#' Check the Validity of a mass_dataset Object
#' @description
#' This function checks the validity of a mass_dataset object.
#' It performs various checks on the object's slots to ensure they meet the required criteria.
#' @docType methods
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@outlook.com}
#' @param object An object of class \code{mass_dataset}.
#' @return
#' Returns \code{TRUE} if the object is valid, otherwise returns a character vector of error messages.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("expression_data")
#' data("sample_info")
#' data("variable_info")
#' object <-
#' create_mass_dataset(expression_data = expression_data,
#' sample_info = sample_info,
#' variable_info = variable_info)
#' check_mass_dataset_class(object)
check_mass_dataset_class <-
function(object) {
errors <- character()
##check variable_info format
if (all(colnames(object@variable_info) != "variable_id")) {
msg <- "variable_info must have variable_id."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (sum(duplicated(object@variable_info$variable_id)) > 0) {
msg <- "variable_id has duplicated items."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
##check sample_info format
if (all(colnames(object@sample_info) != "sample_id")) {
msg <- "sample_info must have sample_id."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (sum(duplicated(object@sample_info$sample_id)) > 0) {
msg <- "sample_id has duplicated items."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (all(colnames(object@sample_info) != "class")) {
msg <- "sample_info must have class."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# if (any(is.na(object@sample_info$class))) {
# msg <- "class should not have NA."
# errors <- c(errors, msg)
# }
##check sample_info_note format
if (nrow(object@sample_info_note) > 0) {
if (all(colnames(object@sample_info_note) != "name")) {
msg <- "sample_info_note must have column: name."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (all(colnames(object@sample_info_note) != "meaning")) {
msg <- "sample_info_note must have column: meaning"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
##check variable_info_note format
if (nrow(object@variable_info_note) > 0) {
if (all(colnames(object@variable_info_note) != "name")) {
msg <- "variable_info_note must have column: name."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (all(colnames(object@variable_info_note) != "meaning")) {
msg <- "variable_info_note must have column: meaning"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
###expression_data and sample_info
if (ncol(object@expression_data) != nrow(object@sample_info)) {
msg <-
"expression_data's column number should be same with sample_info's row number."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
} else{
if (sum(colnames(object@expression_data) != object@sample_info$sample_id) > 0) {
msg <-
"expression_data's column names must be identical with sample_info's sample_id."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
###expression_data and variable_info
if (nrow(object@expression_data) != nrow(object@variable_info)) {
msg <-
"expression_data's row number should be same with variable_info's row number."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
} else{
if (sum(rownames(object@expression_data) != object@variable_info$variable_id) > 0) {
msg <-
"expression_data's row names must be identical with variable_info's variable_id"
errors <- c(errors, msg)
###sample_info and sample_info_note
if (nrow(object@sample_info_note) > 0) {
if (ncol(object@sample_info) != nrow(object@sample_info_note)) {
msg <-
"sample_info's column number should be same with sample_info_note's row number."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
} else{
if (sum(colnames(object@sample_info) != object@sample_info_note$name) > 0) {
msg <-
"sample_info's column names must be identical with sample_info_note's name."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
###variable_info and variable_info_note
if (nrow(object@variable_info_note) > 0) {
if (ncol(object@variable_info) != nrow(object@variable_info_note)) {
msg <-
"variable_info's column number should be same with variable_info_note's row number."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
} else{
if (sum(colnames(object@variable_info) != object@variable_info_note$name) > 0) {
msg <-
"variable_info's column names must be identical with variable_info_note's name."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0)
#' @title S4 Class Representing a mass_dataset
#' @description
#' The \code{mass_dataset} class is designed to hold various types of data
#' related to mass spectrometry experiments, including expression data,
#' MS2 data, annotation tables, and other related information.
#' @slot expression_data A data.frame containing the expression data.
#' @slot ms2_data A list containing MS2 data.
#' @slot annotation_table A data.frame containing annotation information.
#' @slot sample_info A data.frame containing sample information.
#' @slot variable_info A data.frame containing variable information.
