
Defines functions raw.texArticle

Documented in raw.texArticle

#' LaTeX Article with all Fig2TeX figures
#' @description
#' After saving TeX snippets into a folder (\code{figPath}) with \code{\link{fig2tex}},
#' then, use this function to generate
#' a main TeX file called \code{fileTeX} that includes all the snippets and after
#' compiling shows a document with all the graphs / images. The main TeX file is
#' saved in the same folder as the \code{figPath}. It will overwrite a file.
#' @param figPath path for figures, should contain tex figure files generated with \code{fig2tex}
#' @param fileTeX name of article that is generated in figPath
#' @seealso \code{\link{fig2tex}}
#' @export
raw.texArticle <- function(figPath,
                           fileTeX = "_main.tex") {
  if (!dir.exists(figPath)) stop("Figure path not found:", figPath)

  figList = dir(figPath, pattern='^[^\\_].*tex$')

  figListTeX = paste0("\\input{{",figList,"}}", collapse="\n")

  texBase = paste0("\\documentclass[11pt]{article}

% Generated with RAWdataR::raw.texArticle()


All figures from directory: ",figPath,"



  writeLines(texBase, fileConn)

thomasgredig/RAWdataR documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 9:46 a.m.