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'modelValuesPtr'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNumericList')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'numericList'; next}
        else if(inherits(thisSymbol, 'symbolNimPtrList')) {ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'nimPtrList'; next}
        else ans[[thisSymbol$name]] <- 'numeric'

makeNimbleFxnInterfaceCallMethodCode <- function(compiledNodeFun) {
    numFuns <- length(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs)
    ans <- quote(list()) 
    if(numFuns == 0) return(ans)
    for(i in seq_along(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs)) {
        ## note that the className is really used as a boolean: any non-NULL value triggers treatment as a class, but name isn't needed
        ans[[i+1]] <- compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs[[i]]$buildRwrapperFunCode(className = compiledNodeFun$nfProc$name, includeLHS = FALSE, returnArgsAsList = FALSE, includeDotSelf = '.basePtr')
    names(ans) <- c('', names(compiledNodeFun$RCfunDefs))
    names(ans)[names(ans) == 'operator()'] <- 'run'

buildNimbleFxnInterface <- function(refName,  compiledNodeFun, basePtrCall, where = globalenv()){
    defaults <- list()
    if(inherits(compiledNodeFun, 'symbolTable')) {
        symTab <- compiledNodeFun
        defaults$cnf <- NULL
        warning('No compiled node function provided, so interface will be incomplete')
    } else {
        symTab <- compiledNodeFun$nfProc$setupSymTab
        defaults$cnf <- compiledNodeFun
    ##  testObj = .Call(basePtrCall)  ## We can no longer do this because we sometimes get here before there C++ code has been compiled and loaded
    ## cppNames = sort(.Call("getAvailableNames", testObj) )
    ## The following is really equivalent, because it comes *directly* from the place that generates the C++ code
    cppNames <- compiledNodeFun$objectDefs$getSymbolNames() 
    NFBF <-  makeNFBindingFields(symTab, cppNames)
    defaults$cppCT <- makeNimbleFxnCppCopyTypes(symTab, cppNames)
    methodsList <- makeNimbleFxnInterfaceCallMethodCode(compiledNodeFun) ##, compiledNodeFun$nfProc)
    defaults$basePtrCall <- basePtrCall
    fun <- substitute(function(nfObject, defaults, dll = NULL, project = NULL, ...){		#cModel removed from here
        defaults$cnf$nfProc$evalNewSetupLinesOneInstance(nfObject, check = TRUE) ## in case this instance was not used during nfProc$process
        callSuper(dll = dll, project = project, test = FALSE, ...)
        basePtrCall <- if(is.character(defaults$basePtrCall)) {
            if(inherits(dll, 'uninitializedField') | is.null(dll)) stop('Error making a nimbleFxnInterface object: no dll provided')
        } else defaults$basePtrCall
        .basePtr <<- .Call(basePtrCall)
        cppNames <<- .Call("getAvailableNames", .basePtr)
        cppCopyTypes <<- defaults$cppCT
        compiledNodeFun <<- defaults$cnf
        vPtrNames <- 	paste0('.', cppNames, '_Ptr')	
        for(vn in seq_along(cppNames) ){
#            vPtrName <- paste(".", vn, "_Ptr", sep = "")
#            eval(substitute(.DUMMY <<- newObjElementPtr(.basePtr, cppNames[vn]), list(.DUMMY = as.name(vPtrNames[vn]) ) ) ) 
            .self[[vPtrNames[vn]]] <- newObjElementPtr(.basePtr, cppNames[vn])
            #.self[[vPtrName]] <- newObjElementPtr(.basePtr, vn)
        if(!missing(nfObject)) {
    }, list())

      # if we just have the name of the routine and haven't resolved it, arrange to resolve it when this initialization
      # function is called.  So change the .Call('name') to .Call(lookupSymbol('name')) which will use this objects
      # dll field.
    ## if(is.character(basePtrCall)) 
    ##     fun[[3]][[3]][[3]][[2]] = substitute(lookupSymbol(symname), list(symname = basePtrCall))

    methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- fun 
    names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'initialize'
    methodsList[[length(methodsList) + 1]] <- quote(function() {
        writeLines(paste0("Derived CnimbleFunctionBase object created by buildNimbleFxnInterface for nimbleFunction with class ", class(Robject)))
    names(methodsList)[length(methodsList)] <- 'show'
    eval(substitute( newClass <-  setRefClass(refName,
                                              fields = FIELDS,
                                              contains = 'CnimbleFunctionBase',
                                              methods = ML,
                                              where = where),
                    list(FIELDS = NFBF, ML = methodsList ) ) )

    ans <- function(nfObject, dll = NULL, project) {
    	wrappedInterfaceBuild <- newClass$new
    	wrappedInterfaceBuild(nfObject, defaults, dll = dll, project = project)
#        newClass$new(nfObject, defaults, dll = dll, project = project)
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.