#'Harvestable trees identification
#'@description The function tells you the harvestable volume in the plot, and
#' which trees are harvestable according to your harvestability criteria
#'@param inventory Input inventory (see the inputs formats and metadata in the
#' \code{\link{vignette}}) (data.frame)
#'@param topography Digital terrain model (DTM) of the inventoried plot (LiDAR
#' or SRTM) (\code{\link{DTMParacou}}) (RasterLayer)
#'@param harvestablepolygons Accessible area of the inventoried plot
#' (default: \code{\link{HarvestableAreaDefinition}}) (sf polygons data.frame)
#'@param maintrails Main trails defined at the entire harvestable area (sf polylines)
#'@param plotslope Slopes (in radians) of the inventoried plot (with a
#' neighbourhood of 8 cells) (default: \code{\link{PlotSlope}}) (RasterLayer)
#'@param diversification Taking of other species in addition to the main
#' commercial species (2 levels of commercial species in the
#' \code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}} table) (logical)
#'@param specieslax Allow diversification if stand is too poor, = FALSE by
#' default (logical)
#'@param advancedloggingparameters Other parameters of the logging simulator
#' (\code{\link{loggingparameters}}) (list)
#'@return input inventory with new columns:
#' - The exploitability criteria ("DistCrit", "Slope"(in radians), "SlopeCrit"), and if
#' they are validated for each of the trees ("LoggingStatus").
#' - The probability of a tree having visible defects ("VisibleDefectProba")
#' and the visible defect trees ("VisibleDefect").
#' The function returns the harvestable volume too, in the
#' plot for these criteria.
#'@details Trees will be designated as "**harvestable**" if they:
#'- belonging to species of 1st economic rank or more if diversification
#'- DBH between the MinFD and the MaxFD.
#'- not isolated ( >100m ('IsolateTreeMinDistance' in
#' \code{\link{loggingparameters}})) from other individuals of the same
#' species in the aggregative species case (\code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}},
#' 'Aggregative' column).
#'- on slopes < 22% ('TreeMaxSlope'in \code{\link{loggingparameters}})
#'- off the main trails.
#'Trees with visible defects are identified ('VisiblyDefectModel' in
#''advancedloggingparameters' argument) among the trees with harvestable
#'criteria and are therefore considered 'non-harvestable'.
#'@seealso \code{\link{Paracou6_2016}}, \code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}},
#' \code{\link{DTMParacou}}, \code{\link{PlotSlope}},
#' \code{\link{loggingparameters}}
#'@importFrom dplyr filter mutate select left_join if_else
#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble add_column
#'@importFrom sp coordinates proj4string
#'@importFrom sf st_as_sf st_distance st_contains
#'@importFrom raster crs extract
#'@importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' data(Paracou6_2016)
#' data(DTMParacou)
#' data(PlotSlope)
#' data(SpeciesCriteria)
#' data(HarvestablePolygons)
#' data(MainTrails)
#' inventory <- addtreedim(inventorycheckformat(Paracou6_2016),
#' volumeparameters = ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable)
#' inventory <- ONFGuyafortaxojoin(inventory, SpeciesCriteria)
#' harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory, topography = DTMParacou,
#' harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons, maintrails = MainTrails,
#' plotslope = PlotSlope, diversification = TRUE, specieslax = FALSE,
#' advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())
#' new <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
harvestable <- function(
specieslax = FALSE,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()
