
nodeFunction <- function(LHS, RHS, name = NA, altParams, logProbNodeExpr, type, setupOutputExprs, evaluate = TRUE, where = globalenv()) {
    if(!(type %in% c('stoch', 'determ')))       stop(paste0('invalid argument to nodeFunction(): type = ', type))
    nodeFunctionTemplate <-
            nimbleFunction(contains      = CONTAINS,
                           setup         = SETUPFUNCTION,
                           methods       = METHODS,
                           name          = name,
                           where = where),
            list(CONTAINS      = ndf_createContains(RHS, type),
                 SETUPFUNCTION = ndf_createSetupFunction(setupOutputExprs),
                 METHODS       = ndf_createMethodList(LHS, RHS, altParams, logProbNodeExpr, type, setupOutputExprs),
                 where         = where)
    if(evaluate)    return(eval(nodeFunctionTemplate))     else       return(nodeFunctionTemplate)

## creates the name of the node class inheritance (nimbleFunction(contains = ....)
ndf_createContains <- function(RHS, type) {
    if(nimbleOptions$compileAltParamFunctions) {
        if(type == 'determ')   tag <- 'determ'
        if(type == 'stoch')    tag <- paste0('stoch_', RHS[[1]])
        containsText <- paste0('node_', tag)

## creates a function object for use as setup argument to nimbleFunction()
ndf_createSetupFunction <- function(setupOutputExprs) {
    setup <- function() {}
    allSetupOutputExprs <- c(quote(model), setupOutputExprs)
    formals(setup) <- nf_createAList(allSetupOutputExprs)

## creates a list of the methods calculate, simulate, and getLogProb, corresponding to LHS, RHS, and type arguments
ndf_createMethodList <- function(LHS, RHS, altParams, logProbNodeExpr, type, setupOutputExprs) {
    if(type == 'determ') {
        methodList <- eval(substitute(
                simulate   = function() { LHS <<- RHS                                                 },
                calculate  = function() { simulate();    returnType(double());   return(invisible(0)) },
                getLogProb = function() {                returnType(double());   return(0)            }
    if(type == 'stoch') {
        methodList <- eval(substitute(
                simulate   = function() { LHS     <<- STOCHSIM                                                        },
                calculate  = function() { LOGPROB <<- STOCHCALC;   returnType(double());   return(invisible(LOGPROB)) },
                getLogProb = function() {                          returnType(double());   return(LOGPROB)            }
            list(LHS       = LHS,
                 LOGPROB   = logProbNodeExpr,
                 STOCHSIM  = ndf_createStochSimulate(RHS),
                 STOCHCALC = ndf_createStochCalculate(LHS, RHS))))
        if(nimbleOptions$compileAltParamFunctions) {
            distName <- as.character(RHS[[1]])
            ## add accessor function for node value; used in multivariate conjugate sampler functions
            typeList <- distributions[[distName]]$types[['value']]
            methodList[['get_value']] <- ndf_generateGetParamFunction(LHS, typeList$type, typeList$nDim)
            ## add accessor functions for stochastic node distribution parameters
            for(param in names(RHS[-1])) {
                typeList <- distributions[[distName]]$types[[param]]
                methodList[[paste0('get_',param)]] <- ndf_generateGetParamFunction(RHS[[param]], typeList$type, typeList$nDim)
            for(i in seq_along(altParams)) {
                altParamName <- names(altParams)[i]
                typeList <- distributions[[distName]]$types[[altParamName]]
                methodList[[paste0('get_',altParamName)]] <- ndf_generateGetParamFunction(altParams[[altParamName]], typeList$type, typeList$nDim)
    ## add model$ in front of all names, except the setupOutputs
    methodList <- ndf_addModelDollarSignsToMethods(methodList, setupOutputExprs)

## changes 'dnorm(mean=1, sd=2)' into 'rnorm(1, mean=1, sd=2)'
ndf_createStochSimulate <- function(RHS) {
    RHS[[1]] <- as.name(distributions[[as.character(RHS[[1]])]]$simulateName)   # does the appropriate substituion of the distribution name
    if(length(RHS) > 1) {    for(i in (length(RHS)+1):3)   { RHS[i] <- RHS[i-1];     names(RHS)[i] <- names(RHS)[i-1] } }    # scoots all named arguments right 1 position
    RHS[[2]] <- 1;     names(RHS)[2] <- ''    # adds the first (unnamed) argument '1'

## changes 'dnorm(mean=1, sd=2)' into 'dnorm(LHS, mean=1, sd=2, log=TRUE)'
ndf_createStochCalculate <- function(LHS, RHS) {
    RHS[[1]] <- as.name(distributions[[as.character(RHS[[1]])]]$densityName)   # does the appropriate substituion of the distribution name
    if(length(RHS) > 1) {    for(i in (length(RHS)+1):3)   { RHS[i] <- RHS[i-1];     names(RHS)[i] <- names(RHS)[i-1] } }    # scoots all named arguments right 1 position
    RHS[[2]] <- LHS;     names(RHS)[2] <- ''    # adds the first (unnamed) argument LHS
    newArgIndex <- length(RHS) + 1
    RHS[newArgIndex] <- 1;      names(RHS)[newArgIndex] <- 'log'      # adds the last argument log=TRUE # This was changed to 1 from TRUE for easier C++ generation

## creates the accessor method to return value 'expr'
ndf_generateGetParamFunction <- function(expr, type, nDim) {
    ans <- try(eval(substitute(
        function() {
        list(TYPE=as.name(type), NDIM=nDim, PARAMEXPR=expr)
    if(inherits(ans, 'try-error')) browser()

## adds model$ on front of all node names, in the bodys of methods in methodList
ndf_addModelDollarSignsToMethods <- function(methodList, setupOutputExprs) {
    for(i in seq_along(methodList)) {
        body(methodList[[i]]) <-addModelDollarSign(body(methodList[[i]]), exceptionNames = as.character(setupOutputExprs))

ndf_createSingleMethod <- function(type, nDim) {
    methodDef <- substitute(function() { returnType(TYPE(NDIM)) }, list(TYPE=as.name(type), NDIM=nDim))
    methodDef[[4]] <- NULL

ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinition <- function(types = list()) {
    methodsList <- lapply(types, function(singleType) ndf_createSingleMethod(type=singleType$type, nDim=singleType$nDim))
    if(length(methodsList) > 0)     names(methodsList) <- paste0('get_', names(methodsList))
    virtualFuncionDef <- substitute(
            contains = 'nodeFun',
            methods = METHODS
        list(METHODS = methodsList)

ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinitionsList <- function() {
    defsList <- list()
    defsList$node_determ <- ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinition()
    for(distName in distributions$namesVector) {
        defsList[[paste0('node_stoch_', distName)]] <- ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinition(distributions[[distName]]$types)

virtualNodeFunctionDefinitions <- ndf_createVirtualNodeFunctionDefinitionsList()
# createNamedObjectsFromList(virtualNodeFunctionDefinitions, writeToFile = 'TEMP_virtualNodeFunctionDefinitions.R')
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.