#' @slot sample_info_note A data.frame containing notes about the sample information.
#' @slot variable_info_note A data.frame containing notes about the variable information.
#' @slot process_info A list containing information about the data processing steps.
#' @slot other_files A list containing other related files.
#' @slot version A character string indicating the version of the dataset.
#' @slot activated A character string indicating which slot is currently activated for manipulation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a new mass_dataset object
#' new_data <- new("mass_dataset",
#' expression_data = data.frame(),
#' ms2_data = list(),
#' annotation_table = data.frame(),
#' sample_info = data.frame(),
#' variable_info = data.frame(),
#' sample_info_note = data.frame(),
#' variable_info_note = data.frame(),
#' process_info = list(),
#' other_files = list(),
#' version = "1.0",
#' activated = "expression_data")
#' }
#' @name mass_dataset-class
#' @rdname mass_dataset-class
#' @docType class
#' @exportClass mass_dataset
Class = "mass_dataset",
expression_data = "data.frame",
ms2_data = "list",
annotation_table = "data.frame",
sample_info = "data.frame",
variable_info = "data.frame",
sample_info_note = "data.frame",
variable_info_note = "data.frame",
process_info = "list",
other_files = "list",
version = "character",
activated = "character"
validity = check_mass_dataset_class
#' Create a New mass_dataset Object
#' @description
#' This function creates a new mass_dataset object
#' by taking in various data frames and performing checks on them.
#' @docType methods
#' @author Xiaotao Shen
#' \email{shenxt1990@@outlook.com}
#' @param expression_data MS1 peak table name.
#' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/massdataset/articles/data_import_and_export.html}
#' @param sample_info Sample information name.
#' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/massdataset/articles/data_import_and_export.html}
#' @param variable_info MS1 peak table name.
#' Columns are samples and rows are variables.
#' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/massdataset/articles/data_import_and_export.html}
#' @param sample_info_note Sample information name.
#' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/massdataset/articles/data_import_and_export.html}
#' @param variable_info_note Sample information name.
#' \url{https://tidymass.github.io/massdataset/articles/data_import_and_export.html}
#' @return An object of class \code{mass_dataset}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("expression_data")
#' data("sample_info")
#' data("sample_info_note")
#' data("variable_info")
#' data("variable_info_note")
#' object =
#' create_mass_dataset(
#' expression_data = expression_data,
#' sample_info = sample_info,
#' variable_info = variable_info,
#' sample_info_note = sample_info_note,
#' variable_info_note = variable_info_note
#' )
#' object
create_mass_dataset <-
variable_info_note) {
check_result <-
expression_data = expression_data,
sample_info = sample_info,
variable_info = variable_info,
sample_info_note = sample_info_note,
variable_info_note = variable_info_note
if (stringr::str_detect(check_result, "error")) {
if (missing(sample_info_note)) {
sample_info_note <-
name = colnames(sample_info),
meaning = colnames(sample_info),
check.names = FALSE
if (missing(variable_info_note)) {
variable_info_note <-
name = colnames(variable_info),
meaning = colnames(variable_info),
check.names = FALSE
process_info = list()
parameter <- new(
Class = "tidymass_parameter",
pacakge_name = "massdataset",
function_name = "create_mass_dataset()",
parameter = list("no" = "no"),
time = Sys.time()
process_info$create_mass_dataset = parameter
old_rownames <- rownames(expression_data)
expression_data <- as.data.frame(expression_data)
rownames(expression_data) <- old_rownames
sample_info <- as.data.frame(sample_info)
variable_info <- as.data.frame(variable_info)
sample_info_note <- as.data.frame(sample_info_note)
variable_info_note <- as.data.frame(variable_info_note)
object <- new(
Class = "mass_dataset",
expression_data = expression_data,
ms2_data = list(),
annotation_table = data.frame(),
sample_info = sample_info,
variable_info = variable_info,
sample_info_note = sample_info_note,
variable_info_note = variable_info_note,
process_info = process_info,
version = as.character(utils::packageVersion(pkg = "massdataset"))
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