# Arguments check
if(!inherits(inventory, "data.frame"))
stop("The 'inventory' argument of the 'harvestable' function must be a data.frame")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(diversification, specieslax), inherits, "logical"))))
stop("The 'diversification' and 'specieslax' arguments of the 'harvestable' function must be logical")
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(topography, plotslope), inherits, "RasterLayer"))))
stop("The 'topography' and 'plotslope' arguments of the 'harvestable' function must be RasterLayer")
# Global variables
Accessible <- Circ <- CircCorr <- CodeAlive <- Commercial <- NULL
Commercial.genus <- Commercial.species <- Condition <- DBH <- NULL
DistCrit <- Family <- VisibleDefect <- VisibleDefectProba <- NULL
DeathCause <- ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable <- Genus <- Logged <- NULL
TimberLoggedVolume <- LoggingStatus <- MaxFD <- MaxFD.genus <- LogDBH <- NULL
MaxFD.species <- MinFD <- MinFD.genus <- MinFD.species <- NULL
NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume <- ParamCrownDiameterAllometry <- PlotSlope <- NULL
PlotTopo <- ProbedHollow <- ProbedHollowProba <- ScientificName <- NULL
Selected <- Slope <- SlopeCrit <- Species <- Species.genus <- NULL
SpeciesCriteria <- Taxo <- Taxo.family <- Taxo.genus <- Taxo.species <- NULL
TreeFellingOrientationSuccess <- TreeHarvestableVolume <- Aggregative <- NULL
TreeHeight <- TrunkHeight <- Up <- UpMinFD <- UpMinFD.genus <- NULL
UpMinFD.species <- VernName.genus <- VernName.genus.genus <- NULL
VernName.species <- VolumeCumSum <- Xutm <- Yutm <- aCoef <- NULL
alpha <- alpha.family <- alpha.genus <- alpha.species <- bCoef <- NULL
beta.family <- beta.genus <- beta.species <- geometry <- idTree <- PU <- NULL
# Calculation of spatial information (distance and slope)
SpatInventory <- inventory %>%
filter(Commercial!= "0") %>% # only take commercial sp, the calculation time is long enough
filter(DBH >= MinFD & DBH <= MaxFD) # already selected commercial DBHs
sp::coordinates(SpatInventory) <- ~ Xutm + Yutm # transform the inventory into a spatial object by informing the coordinates
sp::proj4string(SpatInventory) <- raster::crs(topography) # allocate the Paracou crs to our spatial inventory
SlopeTmp <- as_tibble(raster::extract(x = plotslope, y = SpatInventory)) # extracts the slope values for the inventory spatialized points
SpatInventory <- st_as_sf(SpatInventory) %>% # transforming the spatialized inventory into an sf object
add_column(DistCrit = NA) # Create a default 'DistCrit' = FALSE column
# i = 1
# ProgressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(SpatInventory),style = 3) # Progression bar
# Calculating distances between trees of the same species, in aggregative species case
AggregativeSp <- unique(filter(SpatInventory, Aggregative)$ScientificName)
if(length(AggregativeSp)>0){ # if there are any aggregative species
for (SpecieI in AggregativeSp) { # for each sp
SpatInventorytmp <- SpatInventory %>% # SpatInventorytmp stores only result, that of each turn
filter(ScientificName == SpecieI) %>%
mutate(DistCrit = FALSE)
# SpatInventorytmp <- as_Spatial(SpatInventorytmp)
# distSp <- topoDist(topography = PlotTopo, pts = SpatInventorytmp) # calculates topo distances
# distSp <- as_tibble(distSp)
distSp <- st_distance(SpatInventorytmp)
units(distSp) <- NULL
distSp <- suppressMessages(as_tibble(distSp, .name_repair = "universal"))
distSp[distSp == 0] <- NA # don't take into account the 0's in the matrix, which are the dist from the tree to itself
distSp[distSp == Inf] <- NA # don't take into account the Inf which are the trees outside the plot.
