
NumericListBase <- setRefClass(Class = "NumericListBase")

RNumericList <- setRefClass(Class = "RNumericList",
                            contains = "NumericListBase",
                            fields = list(listType = "character",
                                nDim = "numeric", 
                                Values = "list",
                                nRow = "numeric"),
                            methods = list(initialize = function (listType = "double", nDim = 1, nRow = 1){
                                listType <<- listType
                                nDim <<- nDim
                                nRow <<- nRow
                                Values <<- list()
                                if(nRow >0)
                                    for(i in 1:nRow)
                                        Values[[i]] <<- array(data = 0, dim = rep(1, nDim) )
                                show = function(){
                                    writeLines("R-Based Numeric List")
                                    cat("Number of Dimensions = ", nDim, "Data Type = ", listType, "\nNumber of Rows = ", nRow, "\n" )
                                resize = function(rows){
                                    if(nRow == rows)
                                    else if(nRow > rows){
                                        Values <<- numList$Values[1:rows]
                                        nRow <<- rows
                                    else if(nRow < rows){
                                        ndims = nDim
                                        for(i in (nRow+1):rows)
                                            Values[[i]] <<- array(0, dim = rep(1, ndims))
                                        nRow <<- rows
                                getSize = function(){

setMethod('[[', 'RNumericList',
          function(x, i)

setMethod('[[<-', 'RNumericList',
          function(x, i, value) 
              if(i > x$nRow)
                  stop("Index is higher than max row of numericList")
              rowDims <- dimOrLength(x[[i]])
              inputDims <- dimOrLength(value)
              if(length(rowDims) != length(inputDims) )
                  stop("Incorrect number of dimensions for numericList")
              if(any(rowDims != inputDims) ) 
                  stop("Dimensions of row incorrect. Try resizing row first")
              x$Values[[i]] <- value
numericList <- function(type = double(2), length = 1, buildType = 'R', extPtr = NA){
    typeSub <- substitute(type)
    if(as.character(typeSub[[1]]) == "double")
        type = "double"
    else if(as.character(typeSub[[1]]) == "integer")
        type = "int"
        stop("Specified type not currently supported")
    nDim = typeSub[[2]]
    if(buildType == 'R')
        return(RNumericList(listType = type, nDim = nDim, nRow = length))
    if(inherits(extPtr, 'externalptr') ) 
        return(CNumericList(extPtr = extPtr))
    return(CNumericList( extPtr = .Call('makeNumericList',  as.integer(nDim), type, as.integer(length) ) ) )

#' set the size of a numeric variable in NIMBLE
#' set the size of a numeric variable in NIMBLE.  This works in R and NIMBLE, but in R it usually has no effect.
#' @param numList  This is the object to be resized
#' @param row      Optional argument that is not currently used
#' @param d1       first size
#' @param d2       second size
#' @param d3       third size
#' @author NIMBLE development team
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function is part of the NIMBLE language.  Its purpose is to explicitly resize a multivariate object (vector, matrix or array), currently up to 3 dimensions.  Explicit resizing is not needed when an entire object is assigned to.  For example, in \code{Y <- A \%*\% B}, where A and B are matrices, \code{Y} will be resized automatically.  Explicit resizing is necessary when assignment will be by indexed elements or blocks, or prior to a call to getValues.
#' When executed in R, this works but usually has no effect, because R objects will be dynamically resized anyway.  It is important for it to work so that nimbleFunctions can be executed in R. 
#' At the moment the version that executes in R is primarily defined for numericLists, which are a type to be provided in future versions of NIMBLE.
setSize <- function(numList, row, d1 = NA, d2 = NA, d3 = NA){
    dims = c(d1, d2, d3)
    dims <- dims[!is.na(dims)]
    if(inherits(numList, "RNumericList") ) {
        oldDims = dimOrLength(numList[[row]])
        if(length(oldDims) != length(dims) )
            stop("Wrong number of dimensions")
        numList$Values[[row]] <- array(data = 0, dim = dims)
    if(inherits(numList, "CNumericList") ) 
        jnk <- .Call("resizeNumListRow", numList$valuesPtr, as.integer(row), as.integer(dims) )

CNumericList <- setRefClass(Class = "CNumericList",
                            contains = "NumericListBase",
                            fields = list(listType = "character",
                                valuesPtr = "ANY", 
                                nRow = function(x)
                                        writeLines("Need to set nRow using setRows function")
                            methods = list(initialize = function (extPtr){
                                valuesPtr <<- extPtr
                                show = function(){
                                    writeLines("C-Based Numeric List")
                                        #				cat("Number of Dimensions = ", nDim, "Data Type = ", listType, "\nNumber of Rows = ", getCRows(valuesPtr), "\n" )
                                resize = function(rows){
                                    jnk <- .Call("setNumListRows", valuesPtr, as.integer(rows), FALSE ) 
                                getSize = function()

setMethod('[[', 'CNumericList', 
          function(x, i){
              if(i < 0 | i > x$nRow)
                  stop("Invalid index for this numericList")
              getCNumericListValue(x$valuesPtr, i)
setMethod('[[<-', 'CNumericList',
          function(x, i, value){
              if(i < 0 | i > x$nRow)
                  stop("Invaid index for this numericList")
              setCNumericListValue(x$valuesPtr, value, i)

makeCNumericListPtr <- function(nDims = 1, type = "double", nRows = 1)
	.Call("makeNumericList", as.integer(nDims), as.character(type), as.integer(nRows))
setCNumericListValue <- function(listPtr, values, row)
	jnk <- .Call("setMVElement", listPtr, as.integer(row) , values ) 
getCNumericListValue <- function(list, row)
	.Call("getMVElement", list, as.integer(row))	
getCRows = function(list)
	.Call("getNRow", list)
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.