
Defines functions .code.listing.wrap code.listing

Documented in code.listing

#' @title Read Code from a File according to Parameters given as Strings and Put
#'   it into a Listings Environment
#' @description Read snippets of code from a file, put it into a code
#'   environment. If a github code repository is specified, create a source code
#'   link.
#' @param label the label to use
#' @param caption the caption to put
#' @param language the programming language
#' @param path the path to the file to read
#' @param lines a set of selected lines, given as R integer vector expression
#'   string
#' @param tags the list of marking start and end given as string with
#'   comma-separated values
#' @param basePath the base path against which the \code{path} should be
#'   resolved
#' @param repo a link to the repository, if any is provided
#' @param codeBlockCaptions should we have code block captions?
#' @param removeMetaComments should the meta-comments of the programming
#'   language be removed?
#' @param removeUnnecessary should we remove all annotations?
#' @param numberLines should the lines be numbered?
#' @export code.listing
#' @include logger.R
#' @include codeLoad.R
#' @include codeRead.R
#' @importFrom ore ore.subst ore ore.escape
#' @importFrom utilizeR is.non.empty.string
code.listing <- function(
                      lines="", tags="",
                      numberLines=TRUE) {

  # load the code
  code <- code.load(path, lines, tags, basePath);

  # deal with programming language
  if(is.non.empty.string(language)) {
    language <- tolower(trimws(language));
    if(is.non.empty.string(language)) {
      # pre-process code according to language
      if(removeMetaComments) {
        # deal with meta-comments?

        regexp = NULL;
        if(language=="java") {
          # deal with java
          regexp <- ore(paste("\\s*",
                              sep="", collapse=""),
        } else {
          # deal with R
          if(language == "r") {
            regexp <- ore(paste(ore.escape("#'"),
                                sep="", collapse=""));

        if(!is.null(regexp)) {
          # remove meta comments
          n.old <- nchar(code);

          code  <- ore.subst(regexp, "", code, all=TRUE);
          code  <- force(code);
          if(nchar(code) < n.old) {
            # if the meta-comments were removed, there might be longer trailing space sequences
            .logger("Removed some meta comments from code in file '", path, "'.");
            code <- unlist(strsplit(code, "\n", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]]);
            code <- force(code);
            code <- .remove.trailing.spaces(code, path);
            code <- force(code);

      # should we remove unnecessary stuff and annotations?
      if(removeUnnecessary) {
        n.old <- nchar(code);

        if(language == "java") {
          code.split <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(code, "\n", fixed=TRUE)), which="right");
          if(length(code.split) <= 0L) {
            .exit("Error in file '", path, "', no lines found.");
          # remove trailing string markers
          code.split <- gsub("\\s*(\\/\\/\\$NON-NLS-[1-9]+[0-9]*\\$)+$", "", code.split);
          # removing cosmetic end-of-line "//"s in Java
          code.split <- gsub("\\s*\\/\\/+$", "", code.split);

          code.split.trim <- trimws(code.split);
          for(remove in c("@Override", "@FunctionalInterface")) {
            keep <- (code.split.trim != remove);
            code.split <- code.split[keep];
            if(length(code.split) <= 0L) {
              .exit("Error in file '", path, "', no lines remain after removing annotations.");
            code.split.trim <- code.split.trim[keep];
          if(startsWith(code.split.trim[1L], "package ") &&
             endsWith(code.split.trim[1L], ";")) {
            keep <- 2L:length(code.split);
            code.split <- code.split[keep];
            if(length(code.split) <= 1L) {
              .exit("Error in file '", path, "', no lines remain after removing package declaration.");
            code.split.trim <- code.split.trim[keep];

          suppressWarnings <- startsWith(code.split.trim, "@SuppressWarnings(") &
                              endsWith(code.split.trim, ")");
          code.split <- code.split[!suppressWarnings];
          if(length(code.split) <= 0L) {
            .exit("Error in file '", path, "', no lines remain after removing @SuppressWarnings annotations.");

          code <- paste(code.split, sep="\n", collapse="\n");

          code <- gsub("\nfinal ", "\n", code, fixed=TRUE);
          code <- gsub(" final ", " ", code, fixed=TRUE);
          code <- gsub("(final ", "(", code, fixed=TRUE);

        if(nchar(code) < n.old) {
          # if the unnecessary stuff was removed, there might be longer trailing space sequences
          .logger("Removed some unnecessary stuff from code in file '", path, "'.");
          code <- unlist(strsplit(code, "\n", fixed=TRUE)[[1L]]);
          code <- force(code);
          code <- .remove.trailing.spaces(code, path);
          code <- force(code);
    } else {
      language <- NULL;
  } else {
    language <- NULL;

  # deal with repo
  if(is.non.empty.string(repo)) {
    repo <- trimws(repo);
  } else {
    repo <- NULL;

  # the caption
  if(is.non.empty.string(caption)) {
    caption <- trimws(caption);
    if(is.non.empty.string(caption)) {
      if(is.non.empty.string(repo) && (length(grep("github.com", repo)) > 0L)) {
        if(!(endsWith(repo, "/"))) {
          repo <- paste(repo, "/", sep="", collapse="");
        repo <- paste(repo, "blob/master", sep="", collapse="");
        if(!startsWith(path, "/")) {
          repo <- paste(repo, "/", sep="", collapse="");
        repo <- paste(repo, path, sep="", collapse="");
        # add reference to actual file on github
        caption <- paste(caption, " ([src](", repo, "))",
                         sep="", collapse="");
    } else {
      .exit("Caption of code path '", path, "' cannot just contain white space.");
  } else {
    .exit("Caption of code path '", path, "' cannot be empty.");

  if(is.non.empty.string(label)) {
    label <- trimws(label);
    if(!is.non.empty.string(label)) {
      .exit("Label of code path '", path, "' cannot just contain white space.");
  } else {
    .exit("Label of code path '", path, "' cannot just contain be empty.");

  res <- paste("```{#", label, sep="", collapse="");
  if(!is.null(language)) {
    res <- paste(res, " .", language, sep="", collapse="");
  if(isTRUE(numberLines)) {
    res <- paste(res, " .numberLines", sep="", collapse="");

  # put the captions into the right place
  if(isTRUE(codeBlockCaptions)) {
    res <- paste("Listing: ",
                 sep="", collapse="");
  } else {
    res <- paste(res, " caption=\"",
                 caption, "\"",
                 sep="", collapse="");
  res <- paste("\n\n", res, "}\n", code, "\n```\n",
               sep="", collapse="");
  res <- force(res);

# the internal wrapper
.code.listing.wrap <- function(vec, basePath=NULL, repo=NULL, codeBlockCaptions=TRUE) {
  code.listing(vec[1L], vec[2L], vec[3L], vec[4L], vec[5L], vec[6L], basePath, repo, codeBlockCaptions);
thomasWeise/bookbuildeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 6:31 p.m.