for (ind in 1:dim(distSp)[2]) { # '2' for column
if (all(is.na(distSp[,ind]))) {FALSE # if all the column contains NA it is an Inf so we don't want it
# if the minimum distance to its congeners is < 100, it is harvestable:
SpatInventorytmp$DistCrit[ind] <- min(distSp[,ind],na.rm = TRUE) < advancedloggingparameters$IsolateTreeMinDistance
SpatInventory$DistCrit[SpatInventory$idTree == SpatInventorytmp$idTree[ind]] <- SpatInventorytmp$DistCrit[ind]
# i = i+1 # and inform the progress bar
# setTxtProgressBar(ProgressBar, i)
} # Calculating distances end
SlopeCritInventory <- SpatInventory %>% # SpatInventory <- SpatInventory before
add_column(Slope = SlopeTmp$value) %>% # add slope values per tree
# the NaN are the infinite values, which indicate a plateau so slope = 0:
mutate(Slope = ifelse(is.nan(Slope), 0, Slope)) %>%
mutate(SlopeCrit = if_else(
condition = Slope <= atan(advancedloggingparameters$TreeMaxSlope/100), # if slope <= 22% the tree is exploitable (we are in radian)
FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::select(idTree, DistCrit, Slope, SlopeCrit)
inventory <- inventory %>%
left_join(SlopeCritInventory, by = "idTree") %>%
# Check that the trees are contained in a accessible area (PU)
AccessPolygons <- FilterAccesExplArea(harvestablepolygons = harvestablepolygons, # define accessible areas (PU) from harvestablepolygons
maintrails = maintrails,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())
PUSpatInventory<- SpatInventory %>% mutate(PU = as.vector(sf::st_contains(AccessPolygons, SpatInventory,sparse = F))) %>% # check if trees are contained in PUs
dplyr::select(idTree , PU)
inventory<- inventory %>% left_join(PUSpatInventory, by = "idTree")%>%
# Essences selection
HarverstableConditions <- # = 1 boolean vector
if (diversification || (!diversification && specieslax)) {
inventory$Commercial =="1"| inventory$Commercial == "2" # now or maybe after we will diversify
} else if (!diversification && !specieslax) {
inventory$Commercial == "1" # We will never diversify
# Diameters selection
HarverstableConditions <- HarverstableConditions & (inventory$DBH >= inventory$MinFD & inventory$DBH <= inventory$MaxFD) # harvestable individuals, accord by their DBH
# Select spatially
HarverstableConditions <- HarverstableConditions & (
(!inventory$DistCrit %in% FALSE) & # take the TRUE and NA values
inventory$SlopeCrit %in% TRUE &
inventory$PU %in% TRUE ) # !is.null(ProspectionUnitCode) &
## in a PU
## slope
## isolement
## MainTrails out (only for ONF plots)
inventory <- inventory %>%
mutate(LoggingStatus = ifelse(HarverstableConditions, #Under the above criteria, designate the harvestable species
"harvestable", "non-harvestable")) %>%
mutate(LoggingStatus = ifelse(Commercial == "0", #The non-commercial species are non-harvestable.
"non-harvestable", LoggingStatus)) %>%
mutate(LoggingStatus = ifelse(
!diversification &
specieslax & #designate the secondarily harvestable species, because diversification only if necessary
LoggingStatus == "harvestable" &
Commercial == "2",
"harvestable2nd", LoggingStatus))
# Visible defect trees detection:
inventory <- inventory %>%
mutate(LogDBH = log(DBH)) %>% # DBH is logged in the model
mutate(VisibleDefectProba = ifelse(LoggingStatus == "harvestable" | LoggingStatus == "harvestable2nd",
advancedloggingparameters$VisiblyDefectModel(LogDBH), NA)) %>% # Proba to have defects for each tree
# generate either "1" or "0" randomly for each line, depending on the proba associated with the line:
rowwise() %>%
mutate(VisibleDefect = ifelse(!is.na(VisibleDefectProba),
sample(c(1,0), size = 1, replace = F,
prob = c(VisibleDefectProba, 1-VisibleDefectProba)), NA)) %>% # 1 = visible defects tree, 0 = no visible defects
ungroup() %>%
mutate(VisibleDefect = as.factor(VisibleDefect)) %>%
mutate(LoggingStatus = ifelse(VisibleDefect %in% "1", "non-harvestable", #& !is.na(VisibleDefect)
#compute the harvestable volume in the plot for these criteria
HarvestableTable <- inventory %>%
filter(LoggingStatus == "harvestable")
HVinit <- sum(HarvestableTable$TreeHarvestableVolume)
harvestableOutputs <- list(inventory = inventory, HVinit = HVinit)
return(harvestableOutputs) # return the new inventory and the HVinit
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